recommend a 7 step process:
At New Life, we recommend 7 steps for boosting your immune system against these various viruses: Click on each one to "jump to" more detailed information below.
1. Take Oil of Oregano
2. Take Olive Leave Extract
3. Take Colloidal Silver - atleast 3x a day
4. Take Vitamin D
5. Use Midieval Blend Essential oil in your home
6. Eat a Raw Food Diet and get plenty of sleep
7. Avoid large crowds
The theory is, if you can focus on those things, you hopefully won't need all the extra gear.
1. Oil of Oregano
The Benefits of Silver
Nanotechnology has rendered silver into an exceedingly powerful tool destined to be one of the most commonly used minerals in the health industry, communications industry, sanitation industry, energy industry, alternative power industry, environmental management industry among many others.The reason for this wide-spread application is because of nanotechnology’s influence upon silver’s well-established (A) biological catalytic activity which may excite higher life forms into maximal states of immune function when the silver is in an oligodynamic state,1, 2, 3, 4* and (B) its physical characteristics which establishes that it possesses the greatest electrical and thermal conductivity of all metals while possessing the lowest contact resistance.5
While there's no argument that colloidal silver is the world’s most
powerful natural antibacterial and antifungal agent, the ability of
colloidal silver to protect against viral pathogens has, until recently,
not been fully embraced by the medical community. Fortunately, startling new medical research reveals that silver may well be your #1 defense against viruses as well. Here’s what the medical evidence demonstrates… | |||||
Safe, Natural, Highly Anti-Viral | |||||
In spite of the fact that it has not yet been fully embraced by the
medical community as an anti-viral agent, nevertheless, safe, natural
mineral silver, in a variety of forms, including colloidal
silver, has nearly three decades worth of solid medical research
behind it, demonstrating its powerful anti-viral qualities. Indeed, newer clinical laboratory research demonstrates that silver is so powerfully effective against viruses, it even stops the deadly HIV (i.e., the AIDs virus) from infecting human cells. And older research dating back to the 1980’s demonstrates that silver can stop numerous types of viruses from replicating, simply by bonding to them. In fact, silver altogether decimates many viruses, simply by being in close contact with them. | |||||
Tiny Nano-Particles are the Key | |||||
| |||||
Colloidal Silver to the Rescue | |||||
What’s more, you’ll come to understand why colloidal silver –
the popular nutritional supplement known as the world’s most powerful
natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent – is very likely your #1 best
bet for all-natural, non-drug protection against potentially deadly
viral agents, too, as long as it contains tiny, nano-scale sized
silver particles. Finally, you’ll also learn the 7 critical steps you must take now in order to keep yourself and your family protected against viral infections of all kinds. And you’ll learn how to be fully prepared in case the global flu pandemic – or some other nasty mutant hybrid viral pathogen – rear its ugly head in your area. But first, let’s start with the clear, factual growing body of medical evidence on behalf of the powerful antiviral qualities of safe, natural silver. | |||||
The Famous HIV Study | |||||
In June 2005, the prestigious journal Nanobiotechnology
published a ten page study that rocked medical science. The study was the result of seven scientists’ exploration into the virus inhibiting qualities of nanosilver – very tiny, invisible particles of silver measured in nanometers. (A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, or one-ten thousandth of a hair’s breadth.) What the study demonstrated is that these tiny nano-scale particles of silver were able to inhibit HIV-1 (i.e., the AIDS virus) from binding to host cells, in vitro. What this means is that in the test tube, when the researchers placed the AIDS virus alongside human cells in a medium that would normally allow the virus to bind with the cell (and thus cause viral infection), the introduction of tiny nano-particles of silver into the medium prevented the binding from taking place. In other words, the silver particles stopped the infection from taking place. The study abstract reads as follows: AbstractWhile silver’s well-known toxicity to a wide range of bacterial and fungal pathogens has been thoroughly documented in previous research by many leading research facilities, this study takes the previous research to a whole new