Tuesday, December 22, 2015

7 Ways To Attract More Positive Relationships

7 Ways To Attract More Positive Relationships

1. Cut off the complaints.

Don't be a complainer and don't let others complain at you. It's cool to vent
once in a while, but complaining is just frustration without any plans behind
it. Set boundaries in your life to keep needless complaining out.

2. Acknowledge the past.

But don't live in. The past is in the past. Put your baggage down and walk
away. It takes time to heal from past injuries, but you have to allow yourself

3. Love yourself first.

The best way to attract positive love is to love yourself. Love yourself
exactly as you are. Make yourself your top priority. Get to know the inner you
before you let anyone start checking it out.

4. Don't let anyone take your power.

Hold onto your power. Don't let your potential partners take power away from
you by changing your perception of yourself. Stand up for your truth. Listen to
what others might have to say, but think critically about it.

5. Understand that rejection is great.

Let me guess, the guy or gal you like didn't swipe right. Right? That's okay.
They judged you on your looks only. You don't want to be with anyone like that
anyway. Truly positive loves will want to get to know the real you.

6. Love every moment.

Find something awesome and joyous in every moment and every experience, even
the challenging times. Positive people are attracted to positive people.

7. Don't worry.

The right person will come along when the moment is perfect. Just continue
being yourself.

source  --  http://higherperspectives.com/relationships/

6 Signs You Have Definitely Found Your Soulmate

1. Things are just kind of intense.

Everything about your relationship seems intense. What you do for fun, your
ideas, your passions, your fights - everything has a certain fire behind it.

2. You feel like you've known them forever.

A soul mate is a person defined as someone who shares a piece of your soul,
so chances are, you've actually known them in a past life. So that extremely
familiar feeling makes sense. You should know them. You have a part of each
other in you both.

3. You just get each other.

It's not something I can especially easily describe here. But there's just
something between you that clicks. You understand what they're thinking and

4. You love even their imperfections.

If you feel like you constantly need to change your partner for the better,
it's not exactly a good sign. With a soul mate, you'll find even their stranger
quirks and imperfections endearing.

5. You just can't picture life without them.

Once you've met your soul mate, you just can't see going on without them.
It's impossible to picture what life would be like without them gracing your

6. It's like you two against the whole world.

No matter what shit might go down, you have each others' backs. You can ride
out any storm together.


source  --  http://higherperspectives.com/relationships/

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

What is E. coli ?

What is E. coli ?
Getty Images

E. coli is a bacteria. In fact, it's a very common bacteria and
it's good for you, most of time. Your health depends on it. But it's
not as simple as you might think. Not all E. coli is bad, and having E.
coli is a necessary part of life. Sounds confusing, but it's really
rather simple.
Everyone has E. coli. That is a fact. You have E. coli, and
lots of it. You can't live without E. coli. Although you never think of
E. coli, it is with you everywhere you go.The E stands for Escherichia,
the first name, or genus. Coli is the species. There are other species
of Escherichia, but the most common one is coli.

Where are E. coli?

E. coli live in your digestive tract. They are part of the vast
system of bacteria that inhabit your digestive tract. You have 100
trillion bacteria in there, and E. coli make up several hundred thousand
of those bacteria.

Is E. coli a probiotic?

Your good bacteria are often thought of as probiotics.
Probiotics taken as supplements usually only refer to other types of
bacteria, namely Lactobacillus (including acidophilus) and
Bifidobacteria. E. coli is a good bacteria, but it is not available as a
probiotic in the United States. However, it is available in Europe
under the brand name Mutaflor.

Why do most people think E. coli is bad?

There are two reasons that you think E. coli is bad. The first
is that when water is contaminated by sewage, the news reports that E.
coli was found in the water. The presence of E. coli in the water
demonstrates that the water has been contaminated. E. coli belongs in
the digestive tract, not in your water.The second reason that you think
that E. coli is bad is because there is a bad kind of E. coli. Like
other bad guys, this is the one that gets all of the press. This E. coli
is a specific strain of E. coli, called hemorrhagic E. coli, or
EH1574This type of E. coli is dangerous. It causes bloody diarrhea and
can kill children and older adults who do not have a strong immune
system. This type of E. coli is sometimes found in meat. If the meat is
not adequately cooked, then the E. coli will survive. When you eat that
meat, you can get sick from this strain of E. coli.

How do you treat bad E. coli?

