Saturday, February 22, 2014

Health benefits of banana skin


It is a well known fact that bananas are exceptionally nutritious and offer
several health promoting benefits.
A common practice while eating banana is to eat the flesh of the banana and
throw its peel away. Poor banana skin, it has been known as gag material causing
people to slip over it. Interestingly, its a myth that banana skin causes you to slip. On positive side,
did you know that the banana skin can also provide various benefits to your
health, skin and hair? Banana peel
contains many vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, which makes it excellent
for health and beauty purposes. Although
it can be eaten raw, it is best when consumed after cooking. So the next time
you have a banana, instead of discarding the peel, try to make use of its
amazing benefits.

Nutritional value of banana

Just as bananas are packed with nutrients, their peels also pack a punch
nutritionally. Banana peel actually contains more fiber (soluble and insoluble)
and potassium than the flesh of banana. It also contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid that increases the levels of
the hormone serotonin, which is a mood enhancer. Banana peel is a good source of
vitamins like vitamin
A, and vitamin B6. In addition to potassium, it also contains minerals like
calcium, manganese, magnesium, sodium and sulfur. Banana peel also contains
antioxidants including lutein and phytochemicals like polyphenols and
carotenoids. Interestingly,  antioxidant
activity of the banana peel
extract was found to be stronger than that of
the banana pulp extract.

partly peeled banana and banana skin
partly peeled banana skin
The nutrients in banana peel are considered to provide several benefits,
which makes it an excellent remedy for treating various health conditions.

Banana peel protects your

The high levels of soluble and insoluble
in banana peel are very useful in reducing the levels of bad
cholesterol or LDL cholesterol. Also,
banana peel is an excellent source of potassium that helps to lower high blood pressure. By
keeping the cholesterol and blood pressure
under check, banana peel offers protective effects to your

Banana skin for whiter

By rubbing the inside of banana peel daily on your teeth, you will get whiter and sparkling teeth. Take the inner
white part of the peel and gently rub it all over your teeth for about 2
minutes. The minerals like potassium, magnesium and manganese in banana peel are
absorbed in to your teeth, making them white and stain-free.

Beautiful skin with banana

The application of banana peel on your skin can improve its appearance and
glow. It is a rich source of vitamin C and other antioxidants that promotes
increased blood circulation in your skin and also stimulates the production of
collagen. Scrubbing your skin with banana peel provides excellent exfoliation
and removes the dirt and dead skin
. This cleanses your skin and makes it looking soft, smooth and

Banana peel reduces skin

The antioxidants in banana peel fights off the free radicals and prevent the
oxidation stress on the cells of your body. This helps in slowing the aging
process and also in reducing the signs of aging. Moreover, rubbing banana peel
on the skin is an excellent remedy to tone
and tighten your skin, thus removing wrinkles and fine lines.

Banana peel removes acne

If you are suffering from acne breakouts, banana peel can be of great help.
Simply rub the peel over the affected area and you will see considerable
improvement in the condition. The high potassium content in banana peel destroys
the bacteria and helps to heal blemishes at a faster rate. The anti-bacterial
properties of banana peel are helpful in treating other kinds of skin infections

Banana peel for removing

Banana peel has been found to be effective in removing warts and also in
preventing them from occurring again. Rub the peel or keep the peel over the
wart affected area overnight and you will see that the warts have reduced in
size or have disappeared completely.

Banana peel relieves
eczema and psoriasis

Banana peel is also used as a natural remedy to get relief from skin
conditions like psoriasis and eczema. The
peel has excellent exfoliating properties, which helps in removing loose and
flaky skin. The antioxidants and other nutrients in banana peel provide the
necessary nourishment to your skin. Banana peel has anti-inflammatory
properties that help in reducing the inflammation associated with eczema and

Banana skin helps soothe

Banana peel is a wonderful remedy for soothing skin irritation caused by
poison ivy, bug bites and other kinds of allergic
skin reactions
. The vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients in the
peel increases blood circulation, which promotes quicker healing. Banana peel
has anti-inflammatory properties that soothes irritation and prevents
inflammation, while its antibacterial properties help in preventing bacterial infection.

Banana peel promotes
healthy bowel movements

Banana peel is a rich source of both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. The
intake of foods rich in fiber helps in making your bowel movements regular and
in preventing constipation.

