Wednesday, May 20, 2015

How To Cold Smoke Chicken For Mouth Watering Deliciousness

And this is not a contest entry but a good article on how to make
chicken that is mouth watering delicious.  Even our finicky cat likes

“This is really good Mom” my 15 year old son looked at me with serious appreciation. My heart glowed with maternal delight and I grinned at him. 

Our fingers and faces were sticky and we were beyond caring what it looked like – in that place of intimacy – pigging out together on finger lickin’ good food. I tore another piece of chicken from the carcass and said, “you know 
we should stop”.

“Yeah” he said with theoretical whimsy as he continued nibbling on a wing.  And then we both laughed because we knew this was too good and we 

weren’t going to stop anytime soon.

I hadn’t cooked meat by cold smoking it in years. But our freezer had gone out unexpectedly and before I realized it, a bunch of chickens had thawed.  Not about to waste our precious homegrown food, I started going through my options for quickly preserving the meat....  Read the full article here (and I must warn you, this mehtod of cooking is considered dangerous!)

Talk soon!

She has a Great Newsletter btw!  Where I shared this from.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Spinal cord injuries HELP and HEAL with Luteolin, DHA and Curcumin


Can nutrients help repair spinal cord injuries? The answer might surprise you.... 
 Most medical professions would say it's unlikely nutrients could spare someone from paralysis with a severe spinal cord injury. This might be true. However, a new study suggests we shouldn't completely discount their ability to heal spinal cord injuries.
Most medical professions would say it's unlikely nutrients could spare someone from paralysis with a severe spinal cord injury. This might be true. However, a new study suggests we shouldn't completely discount their ability to heal spinal cord injuries. - See more at:
Most medical professions would say it's unlikely nutrients could spare someone from paralysis with a severe spinal cord injury. This might be true. However, a new study suggests we shouldn't completely discount their ability to heal spinal cord injuries. - See more at:
Most medical professions would say it's unlikely nutrients could spare someone from paralysis with a severe spinal cord injury. This might be true. However, a new study suggests we shouldn't completely discount their ability to heal spinal cord injuries. - See more at:
  - See more at:

The amazing power of bioflavonoids (NaturalHealth365)Bioflavonoids deliver what medicine can’t; vital nutrition with the ability to assist your body in detoxifying, tone all organ systems, promotes cardiovascular health, regulate immune systems and reduce oxidative stress. Luteolin The bioflavonoid Luteolin is a supper nutrient; it is a natural and potent antioxidant. Luteolin neutralizes free radicals, helps reduce inflammation, and promotes nerve and muscle function. It is found in parsley, artichoke leaves, celery, peppers, olive oil, rosemary, lemons, peppermint, sage, thyme and other foods. - See more at:

 What is Luteolin?  Luteolin is a flavonoid, and more precisely one of the citrus bioflavonoids. Just like most flavonoids, it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-tumor properties. It is found in high amounts in parsley, thyme, peppermint, basil herb, celery and artichoke. Luteolin exerts a variety of pharmacological activities and anti-oxidant properties associated with its capacity to scavenge oxygen and nitrogen species. It also shows potent anti-inflammatory activities by inhibiting nuclear factor kappa B (NFkB) signaling in immune cells.
Luteolin displays strong antinociceptive (against pain originating from peripheral nerves) action in mice .(85) This is in accordance with the fact that Luteolin is an active principle of Brazilian plant Wedelia paludosa, traditionally used against the variety of disorders, including painful conditions.
Luteolin is a naturally occurring nutrient known as a bioflavanoid and plays an important role in good health. It is found in high amounts in many plants, including carrots, capsicum, celery, artichoke, lemon, olive oil, peppermint, rosemary, thyme, parsley, basil and chamomile. This super nutrient acts as a potent antioxidant, protecting the body from free-radical damage and helping to slow down the ageing process. Luteolin also possesses impressive anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and immune-modulating properties. Luteolin is also useful for treating people with inflammatory conditions of the respiratory, gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal systems, as well helping prevent inflammatory responses in people with allergies. By including luteolin-rich foods in your diet you can help promote healthy blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, both important for prevention of type 2 diabetes.

Luteolin Induces microRNA-132 Expression and Modulates Neurite Outgrowth in PC12 Cells Abstract Luteolin (39,49,5,7-tetrahydroxyflavone), a food-derived flavonoid, has been reported to exert neurotrophic properties that are associated with its capacity to promote neuronal survival and neurite outgrowth. In this study, we report for the first time that luteolin induces the persistent expression of microRNA-132 (miR-132) in PC12 cells. The correlation between miR- 132 knockdown and a decrease in luteolin-mediated neurite outgrowth may indicate a mechanistic link by which miR-132 functions as a mediator for neuritogenesis. Furthermore, we find that luteolin led to the phosphorylation and activation of cAMP response element binding protein (CREB), which is associated with the up-regulation of miR-132 and neurite outgrowth. Moreover, luteolin-induced CREB activation, miR-132 expression and neurite outgrowth were inhibited by adenylate cyclase, protein kinase A (PKA) and MAPK/ERK kinase 1/2 (MEK1/2) inhibitors but not by protein kinase C (PKC) or calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMK II) inhibitors. Consistently, we find that luteolin treatment increases ERK phosphorylation and PKA activity in PC12 cells. These results show that luteolin induces the up-regulation of miR-132, which serves as an important regulator for neurotrophic actions, mainly acting through the activation of cAMP/PKA- and ERK-dependent CREB signaling pathways in PC12 cells. source --

 Can Dietary Choices Help the Spinal Cord Heal Itself? Though nerve damage has been difficult to treat until now, scientists at UCLA have discovered that a diet supplemented with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and turmeric may help maintain neurological functioning and repair damaged nerve cells.

Omega-3 fatty acid and curry spice repair spinal tissue damage “DHA and curcumin appear to invoke several molecular mechanisms that preserved neurological function in the rats,” said Gomez-Pinilla. “This is an exciting first step toward understanding the role that diet plays in protecting the body from degenerative disease.” Read more at --

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Diatomaceous Earth for Your Health(DE) aka Fossil Shell Flour ... Some of the 1500 everyday uses for DE -->> L•¿•K at these Keywords -->> Adult Health, More Energy, Bone Health, Bursitis, Arthritis, Lower Cholesterol, Brain/ Mood, Candida, Cardiovascular, Detoxification, Regular Bowel Movements, Lowering Of Blood Pressure, Complexion, Sinus, Cough, Eliminate Parasites, Diabetes, Hemorrhoids, Digestive Health, Hair/ Nails, Skin Care, Hay Fever, Immune Health, Joint Health, Muscle Growth/Regeneration, Skin, Sleep/ Relaxation, Stress, Weight Loss, Parasites, Colon Cleanse, Colon, Women's Health, Men's Health, Bug Control, Fleas, Bed Bugs, Ants, Spiders, Roaches, Flies, Lice, According to a top cancer researcher, it is also the best natural chelating product available(and affordable) - for pulling heavy metals and toxins (like lead, arsenic, bromide, perchlorate, barium, aluminum, mercury, and fluoride)from the bloodstream. Many believe that the increase in the number of cases of Heavy metal poisoning has occurred in part due to mercury in vaccines, fluoridated water, deodorants with aluminum, some seafood, foil wrap, cooking in aluminum cookware, and a number of other ways. .... and now even found to help with effects from... YES "chemtrail/geo-engineering and radiation fallout,also in recent studies may remove food additive toxins too along with fluoride"