Ironically, you cannot treat E. coli with antibiotics. In fact,
antibiotics may make an E. coli infection worse. The only treatment for
E. coli is to give the patient IV fluids to help prevent them from
getting dehydrated. Otherwise you must wait for your immune system to
take care of the E. coli. Probiotics would also likely be helpful. If
the patient is strong enough, then the E. coli infection will resolve
within a couple of weeks. Most E. coli are normal inhabitants of a
healthy digestive tract. But some E. coli go bad and join the other
team, wreaking havoc on the digestive tract. This confusing bacteria is a
complicated organism, but don't let the bad ones ruin you from
appreciating the good ones. For the most part, E. coli are your friends.

source  --   http://answers.com/article/1210837/what-is-e-coli- 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Cannabinoid System


The Cannabinoid System 

Dr. Robert J. Melamede Ph.D. Chairman of the Biology Department of the University of Colorado: Conducting Scientific research on Cannabinoids

The Cannabinoid System has been around for over 600 million years. Before the Dinosaurs. The Cannabinoid System is continuously evolutioning and has been retained by all new species. Food and feeding is at the heart of the Cannabinoid System.
1. Cannabinoids are in every living animal on the planet above Hydra and Mollusks, with the exception of insects. Bodies are homeostatically maintained by the Cannabinoid System.
2. Mothers give their babies a booster shot of cannabinoids in mothers milk to give them the munchies
because they have to learn to eat. (they've been fed thru the umbilical cord and did not have to know how to eat.)
3. Mice lacking the CB1 receptors don't like any changes. If they are moved to another part of the cage they act upset and when they are put back to the original spot in the cage they relax, but if then put into another part of the cage they get upset again. Comment: I wonder if people, especially drug warriors, had their CB1 receptors blocked then they would resist change and the ones of us that have unblocked CB1 receptors enjoy the benefits of cannabinoids are a lot more relaxed and not paranoid about or over change. Interesting thought. It turns out that that thought is absolutely correct. Many people' brains are not capable of a good connection to the CB1 CB2 receptors.
4. All new species utilize cannabinoids.
5. By being alive and breathing air our bodies produce "free radicals". Cannabinoids help to reverse
this action.
6. Cannabinoids do kill brain cells, but the brain cells they kill are called "Glioma" or Cancer of the brain (Tumor). All other brain cells are protected and healed by cannabinoids. (Glioma cells cannot tolerate the
action of cannabinoids)
7. Cannabinoids protect against sunburn and skin cancer because of the CB1 receptors in our skin.
8. Cannabinoids slow down the aging process. Mice that their brains respond to cannabinoids live longer
and mice that have brains that block the CB1 receptors die younger.
9. Activity in the evolutionary advanced areas of the brain is increased in cannabinoids receptors and promotes higher consciousness levels.
10. Cannabinoids are even found in the white blood cells (CB2 receptors). The CB2 receptors are found predominantly on immunological cells and regulate the shift in the immune system to the anti-inflammatory mode.
11. Cannabinoids protect the heart against Arythmia.
12. The way it works on pain is there is specific nerves that deal with pain. They are called vanilloid-Receptors. Anandamide (sanscript word for "Blissful Amide"), the bodies internally produced marijuana
binds with the nerve endings, reducing pain. Anandamides are produced internally by our bodies in response to a whole variety of conditions. As an example, Aspirin prevents the breakdown of Anandamide, the internally produced marijuana to activate & start working at easing pain. How many old lady's say they
"WOULD NEVER" use marijuana & are actually using the equivalent of marijuana that their bodies produce as a natural activity, & don't even realize it. And how many politicians and citizens of the US do this also & aren't even aware they are condemning something that their bodies make naturally. Anecdotal
evidence is valid because when a person smokes marijuana & it relieves their pain, then they smoke it again & it relieves their pain again it becomes a fact known only to that person, but nonetheless true.
13. In the case of most autoimmune diseases, the bodies immune cells produces free radicals & is
destroying it's own body as a foreign object. Cannabis pushes the immune system into anti inflammatory mode & helps slow the progression of that disease, thereby slowing down the aging process.
14. Seizures are controlled by marijuana not only THC, but non-psychoactive cannabidiol.(CBD) The exact
mechanism is not known, however HEMP is high in CBD's & can cancel out the psychoactive high of THC & at the same time benefits the user or smoker. Cannabinoids control everything in our bodies including our minds.
15. There are many other things that Cannabinoids do in the body, besides attaching to the CB1 and CB2 receptors, the main cannabinoid receptors in the higher part of our brain. Cannabinoids affect our skin and other parts of our bodies.
16. Pharmaceutical companies are working at sythesizing different cannabinoid components and different types of strains of marijuana. If they can succeed, then there will be more choices for you and I to choose from and we will be able to use what works best for our particular bodies.
17. The natural course for mankind, because of the location of our CB1 CB2 the brains main receptors, is to
be more stoned.
18. Drug warriors are not doing what they are doing to us because they are intentionally evil, but because they are more primitive (obtuse comes to mind). They look at the world with fear and hostility not cooperativity and understanding.
19. According to a brain function study of 150 depressed people Cannabis protects the brain against healthy cell death and it also protects Neurons.
