Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Difference Between Fallen Angels, Demons, Aliens, Jedi, and the Watchers

    In these last days, the Bible says it will be a time of mass hybridization and the mixture and corruption of human DNA by fallen angels, also known as "Aliens."
      The government is and has been, conditioning the existence of aliens through Hollywood, science fiction, cartoons, and other sources. However, they are not telling you the whole truth.
      These Aliens are not ascended masters, or enlightened ones, or beings from galaxies millions of miles away, nor are they our forefathers or original creators. They are fallen angels who were kicked out of heaven for their rebellion against the headship of God, and they believe they have one last chance to try to usurp His authority. They know He is coming to the earth to destroy them once and for all, (Battle of Armageddon) and to gather those who are His and to establish His reign on earth.
      The Lord has told me that in the coming days, these Aliens will make their presence more visibly and physically known on earth.
      As the end times approach, the lies of extra terrestrial lineage, heritage, and creation will come out in full force.
Two Separate Rebellions in the Early Days
      Most people are familiar with the rebellion of Satan wanting to be like God and wanting to be worshipped as God. For his sins of rebellion and pride, he lost his rulership over the planets he resided over and lost his place in heaven as a high ranking archangel.
      What most people do not realize is that  the rebellion of Satan's, leading 1/3 of the angels to try to usurp God's authority, and the rebellion of the Watchers are two separate events.
     The Watcher's were not a part of  Satan's rebellion; they created their own rebellion against God by deciding to leave their first estate which was heaven, and go to the earth to cohabitate with human women. Why doesn't the church ever address this issue? In fact, why did they try to cover it up by leaving Enoch out of the canon version of the Bible, and then manipulate the meaning "sons of God."  They mistranslated Sons of God, (angels of God) creating some ridiculous theory suggesting it to mean Sons of Seth.  People bought that explanation because they did not realize there was such a huge difference in changing that text around and it would keep them from the truth and allow the churches to cover it up.
       Enoch was one of the greatest Prophets of God to have ever walked the Earth. In his lifetime he wrote 365 books. We have one of them. Where are the others? Are they lost or being kept hidden? It is in Enoch where we first learn about the rebellion of the Watchers, the angels assigned to watch over and guard over the earth
In Enoch
Chapter 6:1 it says..
1 And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters.
2 And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: 'Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men
3 and beget us children.' And Semjaza, who was their leader, said unto them:
      Enoch then continues to discuss a deal he makes with fellow Watchers to all commit the same sin.
      In verse 7, it says that there were 200 chiefs on the summit of Mount Hermon, which is located on the border of Lebanon and Syria and stands over 9,000 feet high. They agreed to come to earth and cohabitate with women.
      These 200 chiefs were each in charge of tens of thousands of other Watchers. So how many fell with them.We do not know, maybe they all did. That would put the number into the hundreds of thousands that fell from heaven and came to earth.
Chapter 7
1 And all the others together with them (this indicates their armies did follow them) took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms
2 and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. And they
3 became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed
4 all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against
5 them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and
6 fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood (cannibalism). Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.

Chapter 8
1 And Azazel taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all
2 colouring tinctures. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they
3 were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjaza taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, 'Armaros the resolving of enchantments, Baraqijal (taught) astrology, Kokabel the constellations, Ezeqeel the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiel the signs of the earth, Shamsiel the signs of the sun, and Sariel the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven .
Chapter 9
1 And then Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel looked down from heaven and saw much blood being
2 shed upon the earth, and all lawlessness being wrought upon the earth. And they said one to another: The earth made without inhabitant cries the voice of their cryings up to the gates of heaven.
3 And now to you, the holy ones of heaven, the souls of men make their suit, saying, "Bring our cause
4 before the Most High. And they said to the Lord of the ages: Lord of lords, God of gods, King of kings, and God of the ages, the throne of Thy glory (standeth) unto all the generations of the
5 ages, and Thy name holy and glorious and blessed unto all the ages! Thou hast made all things, and power over all things hast Thou: and all things are naked and open in Thy sight, and Thou seest all
6 things, and nothing can hide itself from Thee. Thou seest what Azazel hath done, who hath taught all unrighteousness on earth and revealed the eternal secrets which were (preserved) in heaven, which
7 men were striving to learn: And Semjaza, to whom Thou hast given authority to bear rule over his associates. And they have gone to the daughters of men upon the earth, and have slept with the
9 women, and have defiled themselves, and revealed to them all kinds of sins. And the women have
10 borne giants, and the whole earth has thereby been filled with blood and unrighteousness. And now, behold, the souls of those who have died are crying and making their suit to the gates of heaven, and their lamentations have ascended: and cannot cease because of the lawless deeds which are
11 wrought on the earth. And Thou knowest all things before they come to pass, and Thou seest these things and Thou dost suffer them, and Thou dost not say to us what we are to do to them in regard to these.
Chapter 10

1 Then said the Most High, the Holy and Great One spake, and sent Uriel to the son of Lamech
2 and said to him: Go to Noah and tell him in my name "Hide thyself!" and reveal to him the end that is approaching: that the whole earth will be destroyed, and a deluge is about to come
3 upon the whole earth, and will destroy all that is on it. And now instruct him that he may escape  
       The following verses and chapters talk about their judgment and confinement, then in chapter 15 Yahweh speaks to Enoch directly, who the Watchers had approached to intercede for them on their behalf ..
 Chapter 15
1 And He answered and said to me, and I heard His voice: Fear not, Enoch, thou righteous
2 man and scribe of righteousness: approach hither and hear my voice. And go, say to the Watchers of heaven, who have sent thee to intercede for them: "You should intercede" for men, and not men for you: Wherefore have ye left the high, holy, and eternal heaven, and lain with women, and defiled yourselves with the daughters of men and taken to yourselves wives, and done like the children
4 of earth, and begotten giants (as your) sons? And though ye were holy, spiritual, living the eternal life, you have defiled yourselves with the blood of women, and have begotten (children) with the blood of flesh, and, as the children of men, have lusted after flesh and blood as those also do who die
5 and perish. Therefore have I given them wives also that they might impregnate them, and beget
6 children by them, that thus nothing might be wanting to them on earth. But you were formerly
7 spiritual, living the eternal life, and immortal for all generations of the world. And therefore I have not appointed wives for you; for as for the spiritual ones of the heaven, in heaven is their dwelling.