level. For the first time, the long-proven antimicrobial properties of silver nanoparticles were applied to a highly infectious form of virus with no known cure. And the interaction between the metallic particles, the virus and the cells were studied. The scientists tested a variety of particle sizes. And they also tested the idea of coating the tiny silver particles with several different surface chemistries including a “foamy carbon matrix,” a polymer and a protein molecule. The goal was to determine if any of these substances would help stabilize the silver particles and aid the silver’s anticipated reaction with the virus. What they discovered, however, is that only the ‘free surface’ silver nanoparticles in the range of 1 to 10 nanometers interacted with the HIV-1 cells. | |||||
Silver Nanoparticles Rule! | |||||
This basically means the silver needed no help from the other
substances. In fact, anything added to the basic silver nanoparticle
served only to prevent the metal’s interaction with the viral
microorganism! What’s more, according to the study, only the very smallest silver particles inactivated the virus’ ability to bond with the host cells. Larger particles did not. Ultimately the study found that the tiny silver nanoparticles no larger than 10 nm were able to bond to the deadly viral microorganisms and prevented the virus from bonding with the host cell. No bonding to host cell, no viral infection! | |||||
Colloidal Silver Beats the Smallpox
Virus | |||||
But HIV is not the only virus silver has been demonstrated to be
effective against. In a study published in the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal back in September 1992, it was found that that several different preparations of colloidal silver showed amazing efficacy against the smallpox virus. Two medical colloidal silver preparations were used, one called Collargol, and one called Protargol. The latter was apparently a diluted preparation. The study showed a 700 times reduction in the concentration of viral particles when Protargol was applied, and a whopping 11,000 times reduction in viral particles when the more highly concentrated Collargol was applied. | |||||
Silver Inactivates Herpes Simplex Type I and II
Viruses | |||||
Going back even further, a study conducted in 1972 at Department of
Microbiology, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan demonstrated that the
Herpes Simplex Virus types I and II were totally inactivated by
low concentrations of silver nitrate, which is a more caustic, chemical
form of silver. According to the study, silver nitrate caused so much damage to the viruses, they simply could no longer cause infection. | |||||
EPA Approves Use of Colloidal Silver Spray Disinfectant that Kills Viruses on Surfaces | |||||
Moving forward to recent years, even the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) has now approved silver for certain antiviral purposes. As reported by the Silver Institute (a group which keeps silver investors appraised of all of the new uses for silver in business and industry), the EPA has recently approved the use of a product called Axen30, a liquid spray disinfectant similar to colloidal silver, for use in child day-care centers, preschools, schools, gymnasiums and children's activity centers. Axen30 is a dilute formula consisting of 30 ppm silver used as a spray disinfectant. But here's the interesting part: The EPA-approved advertising claims for Axen30 include a 30-second kill time and a 24-hour residual kill time on standard indicator bacteria, a two-minute kill time on the resistant bacteria MRSE and VRE, a 10-minute kill time on fungi, a 30-second kill time on HIV Type I, and a 10-minute kill time on other viruses. Now that’s amazing – a proven 30-second kill time against HIV (i.e., Human Immunodeficiency Virus, aka the AIDS virus), and a ten minute kill time against other viruses! | |||||
Silver Compound in Countertops Eliminates SARS
Virus | |||||
One of the most feared viruses now being studied by scientists is the
SARS coronavirus – a upper respiratory virus that causes severe acute
respiratory syndrome, leading to death in a large preponderance of