20. Cannabinoids dilate our brochial tubes and help asthsma sufferers to breath both in and out. Because of the balance that is maintained in our bodies for good health there are instances where it works backwards,
where death is possible, if too much is smoked. This goes back to the effects of cannabinoids on individuals and if it doesn't work for you, you should not use it. There was some old studies that were done back in 1977 where "AEROSOLIZED THC" was used on patients. This is not what the government tells us when they say it's not medicine, but we are all familiar with the 7 government patients that are supplied marijuana to be used as medicine and we know the government is lying.
21. Natural pain eradication by cannabinol used by our receptors.
22. Cannabinoids control how we view the future. If you're loaded with bad experiences you're going to be fearful of the future. Lots of smoking of cannabinoids makes you want to be in the future. Lack of change vs embracing the future and changes. Conservative people might die prematurely, stressed, uptight and fearful (genocide). Open minded people and mice are able to change, whereas; people with defective receptors and knock-out mice (mice that have had their receptors removed) will keep going to the platform after it has been removed. They will be fearful of change.
23. Cannabinoids prevent and treat certain types of Cancer. Glioma (Brain Cancer) along with
pheochromocytoma, skin cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, Lymphoma and Leukemia. Cannabinoids may prevent or cure cancer. Cannabinoids have a way of killing the bad cells and protecting the good ones.
24. Cannabis gives relief to Liver Disease & constant uncontrollable itching. Also, lack of sleep and depression and has been doing so for 600 million years.
25. THC in low doses relieves anxiety, while huge doses promote anxiety. (It's too strong like Marinol) Smoking marijuana relieves anxiety. Marijuana promotes sleeping better and normal persons when
they are deprived of marijuana would have difficulty sleeping. (One other thing I'd like to add: When ingested, delta 9 THC, on the first pass thru the liver, changes into delta 11 THC. Five times as psychoactive and much longer lasting. I don't know how many people understand that. Ralph)
26. Cannabis protects nerve cells from dying thus protects against Altzheimers Disease.
27. Our bodies make up marijuana like compounds to make us hungry. (gives us the munchies) Then turn off those compounds & we don't have the munchies anymore when it has had enough food. The cannabinoid system first appeared 600 million years ago. Food & feeding is at the heart of evolution & the development of new species.
28. Head injuries cause the body to produce Endo-cannabinoids to protect itself as well as protecting the body against Nerve Gas. Marijuana turns on the bodies Protective Mode, because when you're hungry the body makes Cannabinoids to turn on your hunger. Cannabinoids turn on the expression of a Particular Gene (at the same time it prevents the expression of other Genes).
How the Marijuana Receptors change the Integral Bio-Chemistry. Some of the Molecules that are involved or been studied in a Model Organism. There is a worm that people study alot. They have very simple Nervous Systems so you can define what exactly is going on. It turns out this one Particular Molecule regulates what is known as a Transcription Factor (It turns on the Expression of Genes.) It turns out that when you turn on the Expression of this Particular Gene of the Worm Model it actually promotes Mimicking a condition that actually Promotes Longevity of these worms. This Parallels what we've seen in mice. Because Marijuana exhibits Free Radicals so people who've been using Cannabis, Long Term, tend to Live Longer & Look Younger. Marijuana Promotes your Health by affecting your Nerve Cells, by Balancing your Immune System, by Reducing Fat Deposition in your Cardio-Vascular System. It looks as if it helps Burn the Synthesis of things like Cholesterol.
29. New research shows that the argument over outlawing cannabis because it "Causes Cancer" is no longer valid. There are Nicotine Receptors in your throat. There are no Cannabinoid Receptors in your throat. Cells have a Bio-chemical Program known as "APOPTOSIS". This Bio-chemical Program is activated when cells too damaged to repair themselves commit suicide. There is a Bio-chemical Pathway that controls that. Nicotine activates a path that protects the cells from dying. Smoking anything puts Carcinogens into your Air Passage-ways and Cardio-Vascular system. Cells that get damaged by smoke die and that's what you want to happen. Cells to die before they become Cancer Cells.
30. Cannabinoids modulate pain peripherally. In our bodies there are special kinds of pain receptors, known as Vanaloid receptors & they are sensitive to things like heat & excessive pressure & they are responsible for pain. It turns out that a natural regulator of that that down-regulates pain. The endocannabinoid known as Anandamide, the blissful amide, when you combine Sanskrit for ananda & amide for the chemical type. It's clearly known that cannabis can regulate pain, that's been done in numerous studies, but recently , as we learn more about the molecular mechanisms of pain & cannabinoid action what we have now learned is that there is a lot of crosstalk between the cannabinoid system & the morphine, the opioid system. The name of an article that just came out is called Chronic morphine modulates the contents of the endocannabinoid tuorachidonalglycerol in the rat brain. So, tuorachidonalglycerol is another endocannabinoid. We feel pain thru the sensory nerves that are telling us that we're in a painful situation & on the other hand we feel it within our minds because certain areas of our brain subsequently get tickled. What we are seeing now is that the cannabinoid system works both peripherally & centrally & what we are gonna talk about here is this new work that links the cannabinoids more with the opioids in that opioids & cannabinoids are among the most widely consumed drugs of abuse in humans & phenomena of cross-tolerations or mutual potentiation demonstrated between these two drugs. Some of the recent work on pain has come out of