8 And now, the giants, who are produced from the spirits and flesh, shall be called evil spirits upon
9 the earth, and on the earth shall be their dwelling. Evil spirits have proceeded from their bodies; because they are born from men and from the holy Watchers is their beginning and primal origin;
10 they shall be evil spirits on earth, and evil spirits shall they be called. [As for the spirits of heaven, in heaven shall be their dwelling, but as for the spirits of the earth which were born upon the earth, on the earth shall be their dwelling.]
11 And the spirits of the giants afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle, and work destruction on the earth, and cause trouble: they take no food, but nevertheless
12 hunger and thirst, and cause offences. And these spirits shall rise up against the children of men and against the women, because they have proceeded from them.
      These are the demons we deal with, that most confuse as aliens. The demons roam the earth and torment mankind, causing them to sin and everything else.
      These passages describe the first Watchers rebellion against the Lord. They came to earth, impregnated human women, and produced giant offspring. God then destroyed the world with a Flood to get rid of them.  But it did not stop the rebellions. Genesis 6:4 states that even after the flood some of the Watchers continued to rebel against God and come to earth. At the time Israel left Egypt, they had to conquer some 20 cities of the Watchers giant children to reclaim the land of Israel as their own. The Watchers were known as the Annunaki, or the heroes of old, men of renown as mentioned in Genesis 6:4.
     In Genesis, Chapter 6, from the Jewish translation of the Torah it says:
      “When men began to increase on earth and daughters were born to them, the divine beings saw how beautiful the daughters of men were and they took wives from among those that pleased them....It was then, and later too, that the Nephilim appeared on earth - when the divine beings cohabited with the daughters of men, who bore them offspring. They were the heroes of old, the men of renown." 
      In the Sumerian language, the term Annunaki meant "from heaven who came to earth"
Fallen Angels
      The Bible is full of accounts of Israel dealing with hybrids. Genesis 6:4 says, "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that." They are also referred to as Rephaim, Annunaki (sons of Annuk), Emim, Zamzummim, "also after that" is referring to the Nephilim who were again found in the land of Canaan Numbers: 13:33, "And there we saw giants, the sons of Annak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, so we were in their sight."  The word Nephilim means "violent"  "causing to fall"  "wonder"  "prodigies" or "monsters"
      When fallen angels shape-shift into a human form, they can have intercourse but not without some aberrant genetic changes. The union of these beasts with humans produced children that were different in many ways. The first apparent difference was that they developed giantism. They were giants or Nephilim. Og, the King of Bashan, had a bed that was 13 to 15 feet long; and Goliath was 6 cubits tall (9 feet). The second aberration was that they had six fingers and six toes.
      The aberrant genetic defects of the Nephilim were unfortunately cloned into the DNA of mankind.  These dormant genetic tendencies still surface today at times in different people; however, most of the noticeable DNA defects have been perfected over the centuries to where hybrids can easily be born into a society that never suspects them of being other than completely human.  The Watchers are a guardian class of angels that were assigned to watch over the earth and protect mankind from just this sort of thing happening.  The offspring giants never went out of existence; they just went "underground" to return later, which is now, during these last days.
      According to the Bible, the Book of Enoch, Jubilees, Jasher, and Testimony of the Twelve Patriarchs, they rebelled against God and attempted to enslave the whole world and provoke God. According to the Book of Jasher, they not only tweaked with the D.N.A. of mankind but also with the animals. They may have produced such beasts as the Pegasus, Minotaur, the unicorn, and the dinosaurs.
      In the past, scholars speculated that one day it would be hybridization which would create the antichrist and that these fallen angel-Aliens would develop and produce a creature that is fully fallen angel and fully man. A bastard angelic incarnation. 
       The antichrist will be Satan's seed--a Nephilim. See Genesis 3:15, Genesis 6:4, and Revelation 13. This will probably include cloning and a hybrid or of the serpent seed illuminati-bloodline.
       All along, the abductions of humans breeding experiments was to perfect the ultimate breed, half man, half alien to produce Satan incarnate in man. And they have it now, and they have Mabus waiting for his cue to descend to earth.
       There are those who believed all the giant offspring and offspring of the fallen angels were destroyed during the flood. Not true. The Philistines were hybrids, giants i.e. Goliath. As were most of the races that Joshua and Israel had to conquer once Israel  was freed from Egypt.
       The Bible states that in the end times it will be just like the days of Noah.  (Matthew 24:37-38, Luke 17:26)  Also we believe that in Genesis 6:2 that the sons of God were fallen angels.  We believe this from Job 1:6, II Peter 2:4-5, Jude 1:6 (Very important verse, "did not keep their own domain"), I Peter 3:18-20 and Revelation 9:1-12.
       In the days of Noah, the fallen angels were mixing/breeding with the daughters of men (such as what the greys are doing now to humans, read about the Dulce Base). We have many hybrids in our midst, most notably the rise of "star" children who have "special" skills and talents highlighted in the movie X2 Men, released in 2003. 
       The mixing of genes which started with  Cain's daughters, the women of Cainan,  created a DNA defect called giantism. Their children were giants. Some were 30 feet tall.   Demons are the spirits of the dead Nephilim (I'll just refer to Nephilim as a collective term to include all the races of the Annunaki offspring).  Jedi, refers to all of the fallen angels who have ever rebelled against the Lord and were cast out of heaven. A collective term for Lucifer, his forces, and the Watchers-Annunaki.
       The Bible Codes confirm that the Annunaki, had offspring called the Nephilim that were giants. The Annunaki are the Watchers. There are two different Factions within the Annunaki: the Enki and the Enlil. The draconians infiltrated and inbred within both groups of the Annunaki.  The Draconians are red dragons, the same as Lucifer is.
       There are groups of fallen angels competing for global dominance and control within the Third Faction of the New World Order.
       These are the games they play. One group plays as good shepherds claiming to want to help mankind while they kidnap, mutilate, implant, impregnate, and use human body parts as a skin rejuvenation and coloring maintenance technique.
       The other faction plays as protectors and basic non-interventionists, the good cop/bad cop strategy.  We all know that when someone says they aren't in your business that that is exactly what they are into. Both of these factions seek to destroy and dominate earth, setting up the path and reign of Satan, also known as the Antichrist. Of course, they will not tell you who he really is, he will play the role of Ascended Master, Wise one, Great Teacher, Peacemaker, Messiah, a great world leader, or whatever else they can sell to a gullible population of earthlings.  
       There are two factions or groups within the Annunaki, known as the Enki and the Enlil.
The Enki faction of the Anunnaki 
      Includes but not limited to:
Greys from Zeta Reticulum (small greys with the oversized heads who like to mutilate and experiment on humans), also includes Tall Greys (from Orion),
Reptilians (Earth based), Lizards. These are notably in charge of establishing a one world government through our political leaders. Shape-shift into human form and also use humans as hosts to possess and work through.
 Draco-Reptilians from Orion, the ones really running the show while the others do their bidding. It is the Dracos who are the rulers over the greys and the reptilians. (There are some who believe the Nordic humanoids are Reptilians in disguise). The draco's are shape-shifters, they are annunaki - lizard, they are the ones coming on Planet X (Rahab).  The Draconians are red dragons. Lucifer himself lost his once held beauty and was turned into an ugly red dragon. The Reptilians (lizards), greys, and others are all classes of what we call aliens, but were once beautiful angels.
Annunaki - those who joined in Lucifer's rebellion against the Lord.
-and the Enki faction of the Anunnaki, also draconian, inhabitants of Rahab, (giant humanoids from their home planet Nibiru, a group of them stayed on earth while the others allegedly left to return sometime soon).
       These are the ones who seek to harm and destroy mankind, and will do so, as they rule and dominant the earth with Satan and the New World Order.
The Enlil faction of the Anunnaki
       The Enlil play a more protective role of Earth. They hate the Draconians and their ruler, Satan.  
       The Draconians are the archenemy of the Nordics. The Nordics hate them. They hate Satan, they hate the NWO. The coming planet X is more draconians/annunaki, shape-shifting lizards/humanoid Giants to help Satan dominate and rule the world during the tribulation period.
       The Draconians are the dominant race of the (Enki), and the Nordics and other humanoid groups are the dominant races of the (Enlil).
       What gets confusing is that humanoid races joined with the Dracos, so the humanoids are in both groups.
       The Nordics and other humanoid races are largely very human in appearance, approximately 7-8 feet tall, blonde hair, blue eyes (Aryans). Hitler referred to them as "the master race." Ever wonder why Hitler was so obsessed with a master race of Aryans when he was Jewish?
      The Nordics and other human looking alien races were also at one time beautiful angels. Although they did not lose their good looks and forced to look like the ugly beings of Lucifer and his angels were, they were cast out of heaven, nonetheless, and lost the qualities of being angels.
      This Enlil faction includes the human looking groups, such as:
Nordics (Lyra); Also live in an underground city underneath Mount Shasta. Human looking, tall blondes.
Sirians (Sirius B); human looking
Pleiedians, from the belt of Orion, human looking.
Alpha Centaurians - human looking
Venusians - human looking
       The ancient Sumerians had their ancient culture saturated with the Annunaki. The name Sumerian means, "who from heaven came." The Sumerians and the Egyptians were both Alien-hybrid races.
       The Bible says Lucifer resides in the first and second heavens (space); that is where he resides, and not in hell, as many believe.  Satan has dominion over the first and second heavens but not over all the alien races, only those who rebelled with him specifically and not those who rebelled later.
       He rules from Orion and is a winged Draconian. He is not omniscient, or omnipresent, thus he needs his minions to cover a lot of territory on the earth to keep up with what is going on in what we call reconnaissance and spying. Are UFO's real? Yes, they have vehicles to travel in, but these are not Aliens from galaxies in other universes, but from our own solar system and own outer space.
      As in the days of Noah, so shall the last days be. Although the humanoid races tend to stay out of earth affairs and tend to uphold a neutral stand and just watch everything, the Luciferian groups of aliens (greys, reptilians) will run rampant on the earth, and are doing so already. 
       But we have not seen anything yet like we are going to in the near future.
       They have perfected DNA manipulation and can look human while being hybrid/demon/aliens, (such as "star children" hybrids) with the ability to shape-shift into their original form and then back into a human form. No, this is not science fiction or Saturday morning cartoon central.
       This is real!  Fiction, Cartoons, X-Files, this was/ is just conditioning to get you and your children used to seeing these things happen and to just accept it when it starts to happen more in the future, exposing it instead of keeping it behind closed doors. 
        If you want to know what is going on, sometimes the best information is in the tabloids disguised as fiction or in Hollywood movies, where they often reveal plans and agendas disguised as entertainment. One of the more notable quotes I've never forgotten was one of the last lines in a movie I watched last year from XMen 2 in which one of the hybrids says, "We've been playing by your rules long enough. Now, maybe, it's time you started to play by ours"  
       Phil Schneider  a civil engineer contracted to build secret underground facilities for clandestine organizations (the ones dealing with these "aliens" and signing treaties with them), described the evidence he encountered that ETs would be the true rulers of a one world government, and was a reason why he and many others left the 'service' of US based clandestine organizations. Schneider was killed in what appears to be a naval assassination hit.
       In fact, whenever you start to talk about or expose the government's involvement with aliens, their treaties with them or their plans, you become a target, just as Bill Cooper, former navy intelligence officer, who wrote "Behold a Pale Horse." He was gunned down in a stand off with Sheriff Deputies at his home last year.
       Many have tried to wake up and warn the public about the aliens in our midst, I encourage you to read The Dulce Base book on my website at thewatcherfiles.com. It is  all there. You can read all of it right from the website. Also, the Cosmic Conflict series that is on the website has great insight and information concerning what the government keeps from the public.
       The Veil is being lifted, and the time will come when men will reject sound doctrine and accept doctrine of devils; (aliens) through false prophets (todays pastors). The time is coming when we will see with through the spiritual realm and those in it. Fallen Angel Hybrids and Reptilian Draconians Masquerading as Ascended Masters, our Creators, and Beings of Light; they will deceive the world and prepare the heralding of their master...the Antichrist.
       They were here before, and They will come back again
       According to the prophecy of Daniel, they will do it again in the 4th and final kingdom of the beast. "They will mingle with the seed of men." Daniel 2: 43.  It is this UFO phenomena, once revealed, that could be the trigger of the falling away (apostasy) of the church as predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3.
       The Bible warns that because the 'world' rejects the truth of the Bible that God "will send them a strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they may all be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness." 2 Thessalonians 2:11.   
       I believe the coming delusion or  'lie' is coming right from the UFO/New Age phenomena. The UFO cults say that the aliens are the Elohim, that they are our "God" (gods) that they are our forefathers and they created us and are returning to help us restore peace on the earth, -This is THE LIE this is also the driving force behind the New World Order that they're not telling you about!
     The truth is, an alien or demonic invasion isn't coming..it's already here
     For some reason most of church believes the Nephilim race was destroyed by the flood..then where did Goliath come from? The Amalek, the Kenites, all the 18 hybrid cities Joshua destroyed to reclaim the land of Israel? They didn't go anywhere, except maybe underground..to perfect dna mixing..to come out again in the last days undetected.
     They have perfected the giant gene defect. In fact, now they can shop in our stores, sit next to us on a bus, and most wouldn't know any different. They look human..but they are not. They are the tares sown into the wheat.
    The church has been silent about UFOs and abductions. About hybridization, fetus thefts, the impregnation of women by these beings.
     Now that they've assimilated into our population as star children, politicians and civilians, who can detect them?
By Sherry Shriner   http://www.orgoneblasters.com - Defeat the Alien New World Order