cases. It has been found that while SARS spreads through the usual routes, such as the airborne route caused by coughing and sneezing. But a large percentage of infections by this virus are caused when the virus simply lands on a countertop and sits there, awaiting someone to come by and touch that countertop, then touch the virus to their eyes, ears, nose or mouth. Perstorp, a Swedish manufacturing company based in Italy, manufactures a special polymer from which countertops are made. What makes the Perstorp countertop unique is that extremely tiny nanosilver particles are impregnated into the polymer. Upon human contact, the nanosilver-impregnated polymer begins emitting silver ions. This unique silver ion-emitting polymer was developed for use with products such as toilet seats, door knobs, and other common contact surfaces. According to news reports, the compound was successfully tested by the Chinese Centre for Disease Control against SARS, which has a particular interest in public safety due to the numerous SARS virus outbreaks of the past few years in China. Zhang Panhe, professor at the Academy of Military Medical Sciences in China, recently stated, “We tested the compound against a four-hour, eight-hour, and 24-hour exposure period and found no surviving SARS virus upon 24 hours of exposure to the polymer...” In other words, when the polymer was purposely contaminated by the SARS virus, it began killing the virus within four hours, and had killed all SARS viruses on the surface within 24 hours. This special silver-impregnated polymer is now in use in many hospitals, laboratories and medical research facilities throughout China. What’s more, many variants of silver-impregnated polymers are being used in similar medical-related facilities around the world, in order to help stop the spread of potentially deadly bacterial, fungal and viral pathogens. | |||||
Monkeypox Virus Inhibited by Silver
Nanoparticles | |||||
Even some of the most exotic viruses have been demonstrated to be
sensitive to silver. According to a study published in volume 3, number 4, April 2008 edition of Nanoscale Research Letters, very small silver particles (10 nm in size) significantly inhibited the infectivity of the Monkeypox virus. The study was conducted in conjunction with the Applied Biotechnology Branch, Human Effectiveness Directorate of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. The study’s authors concluded, “These results demonstrate that silver-based nanoparticles of approximately 10 nm inhibit Monkey Pox Virus infection in vitro, supporting their potential use as an anti-viral therapeutic.” According to Wikipedia.com, monkey pox virus is usually transmitted to humans from rodents, pets, and primates through contact with the animal's blood or through a bite. Its symptoms can be difficult to distinguish clinically from smallpox (to which it is closely related) and chickenpox (to which it is not related). You may remember news headlines back in 2003 regarding an outbreak of monkey pox virus in the U.S. midwest, among owners of pet prairie dogs. What this demonstrates is that very tiny micro-particles of silver, known as nanosilver, are even effective against exotic viruses such as those coming from animals! If that doesn’t put you in mind of the recent “Swine Flu” scare, in which the infectious agent was shown to be a hybrid of swine, bird and human viral parts, I don’t know what will. | |||||
Silver Prevents Replication of Hepatitis B
Virus | |||||
In a recent study conducted by scientists at the University of Hong
Kong, it was demonstrated in vitro (i.e., in the test tube) that
very tiny silver particles have the ability to interact with viral DNA in
such a way as to prevent replication, whether the virus was
inside the host cells (i.e., inside human cells, where viruses
would normally replicate) or outside the host cells. This is especially important, because it implies that silver can not only prevent viruses from infecting cells, but can also stop cells that are already virally infected from spreading the infection. According to a research abstract from the University of Hong Kong, the scientists examining the action of silver particles on the Hepatitis B virus “hypothesize that the direct interaction between these nanoparticles and HBV double-stranded DNA or viral particles is responsible for their antiviral mechanism.” The scientists point out that this only demonstrates the effectiveness of very tiny silver particles against the HBV (i.e., hepatitis B virus), and not necessarily other viruses. Nevertheless, once again we have a study demonstrating conclusively that very tiny particles of silver have the ability to interfere with viruses, preventing them from interacting with human cells and causing infections. According to a news article about this study, the researchers discovered that “…ultra-tiny silver particles could reduce the extracellular DNA formation of HBVs by over 50 percent, and could check their intracellular RNA formation, too. | |||||
Is Colloidal Silver the “Final Solution” to the Coming Viral
Plagues? | |||||
