Wednesday, January 25, 2012


You have heard this before,
although you have never had the chance to create such an impact.

Imagine if you will, a tree so full of nutrients, it can rebuild weak bones, enrich anemic blood and even enable a malnourished mother to nurse her starving baby.   Imagine if there was a tree than can purify dirty water, can treat diabetes and control high blood pressure. Imagine if this same tree is drought-resistant and can grow under harsh conditions in countries suffering from poverty and hunger.

Moringa - The Miracle Tree

There is such a's called Moringa Oleifera, known also as The Miracle Tree. There are 13 varieties of Moringa, Moringa Oleifera is the most well known.
The young pods can be cooked and reportedly have a taste reminiscent of asparagus. The green peas and surrounding white material can be removed from larger pods and cooked in various ways.

Moringa is more than a super food.

It is a food and commercial  resource that can change peoples lives.  There are many serious social workers, NGO’s, missionaries, doctors and research scientists and just regular people that are realizing and exploiting it’s potential for alleviating suffering around the world, taking advantage of its rapid growth and outstanding nutritional profile to improve lives. Moringa Farms is allied with many of these individuals or groups with the aim of making more people aware of its many beneficial effects



Moringa medicinal qualities
  are tantalizing.
Moringa can be effective against skin infections, Moringa is used for lowering blood sugar, Moringa is helpful in reducing swelling and in healing gastric ulcers, Moringa is used for lowering blood pressure and Moringa can be used for calming the nervous system.
While the page for ordering seeds is being repaired, contact:



Moringa has an impressive range of medicinal uses with high nutritional value.
Different parts of this plant contain a profile of important minerals, and are a good source of protein, vitamins, beta-carotene, amino acids and various phenolics.
The Moringa plant provides a rich and rare combination of zeatin, quercetin, beta-sitosterol, caffeoylquinic acid and kaempferol.



If you love salad greens, spinach, collards, and other greens, you will LOVE moringa! Right off the tree, it almost has a spinach-watercress taste. Steamed, or sautéed with a touch of butter, olive oil or coconut oil, it almost tastes like "pecan" spinach. It is tender, delicious, and highly nutritiousIt is also one FAST growing tree! Some Moringa trees are slender, some have "bottle trunks", some are tuberous. All of them are beneficial.

A few years ago, I was introduced to Moringa. With the exorbitant cost of fresh food at the grocery stores and supermarkets, we decided to plant as much in the way of edible landscaping as we could.  Planting Moringa was essential. It is one incredible powerhouse of fresh nutrition.

Above is a photo of the top of one of my Moringa trees. It is about 4' tall, at only a few months old. Already, we have picked and eaten a lot of the leaves. Moringa can be grown in your yard, in your garden, as a windbreak, as a hedge, or in a container - inside or out. It is basically a tropical tree, so it loves water, sunlight, and warmth.  Moringa Oleifera is one of the fastest-growing biomasses on the planet - easy to grow, and wonderful to eat.

We recommend that you eat the leaves - fresh, cooked, or dried, the flowers - cooked, the young pods - cooked, and the seeds - cooked.   Moringa seeds, crushed into powder,  can be used to purify water.
The ROOT - which tastes like horseradish - LEAVE ALONE . The root bark contains a substance that can be extremely toxic to your nervous system. Too much of it can harm you. How much? No one seems to know. Our advice - don't eat it!

 If you have any questions, comments, testimonials, etc. - please contact us at the email address below. If you are local to Sarasota or Bradenton, FL, we have Moringa seedlings you can purchase and pick up locally. Just drop us an email at the address below, or call us at  941-565-5030  Mon-Fri  9 am - 5 pm EST or Sat 9 am - 3 pm. Leave a message, if we don't pick up. We may be waiting on other customers. Please patient - we stay pretty busy!

I would like to Thank  She is so awesome .... She is also a host  This tree will make be a SMART Move for any yard ; )

How To Eat Healthy

how to eat healthy
A healthy diet helps to prevent, or reduce the severity of, diseases such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes. A healthy diet may also help to reduce the risk of developing some cancers. Also, a main way of combating obesity and overweight is to eat a healthy diet. This leaflet gives the principles of a healthy diet.

Eat plenty of starchy foods (complex carbohydrates) Starchy foods such as bread, cereals, potatoes, rice, and pasta, together with fruit and vegetables, should provide the bulk of most meals. Some people wrongly think that starchy foods are 'fattening'. In fact, they contain about half the calories than the same weight of fat. (However, it is easy to add fat to some starchy foods. For example, by adding butter to jacket potatoes or bread, or by adding oil to potatoes to make chips, etc.)

Also, starchy foods often contain a lot of fibre (roughage). When you eat starchy foods,
you get a feeling of fullness (satiety) which helps to control appetite.

Tips to increase starchy foods include:

For most meals, include generous portions of rice, pasta, baked potatoes, or bread.