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Gardening, Wild Foraging and Self Sufficiency

These are what I consider to be, essential or very helpful books and information (all free downloads) for the times we're living in and coming into rapidly.

The City People's Book Of Raising Food
[link to www.scribd.com]

Encyclopedia of country living Carla Emery
[link to www.scribd.com]

Vegetable Gardening Encyclopedia With Special Herb Section
[link to www.scribd.com]

Gardening Without Irrigation - Dry Farming
[link to www.scribd.com]

Intensive Gardening For Profit And Self Sufficiency
[link to www.scribd.com]

Joy of Gardening
[link to www.scribd.com]

Indoor Gardening Secrets
[link to www.scribd.com]

Wild Edibles - Nutrition & Medicine
[link to www.scribd.com]

Herbal Manual - Herbal Medicine 1936
[link to www.scribd.com]

Culpeper's The Complete Herbal
[link to www.scribd.com]

Edible And Medicinal Plants
[link to www.scribd.com]

survival - how to make herbal preparations
[link to www.scribd.com]

Edible Rooftop Gardening
[link to www.scribd.com]

Handbook of Herbs and Spices, Vol. 1 - K. Peter
[link to www.scribd.com]

Handbook of Herbs and Spices, Vol. 2 - K. Peter
[link to www.scribd.com]

Culinary Herbs: Their Cultivation Harvesting Curing and Uses by Kains, M. G.
[link to www.scribd.com]

How-To Hydroponics - A HowTo Guide to Soilfree Gardening
[link to www.scribd.com]

Bill Mollison - Permaculture design course
[link to www.scribd.com]

Saving Your Own Vegetable Seeds
[link to www.scribd.com]

Organic Gardener's Composting by Steve Solomon
[link to www.scribd.com]

Growing & Curing Tobacco
[link to www.scribd.com]

Organic Tobacco Production
[link to www.scribd.com]

grow organic potatoes
[link to www.scribd.com]

Home Composting Bins
[link to www.scribd.com]

Organic Insecticides For The Garden; Home & Garden
[link to www.scribd.com]

[link to www.fastonline.org]

An Integrated Fish Culture Hydroponic Vegetable Production System
[link to www.fastonline.org]

The One Straw Revolution _excellent (no tilling or plowing) permaculture
link to ebooks.du.ac.in]

Food Preservation _Cooking, Canning, Curing, etc.

Preserving Food: Drying Fruits And Vegetables - Nutrition
[link to www.scribd.com]

Complete Guide To Home Canning
[link to www.scribd.com]

Canning Meat, Wild Game, Poultry, & Fish Safely
[link to www.scribd.com]

Preparing And Canning Fermented Food And Pickled Vegetables
[link to www.scribd.com]

Every Step in Canning
[link to www.scribd.com]

Small-Scale Food Drying Technologies
[link to www.scribd.com]

Field Care Of Harvested Big Game
[link to www.scribd.com]

How To Build A Wood-Fired Oven & Start A Home Bakery
[link to www.scribd.com]

Solar Cookers - Natural Living
[link to www.scribd.com]

Earth-Friendly Cooking Technologies
[link to www.scribd.com]

Solar Distillation & Water Purification
[link to www.scribd.com]

Rain Water Harvesting
[link to www.scribd.com]

How To Make An Upesi Stove
[link to www.scribd.com]

Wood Conserving Cook Stoves - A Design Guide
[link to www.scribd.com]

How To Make Liquor With Fruit And Berries
[link to www.scribd.com]

Cheese Making Made Easy
[link to www.scribd.com]

Cheese Making
[link to www.scribd.com]

Canning Meat, Wild Game, Poultry, & Fish Safely
[link to www.scribd.com]

USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning

Guide 1, Principles of Home Canning
link to www.uga.edu]

GUIDE 2: Selecting, Preparing, and Canning Fruit and Fruit Products
link to www.foodsaving.com]

GUIDE 3: Selecting, Preparing, and Canning Tomatoes and Tomato Products
link to www.foodsaving.com]

GUIDE 4: Selecting, Preparing, and Canning Vegetables and Vegetable Products
link to www.foodsaving.com]

GUIDE 5: Preparing and Canning Poultry, Red Meats, and Seafoods
link to www.foodsaving.com]

GUIDE 6: Preparing and Canning Fermented Foods and Pickled Vegetables
link to www.foodsaving.com]

GUIDE 7: Preparing and Canning Jams and Jellies
link to www.foodsaving.com]

Handpumps for Domestic Rainwater Tanks
link to www.cd3wd.com]

Using Treadle Pumps
link to www.cd3wd.com]

Treadle Pumps _Non-motorized Irrigation
link to www.cd3wd.com]

Recommendations for Designing Rainwater Harvesting System Tanks
link to www.cd3wd.com]

Water Well Manual
link to www.scribd.com]

Windmill Construction Manual
link to www.scribd.com]

Heating, Energy and Fuel

Solar Water Heaters
[link to www.scribd.com]

Water as Fuel
[link to www.scribd.com]

Run Car on Water - stanley meyer resonant electrolysis cell system collection
[link to www.scribd.com]

Homemade Batteries [2003, 14 Pages]
[link to www.scribd.com]

Wind Energy Systems
[link to www.scribd.com]

Wood Burning Handbook
[link to www.scribd.com]

Oil Drum Stove For Cooking And Water Heating
[link to www.scribd.com]

Water Power For The Farm
[link to www.scribd.com]

Pumping Water For Irrigation Using Solar Energy
[link to www.scribd.com]

Generator Power For The Homestead
[link to www.scribd.com]

How To Make Biodiesel Fuel
[link to www.scribd.com]

Build Your Own Biogas Generator
[link to www.scribd.com]

Using A Biogas Digester
[link to www.scribd.com]


Small-Scale Chicken Production
[link to www.scribd.com]

The Homesteader's Handbook To Raising Small Livestock
[link to www.scribd.com]

A Poultry Mini-Manual
[link to www.scribd.com]

Small-Scale Freshwater Fish Farming
[link to www.scribd.com]

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nearly 100 documents!
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Foxfire Four
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Hoppe's Guide To Gun Care
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This is a great resource site for homesteaders, people interested in sustainability and survival techniques. There is so much here that the site deserves its own listing.

Downloading directly from the site is free, but does require sign up and some information (including info on what you plan on doing with the materials provided). It's worth it!
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This is yet another almost incredible information resource for all things homestead. It will take time, but is well worth the dig and everything is available for free download.
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DIY Pest Control


Plant a garlic clove beside the plant you want to protect. Pests of all kinds will stay away. Do not plant garlic near peas.

Basil near tomatoes will repel worms and flies. 
Plant onions near carrots and beets. Onions and garlic will protect your lettuce and beans from Japanese beetles, carrot flies and aphids.
Pour boiling water on ant hills to kill ants quickly.  

To protect cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts from the cabbage moth, use mint, sage, dill, and thyme. Do not plant cabbage near strawberries.

To deter ants, use equal parts of vinegar and water to wash your countertops, floors, cabinets, etc.
Try leaving an open bottle of pennyroyal or citronella oil in your room if mosquitoes are a problem indoors. You can also rub a little apple-cider vinegar on your skin to serve as a repellant.


Aphids and spiders will stay away from plants that have been sprayed with dishwashing liquid mixed with water. Aphids will also stay away from anise and coriander.

 Use a bit of cinnamon in your cupboards and drawers to get rid of silverfish.
 To kill cockroaches, mix half a cup of flour, a quarter cup of sugar, and one cup of borax together. Sprinkle along the cracks and crevices where they hide.
To catch flys make your own flypaper with honey and yellow paper.


In general leave spiders alone - they are good bugs.


To make a flea powder for dogs and cats that is organic, use Pennyroyal herb or oil and mix with cornstarch and douse the critters with some... or plant it where they can roll in it.

To get rid of lice try using petroleum jelly (Vaseline). Try it, it works great. You saturate head with it, put a plastic cap on overnight and the next day they all wash right out, no need for fine tooth comb. May require several washings though....


Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Bible and the Race of Destiny ... By Wesley A. Swift

We are turning this afternoon to a little discussion of the Destiny of your race. Too many people have not been informed that the Bible has a message, which relates to our Heritage. Therefore, we want to make this affidavit that this book, which we call the Bible was not only given to the Prophets and Patriarchs, and Apostles of your race, but it was written unto you. And to no one else on Earth. It also denotes in it what your responsibility will be and what you shall undertake and what part you shall play in the events that are still to come. I do not know of any way to start with this story of our race or to discuss the purposes of the MOST HIGH YAHWEH unless you go back to the beginning, the panorama of history that we have yet to go.

One of the significant things about this Book is that it gives us the key and the clues. For the great panorama of vision and inspiration is not to be found altogether within the covers of this Book. A great number of the documents written and produced by the Patriarchs called of Yahweh, and a selection of those bound together in this Book called the Bible, depended largely upon the Council of Nicaea. The decisions made there gave us these 66 Books called the Bible. There is no doubt in our thinking that these Books be preserved, except two of these, which should never have found their way into the scriptures. A great number of scriptures more binding, given by inspiration of the records of your race, should have been included in this content. The important thing however is to follow the declaration and to understand the background of our race and our Heritage.

If you were to start out looking for the beginning of our race, you would discover that you were much older than you think. But age is only relevant. Our discussion of age must then depend upon the bodies that we are living in. We have learned to evaluate age by the appearance of that body and we gage that by the time element in which men live in this span of Earth life. I must tell you things that you might not have been told in other places. Although members of this body have heard these facts before, I want you to know that as we survey the crisis that have passed and the conditions now in Earth, that a great number of people of Yahweh’s Kingdom are cast down in despair. When you start to find the great purposes of Yahweh that reaches back into the Antiquity of who you are and why you are here, you are not going to feel that in this crucial hour there is any power that can snuff out that which Yahweh has ordained over this great span of the Destiny that relates to you.

We have many things inside the scripture that gives us clues concerning how long, and how far back the consciousness, which is you, which resided in this physical body has been in existence. The Apostle Paul talks about the inner man and how the outer body is the outer man. We will discover that the dweller in this body is an intelligent consciousness that exists in this Spiritual as well as Soul consciousness existence. There is no question as to how far back your existence goes. It is only a matter of finding a point of timing for the begetting. Like the Universe that we are in, who can tell? Most of our brilliant scientists are confused as to how and to what extent to measure the photography we have out of our great telescopes and or electronic line. They have discovered that the farthermost perimeter of our eyes to see, show that there are endless Universes with stars as perimeter larger than the human mind can conceive. Dr. Milligan once said that all of the stars that we can now photograph, which are flaming suns with their solar systems, and if we were to add them all up, it would all add up to the total grains of sand on the Earth. This staggering amount is beyond the ability of you or I to fathom. Because the physical brain cannot take into comparison beyond its ability having witnesses, but the senses to divide and store. The problem is that we are talking about a Universe so big that it staggers the human element to think upon things, which are not found by these scales before. We recognize that all of these things were made by our Father. Our Eternal Father of Spirit was before all things; He made all of these things according to HIS own desire and HIS own purpose. When we think over the passages of time, we find ourselves faced with an instant area of time of the substance to behold. When we listen to the words of the MOST HIGH as we are told about this race of HIS Children, HE said that as it relates to their manifestations in the Earth, that there shall be as many Sons and Daughters of the MOST HIGH as there is sand on the sea shore, and the stars of the Heavens.

I want you to know that we can find a point of beginning and around that point of beginning, the relationship of events that transpired is the whole foundation of the Bible story. It is of the history of your race, of which, makes the purposes of Yahweh then become quite clear. Suppose I tell you that your are the last race which has arrived upon the Earth, that you have only been here for some 7400 years by accurate Chronology, which we have been able to assess from periods of the past. It is easy to establish this from older existent societies, with radiocarbon and all of the Archeological and Astrological facts to know that you have only been in the Earth for some 7400 years. This is not your beginning. Suppose I tell you that before any races were here upon the Earth that you existed with the Father before this creation was here. We are told that we were blessed with all Spiritual Blessings before the World was framed. This is in the Book of Ephesians in the 1st chapter. So you are a people, in Celestial or Spiritual plains were blessed with all Spiritual Blessings before the World was framed.

I have had people say, but that must have just been in the plans in Yahweh’s mind, for we could never have existed before the World was famed. Then let me ask you to explain the conversations, which Yahweh has with Job when Yahweh said, “Stand up Job. Answer these questions if you can.” This is what the Master asked. HE had arrived in a whirling ship of some kind and translated in the King James Version as the whirlwind. I am going to show you that it was not a whirlwind, as we would think, but a whirling object. This is discovered in the Old Aramaic text as well as in the Alexandrian Text, which tells about how Yahweh arrived in a whirling chariot. It says that HE stood before Job and HE said “I am going to demand some things from you, so gird up thy loins as a man and stand before ME and thou shall answer Me: Where was thou when I laid the foundations of the Earth and declare if thou hast understanding? Who laid up the measure thereof as thou knowest who hath stretched the line upon it? Where are the foundations laid upon it and where are the Corner Stones? When the morning stars sang together and ALL OF THE SONS OF YAHWEH SHOUTED FOR JOY. Where were you Job? Thus Yahweh said to Job. “Where were you when all the SONS OF YAHWEH SHOUTED FOR JOY when I laid out this particular Solar System, which we have identified today with our Solar System and the Earth. Thus Yahweh said, where were you, Job, answer Me.” But Job did not have an immediate answer. “The Sons of Yahweh shouted for joy.” The Spirit of Yahweh bare witness to the statement by the Apostle Paul that from the panorama of history and the experiences that he had when he tells us that here in the Book of Romans that we are the Sons of Yahweh. That the Spirit of Yahweh bears witness that we are the Sons and Daughters of Yahweh. If you will turn to the 82nd Psalms, you will have the witness again when David, the Psalmist, writes, “He asks questions, and then he tells us that, you are the Elohim, that you are the Sons of Yahweh the Eternal Father.” The word Elohim is a plural word for Divine Offspring. The plural word for Elohim’s, itself, and this is all in the 82nd Psalm. This is translated in the King James Version as “Ye are gods and all of you are Children of The Most High, so why do you die like men?” In this panorama we have a point now of beginning. We have a point out of this pattern of text. You were thus with the Father in Spiritual Plains before this World was created. So therefore we might say that you are not as young as you might think, even Job had to be reminded of this by the Father. Yahweh said, “Thou art full of years, and thy consciousness knoweth these things.” “Therefore Job was told by the Father that he had been with the Father when this Earth was created, and was among those when the morning stars sang together.

Dr. Wooley, in South Africa this past year discovered one of the greatest finds of Archaeology and he demonstrated clearly that one million seven hundred and fifty thousand years ago, there were men living in Southern Africa. These men with radiocarbon test and other tests to which they had been subject to, the fossil patterns that we have clearly demonstrated that even before certain mammals were known to have existed in Southern Africa, there were men living there. So if we want to find out our origin and find a beginning, then here we know that 1,750,000 years ago there were men living in this world. You were before these men, yet you did not come from them.

We may go back before this pre-Cambrian period from which this group of fossils came and say that science will face a million and a half years of history before that. So again, we may say that you are a lot older than you remember.

Out of the great panorama of events in the 12th chapter of the Book of Revelation, we have some historical points, but of great interest. We discover that in the Antiquity of the past, there was a Great Battle fought in the Heavens. We are told that this great space struggle originated over the rebellion of Lucifer who was an Archangel who rebelled over the administration of the Universe under Yahweh and over something which effects his prestige. We are told that at that time, he covered all of the Milky Way, and in that rebellion one-third of the creatures in that area went in rebellion with him against the throne of Yahweh, and the 12th chapter of Revelation contains part of that account. From the ancient writing of our race and from the writings of Enoch, we learn more. Part of that Book of Enoch is quoted in the Book of Jude. The Dead Sea Scrolls also contained the Books of Enoch and also had within it, the “battle of the Sons of Light and the sons of darkness,” whose foundations reached back into the history and the foundation of our race. In the records which were given in the Ancient Zohar, which was the quotations of the philosophy and the quotations of every word out of the mouth of Yahweh, which were quoted by the Patriarchs and the people of your race. So with this record in mind, we are told what it was. Enoch had brought back to his mind some of these, which had happened in the beginning. In fact, we are told of such patterns of conversations. We were told of the existence of these people called the people of the MOST HIGH before this world was framed. You were told that your names were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the World. Thus, your names were in the Family Book of Yahweh before this creation.

Now, I would like to point out to you, something that is significant. Did you know that the announcement of your coming into existence was announced to the whole Universe? The Archangels came before the MOST HIGH from all of the vastness of HIS Universe, and since HE has always been creating, then there will never be a perimeter. Some scientists mind because they cannot tell you of the endless creations have tried to tell you that Yahweh created in a circle, so HE just kept rebuilding and restructuring. HE did not have to do that, for there is no end to HIS creating.

However, there was a period when HE said to the Archangels that I am going to have Sons and Daughters with whom I can fellowship and upon whom MY Universe. Then Lucifer and these stars of the Milky Way, turned to the Father and said, “Will they be greater than I?” The Father said, “They shall be even as I.” Then Lucifer said, “I will not show this to my followers.” The word out of the ancient writings still to be found, is still in the Alexandrian Text, is Shaton or Satan, thus Lucifer turned away and refused to reflect the light. The oldest word in semantics is devil; it comes from “devot” the old word meaning, “Turn to another course.” Out of it we get the word devil, the explanation of taking another road.

