Sunday, February 28, 2010


Forwarded To Me On Feb 25, 2010

Hi, All,
As you know, I do alot of surfing/research
on the net to enlighten myself. Below
are some news articles that I have kept
for myself. I am passing along to you
for your possible interest/use. You could do the
same over the course of a month. I appreciate
getting useful info.

Feel free to forward this to others with
curious minds.

Also, four health pdf's attached; first two
are my Flu Remedies flyer, one in Word,
second in Works. Then my Prune Juice Blast
cleanse method, then a Pau Arco Health
Tea remedy for cancer and general health.

The heavy mineralization from the tree
bark alkalizes the blood preventing and
hindering disease.

P.S. There's alot to read here.
I archive emails like this for future reference.
Put it in your "Lee" file.....

1) Troop support. We may not all agree
with the war, but we have to respect our fellow
Americans who put themselves at risk, and the
sacrifices of they and their families. Here's a
listing of dozens of troop support groups to
choose from for donations.

2) Bloom Energy box to power homes
size of shoebox featured on 60 minutes:

3) Ron Paul's HUGE win in presidential straw poll
at 10,000 attendees at CPAC (Conservative Political
Action Committee). See the first video, and super
second CNBC interview video!

4) 33 Conspiracy Theories That
Turned Out to Be True:

5) Guardian angel help;
two recommended books:

6) "Meet Your Meat"; abuse of farm
animals: MUST SEE to BELIEVE.

7) More:
Milk concerns:

8) Significantly reduce mouth bacteria,
plaque with "oil pulling." Scroll down a
few articles to find it here:

9) Discovery: two nutrients your eyes
are starving for:

10) Great Diabetes cover-up:

11) Vitamin D cured cancer?
Dr Prendergast video:

12) Full body airport scanners may
damage human DNA:

13) Matrix Energetics....interesting:

14) Fifteen Minute Miracle:

15) The NEW "Mapquest:" Amazing...quick to
look up all your previous addresses!

16) Find your cure:

17) Traffic ticket help:
Know your rights in a police stop:

18) MUST READ: If you are a 14th
Amendment federal citizen, you have
NO rights, only privileges granted by
Congress !!

Ever wonder why government can
trample all over your rights? Well, are
you holding the "Office of Person?"


Natural rights website:

Learn your heritage of rights.
Click on Liberty University, read,
"Path to Freedom."

See free down-loadable ebook on left
column: "The Great IRS Hoax" here:

Legal research site:

This website asserts that the simplest solution to
America's huge problems are to do what the Founding
Fathers did. Start with a clean slate and create a new
political "compact."

19) Natural lighting for home and office
increases energy, productivity. Many
websites to read on this subject.

20) Many tax advantages with a small
home business!!

21) Patriotic radio shows on-line;
index of them. Learn alot of suppressed
information the big media blacks out.

Here's a sample of the better ones:

22) Comparisons with Democrat and
Republican healthcare options:

23) Republican alternative to healthcare bill:

24) Harmonic healing tape, very interesting!

25) 66 Books That Founded America

26) Women put up to 515 chemicals
on their face DAILY !

27) Vaccinations dangers:
Dangers of artificial sugar:

28) Alternative cancer cures:
Past September conferences list dozens
of alternative doctors & healing modalities:

29) Financial Coup d' ta: Listen to
Congresswoman Marcey Kaptor talk
about Chase bank:

30) I have seen NO interviews of Ralph
Nader on the healthcare issue. Why?
This is Ralph Nader's group on a single
payer health system...Very interesting.

31) Protest the big banks abuse of our
financial system. Put your money
into a local bank:

32) VERY effective conservative legal
group,worth supporting. Free e-newsletter.

33) Germs & viruses on new clothing !!
Wash it !!

34) What really causes alzheimers??

35) Best site for suppressed information:
Ebook reports on suppressed info:

36) Reincarnation: 11 year old boy
remembers past life; fighter pilot:

37) Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theories:
Secret Societies: 6 parts; (New episodes
being filmed)

38) IRS help:

Exposed: Labor deductible from gross
income as a COST??
Former Assist. U.S. attorney tells all:

Additional proof in law:

39) Iodine: why you can't live without;
97% Americans deficient:

40) Dr Mercola's most powerful healing

41) Cris Angel Walks on Water
Cris Angel Puts Hand Through Man

42) On-line education classes, some
unlimited,for only as little as $29.95 month !!
Index of on-line education schools.

43) Famous forecaster, Gerald Celente,
predicts 2010 on audio. Worth a listen.
(Store food)
Written report 1:
Written report 2:

44) Great sites for latest in natural health
and healing. Both have FREE newsletters
I highly recommend:

45) "War is a Racket" by Major
General Smedley Butler, USMC.
MUST READ!! Historical speech
about war!! Very timely!

46) Cell phone ban in cars PROVEN

47) 1100 State Legislators: letter to them
on solving the federal govt problems

48) Great alternative newspaper !!
Idaho Observer !