Banana skin and weight loss

The high amounts of fiber in banana peel give you the sensation of fullness,
which prevents you from overeating and snacking in between meals. Banana peels
are low in calories and at the same time rich in nutrients. This makes it a
healthy and nutritious food for people trying to
lose weight.

Banana peel and cancer cure

Banana peel is high in antioxidants that prevent oxidative stress caused to
the cells by free radicals. It also contains compounds that can prevent cell
mutations that may lead to the development of cancer.

Banana peel eases

Banana peels contains the amino acid
tryptophan, which increases the levels of serotonin levels in your body.
Serotonin helps in improving your mood and in making you feel happy. A low level
of serotonin has been considered to be one of the reasons of depression in
people.  Researchers have found that increased levels of serotonin helps in
easing depression. According to studies, boiling the banana peel and drinking
the boiled water or blending the peel in a juicer and drinking the juice is a
very effective way to combat depression.

Banana peel for a good night’s

As mentioned above, banana peel is high in tryptophan, an essential amino
acid that helps you sleep better. In fact it is often prescribed by doctors as a supplement to take care of sleep problems and treat insomnia. So if you are experiencing sleep
problems, eating banana peel is a great way to enjoy a good night’s sleep.

Banana peel protects red blood

Red blood cells help in carrying oxygen to all parts of your body. Studies
reveal that banana peel contains nutrients that protect your red blood cells
from breaking down.

Banana peel improves eye

Banana peel contains vitamin A, which is associated with good eyesight.  It
is also rich in lutein, which is often referred to as the eye vitamin. Lutein
helps in improving your eye health and night vision. This compound has also been
found to protect your eyes from conditions like macular degeneration and cataract. Lutein is a powerful
antioxidant that protects the cells of your eyes from damage caused by free
radicals. It is also effective in protecting your eyes from the harmful effects
of ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Banana peel for pain relief

Banana peel has been touted to have pain relieving effects. Placing the peel
on your forehead and back of the neck has been found to ease headaches. The
analgesic effect of banana peel is attributed to the presence of oils inside the
peel that penetrate your skin and offer pain relief.

Banana peel for removing

Banana peel is considered to be effective in removing splinters from your
body without causing infection. Place the peel over the splintered region and
tape it. The enzymes in the peel work to dislodge the splinter, so that you can
easily remove it with minimum pain and less risk of injury or infection.

Banana peel and waste water

Extracts from banana peel have been found as good absorbants and can be used
for removal of heavy metal from waste water. As research
suggests, it offers good potential to absorb harmful contaminants from
water. It can also be used in removal of trace metals from synthetic

Other uses of banana peel

In addition to the various health benefits,
banana peel is useful in many other ways too. It can be used to polish your
shoes, leather goods and also silver items. Placing banana peel over insect
bites or poison ivy rash can help ease the pain. It is a great fertilizer for
plants. Banana peel is rich in important minerals and nutrients that help your
plants grow well. Hence it can be added to the compost. Banana peel contains
enzymes that help in making meat tender and hence it is used in several cuisines
as a meat tenderizer.

Because of their nutritional value,
banana peel is also used as feedstock for goats, cattle, pigs, rabbits, poultry,
and many other species of animals. Adding the peels to the soil can improve the
nutrient content of the soil. This way banana peel also provides nutrients and
nourishment to your plants. As you can see, just like several other fruit peels,
the banana peels are also nutritionally rich. This makes it a great food for not
only us humans, but also for the other living things.  The best part is that it
is very cheap and readily available all the time.

source --

Brought to you today by Mark Weaver
Earth for Your Health(DE) aka Fossil Shell Flour ... Some of the 1500 everyday
uses for DE -->> L•¿•K  at these Keywords -->> Adult Health, More
Energy, Bone Health, Bursitis, Arthritis, Lower Cholesterol, Brain/ Mood,
Candida, Cardiovascular, Detoxification, Regular Bowel Movements, Lowering Of
Blood Pressure, Complexion, Sinus, Cough, Eliminate Parasites, Diabetes,
Hemorrhoids, Digestive Health, Hair/ Nails, Skin Care, Hay Fever, Immune Health,
Joint Health, Muscle Growth/Regeneration, Skin, Sleep/ Relaxation, Stress,
Weight Loss, Parasites, Colon Cleanse, Colon, Women's Health, Men's Health, Bug
Control, Fleas, Bed Bugs, Ants, Spiders, Roaches, Flies, Lice, According to a
top cancer researcher, it is also the best natural chelating product
available(and affordable) - for pulling heavy metals from the bloodstream. Many
believe that the increase in the number of cases of Heavy metal poisoning has
occurred in part due to mercury in vaccines, fluoridated water, deodorants with
aluminum, some seafood, foil wrap, cooking in aluminum cookware, and a number of
other ways. .... and now even found to help with effects from... YES
"chemtrail/geo-engineering and radiation fallout,also in recent studies may
remove food additive toxins too along with fluoride"