But I want you to remember that out of the magnitude of these things that the Eternal who put the whole Universe together also has absolute authority over it. HE knew the things that were in the mind of Lucifer before he pronounced them. HE knew by this objection that a whole series of events would be projected into HIS Universe. Out of it would come a time of preparation and training for HIS Children who were yet to be born, and the facts of history were still in HIS hands.

So in that hour, Lucifer went out and decided that there was one thing he was going to do. The thought, that there would be others above him, greater than him, was more than he was willing to recognize at that time. Thus, he went out to gather up his forces to battle against Yahweh. We find this story in the ancient writings of Enoch, even finding it in the words of Jude. We find that Jude talks about the things, which were revealed to Enoch. The one chapter of Jude is in your King James Version. According to the other writings, there are more chapters to the writing of Jude than is contained in the King James Version. He tells of the struggle, which took place in the sky, if you turn to the 12th chapter of Revelation, John tells you of these things, which were brought back to his consciousness in his experiences. He was told of the Antiquity of yesterday and was shown how these things came to pass.

You are not going to find that the Bible is for everybody or that people everywhere are going to understand this Book because the Bible I predicated upon the history of a given people. In fact, we are to understand as we look into these records that in the revolution that took place, there was this revolution by Lucifer before even you were begotten by Yahweh’s Spirit in the yesterdays. You led a sheltered life there in the existence of the Spirit even during the panorama of these events because being a part of HIS Spirit and HIS Celestial consciousness; you were brought into harmony with the MOST HIGH. Whatsoever was in the mind of Yahweh was in the consciousness of HIS children. Their number was greater than you and I have the ability to count. For those Celestial plains reach out over the four corners of the Heavens. You say, “How do I know?” because the scripture tells me that as this great event comes to a climax Yahweh is going to gather all of HIS Children, which are the Elect, who are the Children of Destiny, whom Yahweh has begotten and set into place thru out HIS Universe.

Let us then remember that in the scope of Antiquity, round about us, were the rest of creation. The Book of Horus is one of the most valuable Books to be read, because of the accounts written of the events, which transpired. The Book of Horus contains the record of your race before their coming into physical Earth. Ages before this World was framed. You can look upon the creation of the Earth and you looked upon the creation of the people, and that was some of the people, Dr. Wooley discovered had been down in South Africa. In fact, Dr. Ivor Lissner has just completed one of the greatest books on Anthropology ever written, he tells us, about 600,000 years of which he has researched, of people on this Earth. Thus let me point this out. You saw all of this in ages past. You saw all of the struggles between Michael and the fallen Archangel Lucifer, now called Shaton or Satan. How Michael conquered Lucifer and drove him onward until the only escape for him was what we called our solar system and then the battle rages on here. If you will follow this record, you will find that a large part of the hosts with Lucifer and he, himself, was cast to Earth.

We have many factors and history concerning the background of races in Earth. Many of the Chinese and Asiatics remembered that there were days before this when their civilizations were great and they record and carried that forward. They remember their ancestors and worship their past, because their background, their culture and their ceramics recall an earlier time, much better than they know today. This is also true of some of the patterns in India when they look back into the background of their fathers. They record the first time when they ever saw a White man when the Manu or White man came to their land and they set it back about 7400 plus years ago. That sets it with the Chronology of Adam, as it should be in the Scriptures.

I think it most significant when we seek to understand the origin of races and their destiny, that looking upon the Earth and the facts we have accumulated, that our Father declared that HE would put HIS Family in Earth. But they would retain their relationship with HIM. This would also give experience to HIS Sons and Daughters by establishing HIS Kingdom in the Earth.

We are told in the ancient writings of Enoch and in the Apocalypse of Paul, which Book was suppressed by Rome, they did not want this record of the Apostle Paul which shows that he was taken into the Heavens and whether in the body or the Spirit he said he could not tell. His consciousness was so similar that he could not tell whether in the body or in the Spirit. This is something, which should be remembered by every Son and Daughter that the Spirit is a light dimension, and so like this one, that you can hardly tell the difference. You will know this when you are able to pass from one to the other.

Now, the Apostle Paul also writes concerning the pattern of events and he talks about the pattern of how in the Antiquity of yesterday that when Yahweh said who will go, that there were millions of Sons and Daughters who said, “We will go.” Then, the Father said, “I will select you and send you in your order.” Thus, you see that you volunteered a long time ago, or you would not be here today. So don’t worry about the Father as to whether HE knew what HE was doing. For HE selected and HE ordained. HE sent certain ones into Earth. But HE also made a promise when He sent you into Earth.

I mentioned a book, the Book of Horus. I will tell you just a little bit about its content. Because this is one of the oldest books telling of the background of the people of Ancient Egypt. As you go into the ancient writings in this Book of Horus, and the story of Karnac, which it contains, then you find that the name of their ancient Pharaoh’s was Khufus. It is the oldest word for Pharaoh and this was not one man, but generations of Khufus. Every Pharaoh was called Khufus. Where did these people come from? According to the Book of Horus, they came from the land located where the Atlantic Ocean now is, the land, which went below the waters. They tell of crossing Northern Africa after their land broke off from the continent, which we now call Africa and how as their land sank, then they finally finished their migration into the area along the Nile River. Enoch knew about this land, which had been tied to the continent of Africa and Europe in the antiquity of yesterday. He left this record also in the mysteries of the city of On. Even Plato in his days, wrote of the sinking of the land to the Westward. He learned this when he was educated at the city of On, which had been established by Enoch and Job in the days when they were in Egypt for that great building which they were ordained to do.

The writings in the Book of Horus tell us something, which is very significant and important. This tells us that the land, which went beneath the waters, had at one time been a Great Temple unto YAHWEH-Putah the Great El of the Universe upon the high mountains from whence they came. Horus the Priest of those people at that time said that these, his people, worshiped the One Living and True YAHWEH. We find that YAHWEH is the oldest name we have for El. There are certain forces, which never wanted you to use this name for the True El. The use of the name by the ancients demonstrates the universality of this name that Yahweh had Celestial Children, and they were like unto Him. In this temple upon this high mountain in that ancient land, they used to worship HIM by HIS name YAHWEH. Horus tells us that YAHWEH’S Children were HIS Spiritual Priests and they served inside of this temple before the Altar of Righteousness and Light. While they could behold them, they could never touch them. They could hear their voices, and Heavenly singing, but they could only behold them dimly. The Book of Horus tells of the coming of the Archangel who had once been over them for YAHWEH. Then, it tells of the coming of this Archangel and with him were people of other colors; this was the first time they had seen the Negroes in the Earth. These people had been brought in by the ships of Lucifer to do battle against the ships of Yahweh and Horus, their Priest, called him YAHWEH-PUTAH. Today, you can read in the Book of Revelation about this struggle and its results.

I think it is most significant how Horus tells about how they begin to have temples set up in their land and then all races were to worship together, then Lucifer began to teach them to intermingle as a sign of their “new life.” But this was the mixing of the races. The immorality that went with it was not acceptable to these people; they began to think migration, instead of mongrelization. My friends this happened upon this Earth ages before you were ever here in the flesh, although you were there in Spirit.

There is a constant testimony by this Egyptian author that you at least some of you were Spiritual Beings as Ministers who served in a Temple and your Light and Glory could sometimes be beheld. But in the hour when catastrophe struck the people of Earth after these great battles, with mongrelization, and wars were launched on Earth, fires were seen, I do not think that this is imagination. When our scientist started out with their investigation, they discovered isotopes off the coast of Western Africa as well as on Easter Island in the Pacific. These radioactive isotopes were not actually uranium types, but were elements, which had been subject to atomic explosions and types of radiation in the past.

If you understand the Bible, there is nothing new under the sun. Lucifer in this course had brought catastrophe to Earth. We are told that in the midst of this, the Earth shook and a great crevice opened up in the mountain on this ancient land where they lived and water rushed in and steam from the fires confined in the Earth caused steam to rush thru passageways and the tops of the mountains were blown off. Then whole areas of that ancient land began to sink beneath the waters of what is now the Atlantic Ocean. Because of the fires and the shaking of the Earth and the sinking land, these people fled towards the East, so that they could still worship YAWHEH-PUTAH. They had been given final instructions as what to do by these Children in Bodies of Light; they said that it was the voice of Osiris, the Children of YAH who had told them to migrate from that sinking land. The message that was given to these people from the Eternal was that in another land to which they would be led, then they would again see the Sons of the Eternal. They will not serve again as Celestial Beings but they shall live in bodies like the men of Earth. They shall live in thy midst and you shall see and know. For they will rise again an altar unto the Eternal YAHWEH. They shall establish this wisdom and it shall be in a land were also thou shalt go.

You see that thru Horus, their Priest, they lived in anticipation, for he was told that when these Sons of YAH came that they would establish in Earth again and they would live here until their countenance would be light and they were enveloped in Glory. Thus the ancient records of Horus tell of their migration and their anticipation, and they came onto the Northern tip of Africa from their sinking continent. Here in Africa the grass was so lush that it came up to the belly of their horses. Under the catastrophes, which would follow, this land of the lush grass would become desert. But Horus talks about the great trees and the grass in this land thru which they passed and how they finally came to this Great River (Nile) and there they settled. There at the Nile River the ancient Egyptians place their history after telling where they came from.