49) Prevent Alzheimers book:

50) Cooper in pipes risks heart disease
and Alzheimers. I get my water from
Water Store that uses 12 filters! Lee

51) New tell-all CD series on the inside
story the corrupt, greedy folks who are
behind the economic doldrums of America.
Read the list of topics covered.

52) Kennedy Assasination:
Secret Service Called Off Limosine !

53) Help foot, ankle, back pain with
power walk inserts. Amazingly, only $20,
versus Good Feet for $150.

54) Amazing health products:

55) New revolutionary SLOW juicer
preserves nutrients:

56) Government without Taxation??
Walter Burien says "Yes" if secret govt
slush funds are utilized:


57) Little boy remembers past life !!

58) Vitamin C key to cell rejeneration:
Vit C discoveries effective on many ailments !!
Nutrition remedies for Chemtrail
atomosphere spraying:
Advanced Power C

59) Best emergency preparedness book.
Chip in with friends and get a case of 8
at a big discount

Food crisis not being reported !

60) Criminal turns criminolgist;

61) Huge health expo; Long Beach, CA,
March 35, 26
62) Whistle-blower audio/radio interviews:

63) Movie on-line: expose of the privately-
owned Federal Reserve Bank, and its
cousin the IRS. SUPER !! Must see:

Interview the director, Aarron Russo:

64) Pro-freedom activists organizations:
Ron Paul's campaign:

College kids for freedom:

Excellent group:

TV on-line reporting on suppressed news.
Click on each link to see each program:

65) Are Food Preservatives Poisoning Us?

(P.S. The article below doesn't even mention excitotoxins, a class of
chemicals pervading most prepared food that cause brain damage.
Beware of things like (autolyzed) yeast extract, hydrolyzed (vegetable)
protein, and NutraSweet. Even things such as natural flavors and spices
on a label can be a cover for excitotoxins. Most of these are more
dangerous than the most well-known excitotoxin, MSG. Please see
Russell Blaylock, M.D.'s book, Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, for
hundreds of scientific studies demonstrating this. Trisha)

Subject: A Must Read! Preservatives and Additives

Please share this article far and wide ...There is much truth here. Our health, and especially our natural immune system, has been altered bythe synthetics that are put into foods ...INTENTIONALLY...That's right. The scientists and food manufacturers know what they are doing. It's big business for you and me to get the cost of making Big Business wealthier. The FDA is behind it and so is the federal government. Drug companies also are responsible for all the chemicals humans ingest, and they don't care the least that it is a long-term way of killing all of us murder in the first degree!

An excerpt from below:

"We live like no other generation before us. A giant experiment of toxic ingestion. In this game, the stakes are high, it can cost your life. We may consider our way of eating as normal, but the modern diet is about as normal as a test tube of chemicals. The body's chemistry is recreated by ingesting countless food additives and environmental contaminants....

"Chemicals which have the power to produce mutations through chromosome damage are called mutagens. They cause disruptions of the genetic code that are responsible for over 15,000 inheritable, genetic disorders. Sadly, they have drastic consequences for our children and grandchildren.

"The food industry aims at making products look and taste appealing, without thought to the products' nutritional value. Loaded with chemical additives and designed to be addictive, processed food is manufactured first for profit....

"Your body has become a chemical depository. Sulfur is used to keep dried fruit fresh. Formaldehyde, which is used to retard corpse decomposition, is added to disinfect frozen vegetables. The blue shimmer on the surface of luncheon meat is the result of sodium nitrate.Sodium nitrate is commonly used in the preservation of ham, bacon, sausage and bologna to keep meat looking red when, normally, it would have decomposed into an unappealing gray. In the stomach, sodium nitrate is converted into nitrous acid, which is suspected of inciting stomach cancer. Germany and Norway have banned the use of this powerful toxin." (Note: Formaldehyde can be responsible for RA or Rheumatoid Arthritis!)

Preservatives and Additives
This is an excerpt from the book, North American Diet


This is the age of science. A fabricated custom-made reality, competing with the natural, organic world man which has lived for thousands of years.

Yet the living, human cell has been incapable of keeping up with our ever-changing times. The small print on your Twinkies reads more like rocket fuel than food for human consumption with unpronounceable test tube names labeling chemicals manufactured in the cauldrons of industry. There is no doubt that the Twinkie-drug has been a successful experiment in taste-bud delight, their bright plastic husks found in dumps all over the planet. But are there side effects? And if so, do they outweigh the benefits that Twinkies are providing for the
millions who have come to depend upon their relief from the drudgery of daily living?

The human body consists of billions of microscopic living cells, composed of perfectly, balanced quantities of water and organic substances. If you have eaten the standard North American Diet for years, without serious harm to your health, it is due to your body's outstanding resistance. Yet genetic weaknesses may be hidden by youth. The cumulative effect of toxins will increase the risk of becominga host to disease or premature death. Unfortunately, resistance to disease diminishes as the abuse continues. Disease is like heating a
pot of water. When the water becomes too hot, it quickly boils over. The biochemistry of the body will absorb toxins only to a point.

There is a boiling point-illness!

We live like no other generation before us. A giant experiment of toxic ingestion. In this game, the stakes are high, it can cost your life. We may consider our way of eating as normal, but the modern diet is about as normal as a test tube of chemicals. The body's chemistry isrecreated by ingesting countless food additives and environmental contaminants.