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

33 Foods that Starve Cancer

“The obvious thing
is to think about what we could remove from our diet. But I took a completely
opposite approach and began asking: What could we be adding to our diet that
could boost the body’s defense system? In other words, can we eat to starve
cancer?”- Dr. William Li
Cancer is the second most common form of death in the United States –
claiming the lives of 1 in 4 people. While billions of dollars in high-tech
research is conducted yearly, we just can’t seem to get ahead of the curve as
more and more people are diagnosed with a number of types of cancers.

We often think about what we should be removing from our diet in an effort to
prevent cancer, such as refined sugar and processed foods. While this is a good
thing to do there may be something else we should be doing. What if we could
actually add certain foods to our diet that would beat cancer at its own

The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates
said it best when he said, “Let your food be thy medicine and medicine be thy
food.” He was referring quite simply to the innate powers that are locked deep
within the cells of living foods – those foods that provide the maximum
nutrition for us are also the very foods that can starve cancer.

What is angiogenesis?

Angiogenesis literally means the creation of new blood vessels – “angio”
means blood vessels and “genesis” means creation. The human body contains over
60,000 miles of blood vessels, including 19 million capillaries.

Blood vessels can adapt to whatever environment they are exposed to and the
body has the amazing ability to regulate how many blood vessels are present at
any time.

Angiogenesis occurs during times of health and disease. Blood carries oxygen
and nutrients to all parts of the body via blood vessels. When new tissue is
developed, a blood supply is necessary for its growth and maintenance –
angiogenesis, or the formation of new blood vessels, must occur.

The body can fertilize vessels to grow and also has ways to prune them back
when necessary. A healthy body has control over the on and off switch and can
regulate angiogenesis as needed.

However, research is now showing that in a number of diseases the body fails
to either grow enough blood vessels or is not able to prune vessels when needed.
When there are too many blood vessels conditions like cancer, arthritis,
blindness, endometriosis, obesity and Alzheimers disease are fueled. When there
are too few vessels, wounds don’t heal and conditions such as stroke, coronary
heart disease, hair loss, erectile dysfunction and peripheral arterial disease

In the case of cancer, tumors release growth factor proteins that beckon for
blood vessels to grow into the tumor. This provides not only the oxygen and the
nutrients that the cancer needs to grow, but also supplies an escape route
whereby cancerous cells can exit the tumor and metastasize in other areas.

Worldwide there are over 70 major diseases that impact millions of humans on
a large scale – these diseases may all look different on the outside but upon
closer inspection, they all share unbalanced angiogenesis as their common

This finding is now allowing researchers to re-conceptualize disease
prevention and treatment..

FACT: Cancer begins as a group of harmless cells

Imbalanced angiogenesis is a hallmark of all forms of cancer. First and
foremost it is important to understand how cancer starts. All cancers begin as
microscopic nests of cells that are, for all intensive purposes, harmless. They
can only grow to the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen at most on their own
because they don’t have their own blood supply – no nutrients or oxygen means no

Autopsy studies from people who have died in car accidents show that forty
percent of women between the ages of 40 and 50 have microscopic cancers in their
breasts and fifty percent of men in their 50′s and 60′s have microscopic cancers
in their prostate.

In fact, by the time we all reach about age 70 we all have these microscopic
nests of cancer cells in our thyroid. However, the majority of these cells never
develop into anything dangerous simply because they don’t have what they need to
survive – that is a blood supply. Dr. Judah Folkman, a pioneer in angiogenesis,
referred to this as “cancer without disease.”

Testing what is true

Cancer cells are fed by the development of new blood vessels, so it makes
sense to think that once the blood supply is cut off, the tumor will no longer
be fed and thus will die. Advancements in angiogenesis research based on this
theory have resulted in much success in both animals as well as humans.

Dr. William Li, President and Medical Director of the Angiogenesis
Foundation, has conducted extensive research in angiogenesis-based medicine – a
new and comprehensive approach to fighting disease by way of restoring the
body’s innate ability to control angiogenesis. Medical therapies that either
stimulate the growth of new blood vessels or inhibit growth are being put to the
test with great success.