Call it anything that you want, but the land, which was subsiding, was the land now under the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic bears the name of that ancient continent referred to by the ancients in the land of Egypt. You say, “But I don’t believe that there was a continent such as Atlantis.” All right then, don’t believe, but every geologist today knows that the land beneath the waters was once above it. We have much evidence that this is true, lava does not flow under water and a large part of that land shows that lava flowed out for miles, so that land had to be above the waters when the lava flowed. I find this most significant, for if you go down to the Azores, the areas which are just to the East of South America, is now coming back up and we now have to put buoys out to warn the shipping, for there has been a raising of the ocean floor in your time. We have been studying the long scarfs of this lava that ran out, and find that they existed from the time when the eruptions took place. As we study this scarf's of lava, we know that there occurred this catastrophe so long ago.

We look at the history of your race from the Biblical record. As you turn to the Book of Genesis, you find that Yahweh talked about cycles of re-creation, talks about all of the cycles of a certain creation. If you look at the books of geologists, and the archaeologist, we find the successive patterns of what Yahweh created upon the Earth. But in the antiquity of that, you will discover in the first Book of the Bible that being Genesis as you look at this picture, you find that Yahweh talks about the creation of dwellers upon the Earth in the same image as HIS Children, and said, “Let us make man in OUR own image.” You can argue that point, but YAHWEH said unto the Elohim, “Let us make man in OUR own image.”

Antiquity and history fill the design, but under the impact of the Luciferian influence, the Grace of Yahweh, shows up the fact that HE sent HIS Celestial Children into the World. But how did they come into the World to fulfill the purposes of Yahweh, but by the Adamic race the first man called Adam. How was HE going to rescue them if they got into trouble, as it was foreknown? HE begat Himself a second man a body of flesh and thus became the Second Adam, born out of HIS race which was now in the Earth.

Go back into the Book of Genesis, and the creation of man had taken place. And on the seventh day, all the six-day creations were consummated and Yahweh rested on the seventh day. You will read that Yahweh was resting on the seventh day. Then, HE looked out over the Earth, and then in symbolism and mystery. HE said, “There is no Adamite to till the soil.”

Now, the word Adam is the oldest Hebrew word you can find for the White man. The Enosh was men without begotten spirits. That is one of the reasons why throughout all of the Old Testament, even in the words that Yahshua used as they talk about the powers of darkness; this system, which was raised up against you, has to be the Beast System. There is a difference between those begotten in the Spirit, and those created spirits who were led astray by Lucifer even in the semantics of the Old Testament. In this instance, the word Adam means White man. Yahweh made it very clear there was no Adam, or no man to till the soil. We are told that Yahweh planted a garden Eastward in Eden. Then, we are told in the original text, and it is quite interesting in Hebrew, that Yahweh then begat a full creation made out of the same elements of which the creation around was synthesized, and that HIS whole Life was procreated thru Adam, HIS Son. That HE had no desire to mix Adam with the other races. Thus, out of Adam, was formed Eve as the female portion of Life. Adam and Eve were thus the offspring of the MOST HIGH. They were told that of all of the racial trees that existed that they were to have no association with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Evil = calamity).

In the construction of the Ancient Zohar, and the records of time, this was the family tree of Lucifer who did not keep his first estate. He and his fallen Angels with him sought the domination over all the people of Earth. And any of the children from this mixing with the women of Earth were referred to as the children of Lucifer. They go by a lot of names. When Yahshua saw some of them then in power in the Ecclesiastical drive to usurp HIS ministry, HE turned to them and HE said, “Look, I know who you are.” Don’t tell me that you are the chosen people. Don’t say that we have one father, even Yahweh. For if Yahweh were your Father, then you would receive me but I know who you are.” HE then said, “I am of Yahweh and you are of Lucifer. You are specie.” These were the enemies of Yahweh. I think it is rather significant that when we go back to the early days of the Adamic race, that the first violation of Divine Law was the violation of this instruction.

I think it is significant though that as we answer questions, which arise in the minds of people that we have always challenged theology, we always searched for the picture from all of the sources which Yahweh, had given for human illumination. We are living in an hour when the Father said that the Spirit would bring us to the knowledge of All Truth, and would bring all things to our remembrance.

Job, however, standing before Yahweh, could not recall until the Spirit brought all things to his remembrance. Then he perceived that he was talking to the MOST HIGH YAHWEH, his Father. Then he remembers that he with this race of which he was a part, were with the Father in the Spirit before the World was framed. This is also a part to the facts, for you are the Children of the MOST HIGH YAHWEH. You were Spiritually begotten in the Heavens and physically begotten in the Earth.

Now, you may understand when Nicodemus asked Yahshua how he could participate in the Great Kingdom administration, which, the Messiah was proclaiming, and Yahshua said ye must be born twice. You had to be born from above and also born on Earth. You had to be born of the Spirit, and be born on Earth thru natural birth with the breaking of the water. This, my friends, is the purpose that makes you aware as to whom the Messiah is. The fact thus, is that the Spiritual birth took place in the Heavens and the physical birth took place in the Earth. I want you to know that when a man recognizes whom Yahshua is, this is not being born another time; this is regeneration in his life, this is regeneration, a renewing of the mind and with it comes a restoration of the power.

Thus when we understand this is the great work of Yahweh’s Spirit, then this is most significant. Then we will throw aside all superstition and the defeats sown into our Heritage. This idea that Yahweh sent HIS Children into the World and then Yahweh and the devil will play chess with them to see what will happen to them Is pure fantasy. If they respond right, then they get back into the Heavens, but if not, Lucifer takes them. Then he is supposed to torture them forever for disobeying Yahweh. This is even more fantastic, if Lucifer were to win, he wouldn’t even be inclined to torture his new assets. The fact remains, if Lucifer were to win certain individuals of the Family of Yahweh, until they would follow him that would be a Divine defeat. There is no plan or purpose here for defeat. There is no plan or purpose in this matter. Yahweh did not take any chance with HIS Children. HE wrote their names down in the Family Book and even predestined what was going to happen to them and what would happen even to their ultimate conforming to HIS own image. So you are in a struggle, right now, as a race. You are in a struggle for survival. The powers of darkness want to take the World. They want to socialize and communize it, they want to suppress your Heritage and suppress its Truth. They want to put out the Light or enslave it completely for their own service. They are willing to go to any end to accomplish this. In fact, their design is one of destruction. In this hour of great intense strife, the signs of their influences against you disturb many people. Just remember that their battle against you operates out of the negation of their background. They want to destroy everything, which is Righteous, everything, which is True, and everything, which relates to your Father.

They seek by the avenue of reaching you thru the avenue of the senses, thru the sense avenues of the eyes and ears, and their control of Press, Radio and TV, to build a false image, which the World Order has designed. From the very beginning the mongrelization and absorption of your race was most practical for the forces of Lucifer. This is one of the reasons why when you go back into the scripture that you will discover that they were even to persuade Eve and eventually persuade Adam into the violation of this principle.

When your race first walked the Earth, they were enveloped in Glory. The emanation of the Spirit within was so strong, that it immunized the body from the power that brought death upon it. We understand that this emanation of Glory would not cohabit with the darkness. You will remember that in the offspring of Adam, that the Word that we find is “seventh” from this violation. Then Adam says that “now I have begotten a man in my OWN image.” This was Seth. The race, of which you are a part, is descended from Seth. The children of Seth. Abel had been contaminated by this violation. But Cain was the child of evil, the devil. In the writings of II John, were he tells us that Cain was the progeny of the evil one. One of the clarifying facts is that when Adam asked Eve, concerning Cain, “From where comes this one?” Eve replied, “This one comes from Baalie.”

I want you to know that Cain, who slew his brother Abel, then fathered a race of Canaanites who infiltrated your society with the sons of darkness. You will find this in the writings “The sons of darkness battle the sons of Light.” In the records, which go back before Yahshua and the records of Ancient Assyria, which in your time have been opened up for your consideration, which support these things.

Your race, from their beginning in Earth, with the promises made to them by the Eternal Father, have seen those promises carried out. Remember that Yahweh told them not to mingle with this race tree, which was of such concern. Do this so that they retained their racial self-respect. You will note that under these facts, we have two men who descended out of the Sethite house and they were Enoch and Job. These two men are above any of those in the Old Testament, as you see how they built the great city of On in Egypt. When they went down into Egypt, then what did the Egyptians Say? The Pharaoh, Khufu II made this statement “None shall touch these Sons of Osiris who have come to build this great city and the revelation of YAHWEH-PUTAH. The Book of Horus will be fulfilled.” Later, these priests of the Pharaoh were infiltrated; you are told that these strange gods captured Pharaoh, for he had felt that these were the messengers who were to come.

Yes, they built the great city of On as Horus has said and they established that great center of learning. They erected that great and mighty Pyramid with its measures, and the Sphinx with its underground Temple. They left a great line of wisdom and instructions for your race that would last until the time of Yahshua, for people were still then going down to Egypt. For this is where Joseph took Mary and the Babe for protection. They kept HIM there where HE would be safe from Herod the King of the Jews who sought to kill HIM. The symbolism in the scriptures says, “out of Egypt have I called My Son.”