England as a result of work done by G.W. Pharmaceuticals which is a company that specializes in producing cannabis plants. They've developed different strains that have different ratios of the cannabinoids & those different plants have different properties. In the past I've mentioned Bi-Polar disorder. Some people who are Bi-Polar & are depressive find Sativa's are good to help elevate them & if they're in an elevated mood & in a manic state they have to be brought down alittle & the Indica's seem to be better for that & likewise they're different ratio's of these cannabinoids that are thought to benefit for example pain, more than others, that are thought to benefit auto-immune diseases. This is being worked out, but what I'd like to go into now is that some of the new links that seem to be occurring in this particular study that I just mentioned, what they are finding is that chronic administration of Opioids is in fact down-regulating the tuorachidonalglycerol which as mentioned, is one of the endo-cannabinoids. Interestingly the Anandamide level seem to be remaining the same, but this other one, tuorachidonalglycerol seems to be down-regulated. In knock-out mice, these are mice where a particular gene is missing, it turns out that you can eliminate alot of the withdrawal systems associated with opium if you have knocked out the receptors. When people go thru withdrawal, they get terribly nauseous & feel horribly sick, well, what we do know cannabinoids control nausea. That's why it's being used by people who are receiving Chemo-therapy or disorders where they are chronically nauseous. Cannabinoids can be very effective for that. So what we are seeing is that morphine turns down the Endogenous cannabinoid Arachidonic acid & that seems to be involved in some of the addictive behavior & this is kind of interesting because we know that cannabinoids themselves other than very twisted circumstances do not show addictive behavior. On the one hand we have the cannabinoid potentiating the morphine, in that people who need morphine for pain can often use 50% of what they normally use by including cannabinoids & on the other hand, we're seeing that the cannabinoid receptor system is involved in addiction & I mentioned a long time ago, that cannabinoids can be beneficial for some people in their attempt to withdraw & now we're seeing support for that in that chronic morphine administration is turning off one of the cannabinoids that's in turn, turning on some of the withdrawal systems.
31. Cannabinoids represent a general class of chemicals, not just cannabis & THC in plants, but rather also cannabinoids that are produced in our bodies. These happen to be Lipid compounds that result from burning & making fats. The thing that is so unique about this system represents how it works so broadly for various health reasons. That is that every single system in our bodies & by system I mean our nervous system or digestive system or reproductive system or immunological system or endocrine system, you name it & the cannabinoids are involved in maintaining what's known as homostasis balance. We need to have the right amount of these components of this system which includes the compounds
like THC which is better known as Lygan. They bind to specific receptors & then they are broken down by another enzyme that breaks down these things. So, we have a whole network of bio-chemistry that's influencing everything in our bodies. The question that arises is that the whole is always greater than the
sum of its parts. The system, the cannabinoid system influencing everything in our bodies & the question is what are the nature of the wholes? What are the greater pictures that emerge out of this cannabinoid systems activity. So we see, for example, regulating reproductive system, digestive system, immune
system & when they are all working together in a way that is concertedly modulated by the cannabinoid system what can we expect to see, & I would suggest that what's represented by the influences of cannabinoids & cannabis on our mind, in that it opens up our minds to new ways of thinking, it free's us
from being stuck in a single track of thinking & that's exactly the kind of thought processes that are required as we move into the future which is generally composed of the unknown. What the cannabinoid system is doing is giving us a way to peacefully & lovingly adapt to change & be open to change. 
We see in these mice that we can knock-out the cannabinoid system that they are afraid of change. The implications of this are really profound if in fact we have people that are shifted one way or the other in terms of their ability to modulate & accept change that is of profound importance because we see people that are afraid to look forward, happily embracing the future. There are health ramifications for all of this. The cannabinoid system can help us with cardio-vascular disease where it reduces infarctsize with auto-immune diseases where it helps ameliorate & prevent the development of a whole variety of auto-immune diseases including things like arthritis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, crones disease & it's also involved with, as a natural regulator of our pain. So we have this holistic medicine that's influencing so many things & I forgot to mention that it regulates our memories & mental pains & in fact, regulates alot of life/death decisions in our cells, nerve cells in particular, which is why it's so beneficial for neurological disorders often associated with the aging, such as Alzheimer's disease. What we're seeing is a holistic medicine & again it has to be used appropriately, too little is no good, & we may be making enough. Individuals may be making enough, but there could be many many people who are not making enough or their system is not active enough who will be able to benefit from the use of cannabis & other cannabinoids. To regulate all of the things we've mentioned that it regulates. So, we've got a holistic health program. To find the balance that's required for our optimum health is something that's totally built into the cannabinoid system. Therefore, it should be readily available to use wisely.