Today there is a whole group of cancer treatments that block blood vessel
growth that are approved and in use for cancers of the colon, kidney, breast,
lung, brain and thyroid. Many patients have experienced stabilization or
complete regression from tumors as a result of these drugs.

Catch cancer early

Dr. Li noticed that while many forms of cancer responded quite well to
anti-angiogenesis drugs, others did not. This spawned more research which led
Dr. Li back to the root cause of most disease. He hypothesized that one of the
reasons some cancers responded better than others to anti-angiogenesis therapy
was because many cases were in the advanced stages where the cancer had already
invaded many other parts of the body. Once disease becomes rampant it is
difficult, if not impossible to cure.

But what if there were certain naturally occurring anti-angiogenesis
substances that one could consume in their diet, thus prohibiting cancerous
tumors from ever forming? This led Dr. Li to the thought of starving cancer
before it even becomes a disease – before it is too late – in essence, beating
cancer at its own game. This approach would benefit both healthy people as well
as those who had already beaten cancer.

Diet a major contributor

Ninety to ninety-five percent of all cancers are environmental, meaning they
are outside of genetics. Out of these environmental cancers, thirty to
thirty-five percent are the result of diet. In relation to diet, Dr. Li asked
not what we could take away from the diet but what could be added that would
beat back the blood vessels that feed cancer.

Can we eat to starve cancer? The answer, according to Li, is unequivocally,
yes. Mother nature has provided a plethora of foods with naturally occurring
properties designed to stop the formation of blood vessels in their tracks.

In addition, foods appear to have a synergistic impact on tumors, working
together to starve cancer cells. Some types of certain foods are more potent
than others. While research continues at full speed, an ongoing list of
beneficial foods is being compiled.

Choose your food wisely

According to Dr. Li, we can start today, eating the foods that are known to
inhibit the growth of blood vessels, and make wise choices that will allow us to
stay as healthy as possible by keeping cancerous cells in their infancy. Here
are some of the best foods to choose from:

  • Apples
  • Blueberries
  • Cranberries
  • Tomatoes
  • Garlic
  • Basil
  • Onions
  • Thyme
  • Ginseng
  • Ginger
  • Cauliflower
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Sweet Potato
  • Kale
  • Lemons
  • Oranges
  • Peaches
  • Grapefruit
  • Flaxseed
  • Red Grapes
  • Strawberries
  • String Beans
  • Spinach
  • Green Tea
  • Peppers
  • Pumpkins
  • Honey
  • Olive oil
  • Shiitake mushrooms
  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
cancer fighting foodsNote: Dr. Li recommends eating one cancer-fighting food with
each meal. For information on more cancer-fighting foods visit Eat to Beat Cancer.

Can we beat cancer? – you bet we can – in fact, we can do
better than that. By making wise food choices and living a healthy lifestyle we
can keep the cancerous cells that we all have in our body from ever becoming a
deadly disease.

source --

Brought to you today by Mark Weaver
Diatomaceous Earth
for Your Health(DE) aka Fossil Shell Flour ... Some of the 1500 everyday uses
for DE -->> L•¿•K  at these Keywords -->> Adult Health, More
Energy, Bone Health, Bursitis, Arthritis, Lower Cholesterol, Brain/ Mood,
Candida, Cardiovascular, Detoxification, Regular Bowel Movements, Lowering Of
Blood Pressure, Complexion, Sinus, Cough, Eliminate Parasites, Diabetes,
Hemorrhoids, Digestive Health, Hair/ Nails, Skin Care, Hay Fever, Immune Health,
Joint Health, Muscle Growth/Regeneration, Skin, Sleep/ Relaxation, Stress,
Weight Loss, Parasites, Colon Cleanse, Colon, Women's Health, Men's Health, Bug
Control, Fleas, Bed Bugs, Ants, Spiders, Roaches, Flies, Lice, According to a
top cancer researcher, it is also the best natural chelating product
available(and affordable) - for pulling heavy metals from the bloodstream. Many
believe that the increase in the number of cases of Heavy metal poisoning has
occurred in part due to mercury in vaccines, fluoridated water, deodorants with
aluminum, some seafood, foil wrap, cooking in aluminum cookware, and a number of
other ways. .... and now even found to help with effects from... YES
"chemtrail/geo-engineering and radiation fallout,also in recent studies may
remove food additive toxins too along with fluoride"