I think it is a part of this message that I remind you that you are a Son or Daughter of the Eternal Father, that you are a part of the sworn testimony that is included in the New as well as the Old Testament. I think we should pause for a moment as we tell you about the calling of Abraham out of the land of the Chaldeas, had taken place because of the forming of a Cosmopolitan order like the United Nations in Old Ancient Babylon to bring all of the people together in Ancient Chaldea. Even the father of Abraham, one of the purest strains of the race, and was Prime Minister in this great mix-up and was being taken over. Thus Yahweh said, “Get out of the Chaldeas and I will make of you a Great Nation and a Company of Nations, for you are to carry out a Destiny.” Abraham believed Yahweh and he left Ur of the Chaldeas. The Biblical record in the 13th chapter of Genesis brings this out. That there was established a Covenant between Yahweh and Abraham, which Yahweh Himself made as He said “Abram, I will make Nations out of thee and kings shall come out of thee, and I will establish this Covenant with thee and thy seed after thee thru all of their generations. This shall be an everlasting Covenant, and I shall be a Father unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.”

If you can break this Covenant that Yahweh made unconditionally by Himself, then, my friends, you might say that these Nations, and the people of these Nations, have ceased to be in the Earth before the MOST HIGH. This history of the Bible is not the history of the Jews. I think that it is about time that you understand this. They are not the 12 tribes of Israel. They are not even any part of the 12 tribes of Israel. For these 12 tribes are today the Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian, Germanic, Lombard, Basque, and kindred people. They are also in South Africa and Australia, wherever White men moved under the leadership of the MOST HIGH YAHWEH as they established the House of Israel in the West.

In fact, this strange mixed multitude, which moved into Jerusalem, and they sought to gain the control of the Temple and the Sanhedrin in the days of the Messiah this was the site of the Courts of Israel here in the city of Jerusalem. This was a composite organization for the courts, for the administration, it was known as the land of the Jews in the time of the Messiah. The fact is that the Sanhedrin was made up of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. The Sadducees had the concept of an Asiatic background and origin. This was a part of their Luciferian concept. They did not believe in the Resurrection and were reincarnationists of the Asiatic order.

I only mention this because it is important. You are Children of the Spirit, Children of Eternity. This is important. You are Children of the Spirit, Children of Eternity. This is the first physical body that you here in Earth have ever had. This is the only one, which you are ever going to need because it can be raised, transformed and given Immortality. The Spirit within shall never die and shall command this very body of skin, which you are wearing at this time, to put on Immortality by the Destiny of your Father. This is the Arch and Keystone of the Israelite Heritage. Even Job, writing back in the background, even before Moses, wrote, “I know that although I die, although the worms consume this body, that still I shall stand upon my feet. In this body with this eye, shall I behold my Redeemer in the latter days.” At the Resurrection.

Now, I know that there are a people who are trying to usurp your position with your Father. They claim to be these people. I am glad to know that you are the Children of the Spirit of your Father. The Children of Adam after the flesh. You are the people who in the days of Enoch. We find the word Israel that relates to you, back in the literature, which antedates the Pentateuch, and goes way back before the calling of Isaac. After the calling of Isaac, then his son Jacob, the word of Israel was then given to these people meaning “Ruling with Yahweh.”

Today, we have a false claim by a people who are trying to usurp the position of your race as it relates to the position with your Father. They claim to be these people. I am glad they claim it is “Israeli,” because it is.

Now, go back to the Apostle Paul, and remember that the influence of these who were not of your race, or the background of your Heritage. The seed of Abraham had a great history of developments. By these developments and by revelation, they knew they had witnessed the hand of Yahweh. This was always in the background of the history of your race. Always this mixed multitude, the powers that tried to mutate by the power of their purse, sought to control. By the power of the purse, they tried to control Ancient Rome. They were always seeking the penetration of the Ecclesiastical orders of your Heritage.

In the time of Yahshua, we had these people, the Hittites, the Canaanites, the Amalekites, some of them were in control of the Temple in the days of Yahshua and HE said, “I know who you are. I know where you came from. I know your background; I know that you are the children of the Serpent, of Lucifer.” Some of them were there in the day of the fall of your race, in the days of Eden.

Now, if you believe that there was no one else on Earth in the days of Eden, but Adam and Eve, then go home and read the 31st chapter of Ezekiel and you will see that the Assyrian Empire at that time was all over the World. It had great kingdoms because its racial stream was strong. The Egyptian Empire was an old Empire when Adam was put in Eden.

We point out to you therefore, that the Apostle Paul, who never saw the Messiah during his ministry, was an Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin. He was raised in an environment in which Jewry controlled the synagogue of this city of Jerusalem. He was also educated with the full knowledge of your race. Was acquainted with the writings of Plato and Aristotle and others of the men of Greece. We find every evidence of this in his writings. Long after he had been stopped on the road to Damascus, in his position at the head of Jewry, to make war against the Israelites, remember that his calling was a direct calling on the part of Yahweh that he became one of the most forceful Apostles of Yahshua after that experience.

Now, let’s turn over in the Book of Acts to something I think is rather important for you to realize. The jews are constantly harassing the Apostle Paul. They are harassing him, because of his Heavenly visions, because of the writings of the Apocalypse of Paul, also because that the word was going out to all of The Lost Tribes of Israel that they were not lost. That they were the Twelve Tribe of The Kingdom. The Twelve Tribes of Israel were the restoration of The Kingdom and how that the Twelve Tribes of Israel were of one flesh.

In 1040 to 1030 B.C., Sanacharrib of Assyria had waged war against the people of our race. Ten Tribes of our race had been carried off into captivity leaving only Judah and Benjamin. Then long after Nebuchadnezzar had conquered them, and they had been in captivity, they passed into another Empire when Babylon was overthrown, as the Medes and the Persians overthrew Babylon. You will notice that back in the days when these things were to be fulfilled that Judah and Benjamin went back to Palestine to rebuild their city, with them came these strange people. When the other Ten Tribes of Israel went out of captivity, they went out to the other side of the Caucasus. The Assyrians had held them captive from the days of Shalmaneser. When they were given their independence, then historically and Biblically, we can establish the continuity of the events. These people migrated thru the Caucasus Pass, and then came into Europe. Some of them settled early in the regions known as where the Greeks lived, and in Southern portions of Europe, while others went north and settled along the coast of Western Europe. Their ethnic background, their theology and the words that were involved, the pattern of things that they remembered, carried forward a continuity of expectations of the coming of the Embodiment of the Messiah, which set them free from fear and superstitions, and would start them again on a Spiritually inspired course for developing HIS Kingdom.


I think it rather interesting that the Apostle Paul, in telling his story as he stood before King Agrippa and here was one of the Roman’s who was ruling over this particular area Paul was brought before him after being accused of being a heretic. He was accused by the jews of being a troublemaker and rabble-rouser. If this had been today, they would have called him a Nazi, or on the extreme “right”.

Turn to the 26th chapter of the Book of Acts, the Apostle Paul said, “I am happy to stand before you, King Agrippa, on this day. I will touch all the bases on which I am accused by the jews”. He said, “More than this, I am an expert in all this, because I was educated among them and I know these jews. More than that especially, I want you to listen me patiently, because I know about these jews.” Paul continued, “I was raised in the Pharisee sect, and more than this, the true Pharisee believe in the Resurrection and in Israel.” But the false Pharisee and Sadducees who are Asiatics, their concept is of reincarnation and is of a different type. This is why the Sadducees tried to contest the Messiah about the Resurrection and what would happen when the Resurrection took place. But the true Pharisee has no argument with this. That is the difference in the schools in the days of Nicodemus and Gamaliel and the schools of this strange sect called Sadducees, which we still have today. These were much like the Assassins of India and were worshipers of Kali, the consort of Lucifer, which had been a part of the early violations of your race.

We turn to the words of the Apostle Paul who said, “Now I stand and I am judged for the hope and the promise, which Yahweh made to our fathers. Unto which promise our Twelve Tribes are instantly serving Yahweh day and night, for this hope to come, which is the hope of the Kingdom, which is formed out of the Twelve Tribes of Israel.” Thus he said, “The Twelve Tribes of Israel are those who form the Kingdom and they hope and pray for it day and night. For this, the jews accuse me. Get this point now. Because of this hope of Israel, the jews are against the Apostle Paul. Because they had no part or lot in this matter. Thus the Apostle Paul records this at this time.

I want you to think with me for one moment, on what the Apostle Paul said in the Book of Corinthians. He is standing in Corinth and he is looking at these tall and noble Greeks who had brought the cream of culture in their hour, and who had sent their sons down into Egypt to be educated at the Temple of On. Not to be educated by Egyptians, or worshipers of Set and Soth, but by worshipers of the true Yahweh, the One Great El of Spirit. Here they were educated in mathematics, calculus, and algebra, which Pythagoras brought from the Egyptian school of theology. The Apostle Paul said when he stood on Mars Hill that he was bearing testimony to the same El that their philosophers wrote about. He used these words, “In HIM we live and breathe and have our being.”

He said, as he was talking to the Corinthians, in the 10th chapter of I Corinthians: “Moreover brethren, I would not have you to be ignorant of how our fathers were under the cloud, and our fathers passed thru the sea.” See what he means? In other words, he knew that all of the White men in Europe were Israelites. He knew that our fathers were under the cloud and had passed in the sea. He knew about the days when Joseph went down into Egypt and to the known world had vanished. Then how Jacob, his father, finally came into Egypt and how Joseph had married Asneth the daughter of Potiphar the priest of On and about that great wisdom school, which was there from the days of Enoch. He knew how the powers of darkness and the forces of evil had turned the powers of the Pharaohs of Egypt against your race. He said that these Greeks and their forefathers were with your fathers and mine when they crossed the Red sea. That meant that the Greeks were Israelites.