The toxins in your body have been accumulating since birth and are imbedded in every cell structure and organ. But do not despair, there is an answer. Toxins disrupt the natural chemistry of your body. Remove the harmful elements in your diet, replacing them with health-filled foods, and a wonderful new metamorphosis will occur.

Chemicals which have the power to produce mutations through chromosome damage are called mutagens. They cause disruptions of the genetic code that are responsible for over 15,000 inheritable, genetic disorders. Sadly, they have drastic consequences for our children and grandchildren.

The food industry aims at making products look and taste appealing without thought to the products' nutritional value. Loaded with chemical additives and designed to be addictive, processed food is manufacturedfirst for profit.

All great chefs will tell you that the tangy flavor of lemon juice is a must in enhancing and lifting the taste of fish. In fact, lemon juice is widely used to compliment a variety of popular dishes. But to cut cost and for the sake of convenience, manufacturers have replaced lemon juice with 2-methyl-3-(pisopropylphenyl)-propionaldehyde. An unpronounceable name to add to the estimated three thousand chemical additives which we consume.

Your body has become a chemical depository. Sulfur is used to keep dried fruit fresh. Formaldehyde, which is used to retard corpse decomposition, is added to disinfect frozen vegetables. The blue shimmer on the surface of luncheon meat is the result of sodium nitrate.

Sodium nitrate is commonly used in the preservation of ham, bacon, sausage and bologna to keep meat looking red when, normally, it would have decomposed into an unappealing gray. In the stomach, sodium nitrate is converted into nitrous acid, which is suspected of inciting stomach cancer. Germany and Norway have banned the use of this powerful toxin.Feed for raising chickens contains arsenic to stimulate growth,
increaseegg-production and give the chicken a yellowed skin.

Aluminum compounds are added to baking powder, aspirin, antacids, beer, table salt, and antiperspirants. It also leaches into our food and water through cookware, soft drink cans, and aluminum foil. It has beendiscovered in high concentrations in the brain of Alzheimer's patients and is suspected of contributing to or even inciting this most hideous disease.

Potatoes may seem untouched by chemicals, but because of their bad habit of sprouting, they are coated with the chemical inhibitor, maleic hydrazide, which has resulted in cancer in laboratory animals. Ice cream producers use propylene glycol, the same substance in antifreeze and paint remover. Carboxymethylcellulose is a stabilizer,used in ice cream, salad dressing, cheese spreads, and chocolate milk. It has produced tumors in 80% of rats injected. Yet the FDA flatly denies it as a carcinogen, for the reason that when it was given to the rats orally, it didn't cause cancer.

For 50 years, producers have added brominated oils to bottled fruit juice to maintain a look of freshness-even after 6 months of storage.Unfortunately, brominated oils have side effects. They produce changes in heart tissue, enlargement of the thyroid, kidney damage, decrease in liver metabolism and withered testicles. Canada, Holland,and Germany have banned brominated oils in the production of bottled drinks, yet they can still be imported from other countries.

New food additives are believed to be met with stringent testing. But due to unreliable testing methods, lack of qualified technicians, expensive analysis equipment, budget cuts and government lobbying by food conglomerates, additives that are marginally carcinogenic, mutagenic, or teratogenic stay in use.

The fetus cannot deal with foreign chemicals. Whatever toxic substances the mother eats flow largely unimpeded into the fetus. Unlike an adult, the fetus lacks protective, detoxifying systems. Teratogens are toxins which harm fetal development. Certain food additives are considered mildly teratogenic.

What toxicology testing cannot accurately predict is the long-term combined effect of 3,000 additives and environmental toxins on children, the elderly, newborn, the fetus, and people with cancer. The combined effect of these toxins on humans is unknown.

The processed food industry loads fat, sugar and salt into their products because they are cheap. They use chemicals to change these cheap, raw materials into brightly-colored, tasty products with a long shelf life.

Food producers buy the cheapest raw materials, manufacture the product as quickly as possible, then sell it for the highest price. Good business sense, but, what is lost in the manufacturing is quality.

Before cyclamate was banned, it was used to sweeten drinks such as Kool-Aid which contained 28.5% of this substance. It was discovered that 30% of humans converted as much as 40% of the cyclamates ingested into Cyclohexylamine which produces chromosome damage in animals, a high rate of still-born young, and birth defects. It was then banned. Lipton donated its artificially sweetened product to mental hospitals and prisons in Ohio, where it was accepted without question. It seems as if food companies will do just about anything to enhance the taste and textures of their products. The aim is to increase the pleasure of eating so as to maximize brand loyalty and thus profits, even if it meanscompromising nutritional value.

Note: We can all contribute easily toward creating a
better society by passing along useful/interesting information
to increase each of our own and others' personal knowledge
bases. Increased awareness and knowledge spur CHANGE AND
REFORM. The major media only provide a tidbit of the huge
amount of valuable information in the internet. Feel free to
forward this "newsletter."


Sharing useful/interesting information for a better society.

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