Monday, July 21, 2014

5 Ways to Detox Fluoride – Extremely Important – Fluoride Treatment

It should be outrageous to think that the very water we drink is poisoned—but the water actually is.

Although calcium fluoride is found naturally in underground and ocean water, the sodium fluoride added to the public water supply is virtually toxic, a wolf in the sheep’s garb of improved dental health.

Fluoride Treatment - Iodine 
While too much iodine is linked to hypothyroidism, so is too little. The good thing about iodine is that it increases urine irrigation of sodium fluoride as calcium fluoride. Although it does take some calcium with it (calling for an adjustment in diet or calcium supplementation), iodine and lecithin both remove fluoride from the body. You can place a quarter sized spot of Iodine on your skin, each day. Discontinue if you notice allergic reactions.

Though originally from Africa, tamarind is a staple in Ayurvedic medicine that can be made into a tea or tincture that pushes fluoride out in urine.

Liver Cleanse
Because the liver is responsible for clearing toxins out of the body, it makes sense to go through a liver cleanse to detox from fluoride. You can do a standard cleanse at home over a week or so; just be sure to undergo a safe and trustworthy cleanse per instructions.

If the cleanse is absolutely not for you (although you can read up on 5 reasons you should do it today), you can cleanse your liver daily with these liver cleansing foods. Cleansing the liver is essential for fluoride treatment.

The next time you’re shopping for laundry detergent, scoop up a box of Borox, which contains boron. Pour 1/32 of a teaspoon (up to ¼ teaspoon) into a liter of distilled water and sip it throughout the day. (Yes, this is safe.) Not only will the box last forever, you can use it to do some eco-friendly cleaning around the house, too.

Dry Saunas
Intense but safe sweating from heat as well as exercise brings out sodium fluoride from fatty tissues. Just be sure to keep hydrating—with distilled water—and to protect your kidneys with chickweed tea.

As with any kind of detox, use caution and go at the pace that feels good for you and your body. In addition to detoxing the fluoride out, you can also limit the amount of fluoride coming in by investing in a water system that filters out fluoride, such as a reverse osmosis water system.

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