They point out in their article titled A Promising Cure for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Pandemics, Including the Avian Flu: Has the Final Solution to the Coming Plagues Been Discovered? that, “the collective authoritative medical literature has documented efficacy of silver's virotoxicity against over 24 viruses.” What’s more, the authors state that the 200-plus viral strains known to cause upper respiratory tract infections, including most flu viruses, will also most likely succumb to the powerful antiviral qualities of very small particles of “oligodynamic silver" (i.e., a medical reference to silver being extremely powerful even in small quantities). In fact, the authors point out that silver is likely going to be the answer to any future global viral pandemic, stating “A broad-spectrum anti-viral agent that really works is needed to combat over 200 viruses that cause Upper Respiratory Tract Infections. Undoubtedly oligodynamic silver fits this bill...Emerging medical studies confirm the stellar, broad-spectrum virotoxic efficacy of oligodynamic silver both in vitro and in vivo.” Indeed, the authors state, not only has silver been demonstrated to decimate many of the viruses associated with deadly viral flu infections, but it has also been proven to decimate most of the well-known bacterial pathogens that cause serious secondary infections during a viral infection, including the following:
But colloidal silver’s powerful, broad-spectrum anti-pathogen qualities covers such a wide range of pathogens you can easily see why the report’s authors – both respected medical doctors – refer to it as “the Final Solution to the Coming Plagues.” | |||||
Experts Now Recommending Colloidal Silver for flu and Other Viral Pathogens | |||||
These include Dr Eric Gordon, MD, Dr. Kent Holtorf, MD,
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, DO, Major General Albert "Bert" N. Stubblebine III
(former commanding general of the United States Army Intelligence and
Security Command), Dr. Rima E. Laibow, MD, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, Dr
Rebecca Carley (the vaccine expert) and many others.
Even Pravda, the top newspaper in Russia, recently recommended
colloidal silver for the Swine Flu, stating:“The best defense against swine flu, or any flu, is the age old remedy of colloidal silver. The metal silver in its colloidal state can be safely consumed and used in the body. Bacteria and viruses cannot develop resistance to colloidal silver. Silver disables a vital enzyme and mechanism in all bacteria and pathogens so that they cannot survive. It is good to take a few teaspoons of colloidal silver daily to maintain health. More colloidal silver should be taken if experiencing illness.” | |||||
Dr. Gordon Pedersen Recommends Colloidal
Silver | |||||
Dr. Gordon Pedersen, Ph.D., an expert in toxicology and virology who
writes for the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and is Director of
the Institute of Alternative Medicine, has recently joined the ranks of
those advocating for colloidal silver usage in the face of coming viral
pandemics. In his new article, “Swine Flu Influenza Type A/H1N1 Protection for Health Care Practitioners and Their Patients,” published in the Anti-Aging News Journal, he repeatedly recommends silver to stop not only the hybrid virus itself, but also the secondary bacterial infections that cause diseases such as pneumonia, which set in after the body has been weakened by the virus. (As noted earlier, it is often the secondary bacterial infections that seriously disable or even kill the patient, rather than the virus itself which often only weakens the patient allowing other more opportunistic pathogens to move in and take hold.) Here is a brief example of what Dr. Pedersen has to say about using Silver Sol (a colloidal silver solution) against the Swine Flu and other Influenza type A viruses, as well as the secondary infections that accompany them: “Influenza viruses are the respiratory viruses of greatest public health importance, particularly Influenza A. Every year 36,000 people die from Influenza making it the 6th leading cause of death in America… | |||||
New Study Reviews The Antiviral Qualities of Colloidal
Silver | |||||
A recent study published in the Journal of Nutritional and
Environmental Medicine, titled "Viral Pathogens and Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome: Oligodynamic Ag1 for Direct Immune Intervention,"
further underscores the medical evidence for the powerful antiviral