All of our fathers were under that cloud and all went thru the Red Sea. They were all with Moses under the cloud and in the Sea and they all ate the same Spiritual meat, and they all drank of the same Spiritual drink. The Spiritual rock, which followed them, was Yahweh. The great mystery, which the World does not know, which your race is to find out, is that the Messiah is in you, which is the Hope and Glory. What does this mean? It means that this is the Embodiment of a Celestial consciousness, or the Embodiment of Deity in the Earth. Your Father YAHWEH, came as YAHSHUA, YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH also came Embodiment into Earth. Since you are HIS Children, Embodied in Earth, then you are still going to put out the same type of Glory, which is this Hope of Glory and it is that same Glory, which is the Hope of the World. People do not realize that but it is the Lighting of Yahweh’s Kingdom and the Hope of the Earth.

I don’t think we have to go far to prove that the technological achievement of the approximately 7400 years belongs to your race. I don’t think that you have to go very far to prove that the movement into the Great Realm of astronomy achievement, the grinding of great lenses and the carrying out of great experiments, the development of instruments, and the advancements made, and even going into biology and into physics and their intelligent advancements, until today, we are advancing to the area around us and adapting ourselves to things that we are willing to change. You know that every technological achievement, which you can think of has been developed by a White man of your race, these developments from the U.S., Scandinavia, Germany, England, and the rest of the White Nations, they do not come from Africa or Asia.

The enemy wants to conquer you, they want to mongrelize and take everything you have discovered, and give it to the United Nations. Thus take away your leadership. For that is the only way Lucifer knows how to handle this situation.

The Apostle Paul in his Epistles was writing to Israel, not only in Corinth, but in other places as well. Peter also was writing to all the Twelve Tribes who were scattered abroad. So were the other Apostles, all of them knew that Israel was now in the West and scattered. This, my friends, was while the jews (DEVILS) were still in Palestine. You will also note that the Apostle Paul writes to the Elect according to the foreknowledge of Yahweh. He was writing to the people who were destined to conform to HIS own image.

Let me assure you that as we talk about the great program of Yahweh that this program reaches out to the ends of the Earth. Remember that HE made a certain promise to you and over here we find the reason why HE came into the World. HE makes this statement and it discusses very importantly this subject. “Ask Me and I will give thee the key to thy inheritance, and I will give thee the uttermost parts of the Earth for your possession.” This is our Fathers World, we are HIS Children, and HE has sent us here to rebuild, to reconstruct, and bring all forces to the right Father and get rid of those forces of darkness and their superstitions. HE has not called us to give up our racial self-respect, but to keep from being mongrelized and absorbed.

Some people claim that they are the people of the Book, when they are not. They are the people who are trying to integrate the World, strangely enough. They may practice some of the things for themselves that they have taken out of the Book, but anytime, my friends, that someone attacks you because you believe in segregation, or Yahweh’s Law, then just say that it is thru the Old Testament remember it does not behoove the jews (DEVILS) to say they are the people of the Old Testament, then deny the Laws of segregation. The jews (DEVILS) can do this easily, for they talk out of both sides of their mouth. Yahshua tells you something about them that I want you to remember. DON’T TRUST THEM! Yahshua said that their father was a liar, and they are liars and you can trust your Father for HE said that the Truth is not in them.

I have a friend who is an attorney and sometimes he is asked to take on a case, and before he gets thru, he says that even though they could win the case by telling the truth, they end up lying instead of telling the truth. There are some people who live that way because their presentation of the World is their life. We want you to know that this Bible is the history of Israel. We do not have time to tell you about the division of the Tribes, and the wok of Judah and Benjamin. I can tell you today, that there are no people today among jewry that are out of Judah. I am going to prove to you that there should be a lot of Spiritual Life where Judah is as it relates to this. Over here where the Psalmist talks about it, then we read “Judah is my sanctuary and Israel is my dominion.” I can show you the Nations, which are made up of the Children of Israel. I turn to the Book of Jeremiah, and Yahweh says, “I an going to make a New Covenant with the House of Judah and the House of Israel, and “I AM GOING TO PUT MY SPIRIT IN THEM I AM GOING TO WRITE ON THE VERY LIMITS OF THY HEART MY LAW.” They are going to recognize this Law and they are going to follow out the plan. The whole development was spreading among the Tribes of Judah and Benjamin, throughout all of Western Europe, where the rest of Israel now was. The Apostle Paul, speaking to those in Western Europe, said that this is the fulfillment of that promise in the Book of Jeremiah, to the House of Israel and the House of Judah.


George Washington and Benjamin Franklin understood this for true Masonry, understood this at all times. That is why Masonry has had to defend itself all the time against the invasion of Asiatic rites and traditions. This was the house of the Mystery of Truth for your Nation and that is why when Yahweh spoke to Job in the Book of Job that it talks about the measuring line the symbolism and the whole lore of Masonic Masonry, were asked in those questions. I want you to know that Yahweh appeared many times to your race. Let’s turn for a moment while we are thinking about Job. Yahweh who came in the whirling circular chariot asked, and Job answered, and discussed these things. Yahweh is talking to Job, and then this is what Job said, in the 42nd chapter of Job: “I know that thou canst do everything and that no thought is with-holden from me, and as you have talked to me and I beseech thee, I demand that thee declare this unto me I have heard thee by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye seeth thee. “Job had heard HIM by the ear, now Job says that his eye seeth thee.” Job had heard HIM by the ear, now Job says that his eye seeth HIM.

As you go into the writings of Enoch, we find that Enoch was told, “Thou art MY Son, and I have brought things to your remembrance.” It would not be possible to set and control the race, which is the background of our heritage without going into the Book of Hebrews and into the testimony of the Apostle Paul, from his lips in the Book of Hebrews. He is writing about our forefathers, this is what he declares as he writes of them: “These were our forefathers and many of them died in the flames, never watching the development of the Great Nations, they believed the promises, looked forward to them and they embraced them. But they were strangers and pilgrims in the Earth.” The reason they were strangers and pilgrims in the Earth, was because they had come into Earth as Children of Spirit, by way of natural birth and had the forgetfulness of yesterdays, which would be brought back to them in due time.

They were seeking plainly the development of Yahweh’s Kingdom, if they had been mindful of the dimension from whence they came and the country they would have gone back to where they came from. They would not have stayed here at all in the midst of this persecution. It tells you this right here in the Book of Hebrews. Let me tell you something else, they were strangers and pilgrims in the Earth and remember this is speaking of your forefathers and to you. You wrought righteousness and you obtained promises, you stopped the mouth of lions. This was just the beginning, it tells you that your enemies at times would use the sword against you and they would see you asunder. Some of you would be wanderers in goatskin, and of the witnesses of this, there were many, of whom the World was not worthy. They wandered in the mountains, in the desert, and in the caves of the Earth, strangers and pilgrims asking no quarter and giving none.

The enemy gathers their armies for a last destructive strike at your race. They have infiltrated your land as the prophets were told that they would do because we did not keep the Laws of Yahweh, which would have given us strength to keep them out. They have denied our Father and HIS household. The scriptures have warned us that those who hate your Father are anti-Messiah. They were not to be allowed to move into your land or to be elected to any office of any power, and never to control your money system, also never to teach your children at school. The scriptures say if they do these things, they will turn you and lead you and your children from serving the True Yahweh, thus seeking to cover up your Destiny.

We have not the time to talk about all that is involved, but the enemy is waging war against you and the only way of survival is for the re-declaration of Truth. It is the Truth, which shall make you free. The Children of Israel will come out of its darkness and its Hierarchy in the great hour of Spiritual Revelation. It is going to proclaim the whole time, the Destiny and the purpose. It is going to proclaim the whole Gospel of the Kingdom; you will see one of the greatest hours in the history of your race. The light is not about to go out, once in a while we here someone say the light is about to go out. But, my friends, the light is about to come in, and the Sons and Daughters of Yahweh are going to once again, put on their Light and their Glory. The Apostle Paul says the whole creature is vibrating waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of Yahweh.

One of these days we are going to see the outpouring of Yahweh’s Spirit. This is the promise in the Book of Joel; this was the prophecy of the signs in the Heavens, on February 4. These are the marks that identify this constellation as told to Enoch. These are the planets of the signs in this time; this will be a time of Spiritual stimulation, it will store up men with the love of country, and call of honesty and integrity. A call for them to standup against these armies of Communism who are against our Faith. You cannot separate the enemies of your Israelite Heritage from the animosity of those who hate Yahshua and their relationship to it.

This is the struggle between the Messiah and the Anti-Messiah. The whole World benefits from the identification of the “fig tree” among us. You are going to rise and assert your Destiny. You are once more going to open up those colonies and you are going to once more move out to develop the Earth. You are going to teach the children of the World how to do things and you will no longer have to carry them on your backs. The program of the Kingdom is one of victory. Time is what limits us. I want you to know that there is immunization, light and health. You as a people are about to experience the greatest protection projected to any people as mortal puts back on Immortality. (End-of-Sermon)