For more fibre, choose wholemeal bread. When baking, use at least 1/3 wholemeal flour.
If you have cereals for breakfast,
choose porridge, high fibre cereals, or wholemeal cereals (without sugar coating).
Have tea breads, and plain or fruit scones, instead of sugary cakes and biscuits.

Step 1Eat plenty
of fruit and vegetables

Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables
Is is recommended that we eat at least five portions, and ideally 7-9 portions, of a variety of fruit or vegetables each day.
If you eat a lot of 'fruit and veg', then your chance of developing heart disease, a stroke, or bowel cancer are reduced. In addition, 'fruit and veg': contain lots of fibre which help to keep your bowels healthy.
Problems such as constipation and diverticular disease are less likely to develop.
fruit or vegetables contain plenty of vitamins and minerals, which are needed to keep you healthy. are naturally low in fat. .. are filling but are low in calories.

One portion of fruit or vegetables is roughly equivalent to one of the following.

One large fruit such as an apple, pear, banana, orange, or a large slice of melon or pineapple.
Two smaller fruits such as plums, kiwis, satsumas, clementines, etc.
One cup of small fruits such as grapes, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, etc.
Two large tablespoons of fruit salad, stewed or canned fruit in natural juices.
One tablespoon of dried fruit.
One glass of fresh fruit juice (150ml).
A normal portion of any vegetable (about two tablespoons).
One dessert bowl of salad.

Some tips on how to increase fruit and vegetables in your diet include:

Try some different types which you have not tried before. The variety of tastes and
textures may be surprising. Juices, frozen, canned, and dried varieties all count.
Try adding chopped bananas, apples, or other fruits to breakfast cereals.

Aim to include at least two different vegetables with most main meals.
Do not over-boil vegetables.
Steaming, stir-frying, or lightly boiling are best to retain the nutrients. Always offer fruit or fruit juice to accompany meals. Try new recipes which include fruit. For example, some curries or stews include fruit such as dried apricots. Have fruit based puddings. Fruit with yoghurt is a common favourite. How about cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks, dried apricots, or other fruits as part of packed lunches? A banana sandwich is another idea for lunch.

Fruit is great for snacks. Encourage children to snack with fruit rather than with sweets.

Eat plenty of fibre (roughage)

Fibre is the part of food that is not digested. It is filling, but has few calories. It helps the bowels to move
regularly, which reduces constipation and other bowel problems. Fibre may also help to lower your cholesterol level. Starchy foods, and fruit and vegetables contain the most fibre. So the tips above on starchy foods and fruit and vegetables will also increase fibre. Have plenty to drink when you eat a high
fibre diet (at least 6-8 cups of fluid a day).

Step 2 Do not eat
too much fat

Do not eat too much fat
A low-fat diet helps to reduce the chance of developing diseases such as heart disease and stroke. It will also help you to reduce weight. The total amount of fat should be low. Also, the type of fat is important. You
should not have much saturated fats such as butter, lard, dripping, and unspecified margarine. Unsaturated fats are better such as corn oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, and low fat spreads. Tips to reduce fat in your diet include the following.

Whenever possible, do not fry food. It is better to grill, bake, poach, barbecue, or boil food. If you do fry, use unsaturated oil. Drain the oil off the food before eating. Choose lean cuts of meat, and cut off
any excess fat. Avoid adding unnecessary fat to food. For example, use low fat spreads, spread less butter or margarine on bread, measure out small portions of oil for cooking, etc. Watch out for hidden fats that are in
pastries, chocolate, cakes, and biscuits. Have low-fat milk, cheeses, yoghurts, and other dairy foods rather than full-fat varieties.
Avoid cream.
Use low fat salad cream, or low-fat yoghurt as a cream substitute.
Do not have too many sugary foods and drinks
Sugary foods and drinks are high in calories, and too much may cause weight gain. It isn't just the amount of sugar that may be bad. Eating small amounts of sugary foods (sweets etc) too often is bad for teeth. Tips include:

Try not to add sugar to tea, coffee, and breakfast cereals. Your taste for sweetness often changes with time. Use artificial sweeteners only if necessary.
Reduce sugar in any kind of recipe.
Use fruit as an alternative to add sweetness to recipes.
Try sugar-free drinks. Give children water as their main drink.
If you eat chocolate or sweets, try and keep the quantity down. Eating them as part of a meal, and then
brushing your teeth, is better than between meals as snacks.
Do not eat too much salt
Too much salt increases the risk of developing high blood
pressure. Government guidelines recommend that we should have no more than 5-6
grams of salt per day. (Most people in the UK currently have more than this.) If
you are used to a lot of salt, try to gradually reduce the amount that you have.
Your taste for salt will eventually change. Tips on how to reduce salt include:

Use herbs and spices to flavour food rather than salt.
Limit the amount of salt used in cooking, and do not add salt to food at the table.

Choose foods labelled 'no added salt'.
As much as possible, avoid processed foods, salt-rich sauces, take-aways, and packet soups which are often
high in salt.

Step 3 Finally

you can lose fat by doing sports!  ; )
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Brought to you today by Mark Weaver