qualities of colloidal silver. As the study points out:Medical literature shows that a variety of viruses have been successfully treated with silver-based drugs. However, ‘silver salts’ and/or inferior silver preparations lack the bio-availability, active silver content and safety needed to be effective.What the study explains, in a nutshell, is that while silver-based preparations have long been known to have antiviral qualities, the most effective of them all are preparations that feature very small, subnanomenter-sized silver particles that are highly electrically charged. The study concludes that when you have silver particles that are both super-small and highly electrically charged, even rapidly mutating viral pathogens are susceptible to them! | |||||
And Even Another New Study Reveals The Antiviral Qualities of Small Particles of Silver | |||||
In another recent study, this one published in the prestigious
Journal of Nanobiotechnology, and titled, "Silver nanoparticles
are broad-spectrum bactericidal and virucidal compounds," researchers from
Winston-Salem State University, in Winston Salem, NC, reiterate the fact
that very tiny particles of silver have been demonstrated to be highly
antiviral. The researchers wrote:"The efficacy of AgNPs (i.e, silver nanoparticles) against HIV-1 [i.e., the AIDS virus -- ED] has been reported by many laboratories including ours.In short, clinical research studies such as this demonstrate that even the dreaded AIDS virus appears to be no match for tiny particles of silver. Researchers continue looking to find the best ways possible to deliver the tiny particles of silver to the body, for maximum effectiveness! | |||||
British Research Demonstrates Tiny Silver Particles Kill
Stomach Viruses! | |||||
In one of the oddest stories of the last few years, it turns out that
British researchers are also looking into the antiviral qualities of very
small particles of silver. According to the British newspaper, The
Telegraph, British scientists working in tandem with international
drug-makers Janssen and Johnson & Johnson have discovered a way to
incorporate tiny silver nanoparticles into intestinal bacteria, creating a
new silver-based drug that can wipe out food poisoning viruses such as the
dreaded rotavirus, and perhaps even flu and cold viruses as well. The popular British newspaper states: “Scientists have discovered that they can attach tiny studs of silver onto the surface of otherwise harmless bacteria, giving them the ability to destroy viruses. They have tested the silver-impregnated bacteria against norovirus, which causes winter vomiting outbreaks, and found that they leave the virus unable to cause infections. The researchers now believe the same technique could help to combat other viruses, including influenza and those responsible for causing the common cold.” The news article goes on to state that in addition to fighting food-poisoning viruses such as the norovirus (now responsible for record numbers of potentially life-threatening food-poisoning cases worldwide) this strange new silver-based product could also be “incorporated into a nasal spray, water filters and hand washes to prevent viruses from being spread.” | |||||
The Nano-Particle Difference: Good News and Bad News | |||||
However, the size of the silver particles is one of the most important factors in the ability of silver to disable, or even decimate, such a broad spectrum of viruses. Indeed, most of these studies have demonstrated one simple fact: the smaller the silver particles are, the better they work, with silver particles of 10 nanometers (nm) or less in size being the most effective against viruses. The truly good news is that colloidal silver products containing silver particles of that size – known as micro-particle silver, or nanosilver, for short – are readily available in health food stores and through online vendors. However, the bad news is that these products are frequently very costly, due to the uniquely small characteristics of the silver particles they contain when compared to conventional brands of colloidal. In fact, a tiny four-ounce bottle of true nanosilver can cost as much as $25 to $35 depending upon the brand, and the size and quality of the silver particles it contains. The problem is this: four ounces is only about enough colloidal silver for three or four days worth of treatment for a single person with a severe viral infection – not nearly enough should a serious viral assault strike home. After three or four days, you’d have to get another costly bottle, and perhaps another, and another, depending upon the size of your family and the number of people infected. Meanwhile, in a pandemic situation, everybody else will be making a mad dash to their nearest health food store for nanosilver, also. And within days, shelves will easily be stripped bare. So even if you can afford it, you might not be able to get enough nano-scale colloidal silver to do yourself and your family any good. stock up now! |
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