Cannabinoids, their boiling points, and properties

Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Boiling point: 157*C / 314.6 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Euphoriant, Analgesic, Antiinflammatory, Antioxidant, Antiemetic

cannabidiol (CBD)
Boiling point: 160-180*C / 320-356 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Anxiolytic, Analgesic, Antipsychotic,Antiinflammatory, Antioxidant, Antispasmodic

Cannabinol (CBN)
Boiling point: 185*C / 365 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Oxidation, breakdown, product, Sedative, Antibiotic

cannabichromene (CBC)
Boiling point: 220*C / 428 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Antiinflammatory, Antibiotic, Antifungal

Δ-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ-8-THC)
Boiling point: 175-178*C / 347-352.4 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Resembles Δ-9-THC, Less psychoactive, More stable Antiemetic

(THCV) Boiling point: < 220*C / <428 degree Fahrenheit
Properties: Analgesic, Euphoriant

Contrary to popular belief, the absence of rulers is freedom, not chaos.

Phosphenes are evidence that you see with your brain, not your eyes.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Want Better Health? Turn to Your Spice Rack
By Nancy Gottesman, Lifescript Contributor
Published January 10, 2014
Ginger, garlic and other spices not only add flavor to food, but can ease inflammation, lower cholesterol and improve digestion. Read on for daily doses, recipes and seasoning secrets…

In cultures around the globe, tree bark, shrubs, seeds and bulbs have been used as food enhancers for centuries. Sound unappetizing? You’ve used them too, as cinnamon (made from tree bark), rosemary (shrub), mustard (seed) and garlic (bulb).

These plants and their products not only heighten flavor, but also play a significant role in our overall health. In fact, 80% of all people use plants as medicine to treat everything from digestive distress and fever to muscle pain and asthma, according to the World Health Organization.

In the U.S., we do the same, but less directly. Ever taken an aspirin? To relieve pain, the famed Greek doctor Hippocrates prescribed willow-tree bark and leaves because of their active ingredient salicin, a chemical precursor to aspirin.

These days, we only have to look as far as the kitchen to find herbs and spices containing antioxidants and other phytochemicals to boost our health.

“A pill is boring,” says Beth Reardon, M.S., R.D., an integrative nutritionist at Duke Integrative Medicine in Durham, N.C.

“By including more plant foods, like spices, in your diet every day, you can improve your health. They have a cumulative effect.”

Read on for the best medicine in your spice rack.

(Note: Experts, including Reardon, recommend consuming the real food rather than supplements. You can never be sure of the content of supplements that may increase risk of side effects.)

Spice source:
Often called Indian saffron, this spice is known for its golden-yellow color. It’s often found in curry powder and many types of mustards.The shrub that produces turmeric is part of the ginger family and grows widely in India and other parts of Asia.

Reason to season: Instead of popping an ibuprofen (Advil) next time you have joint pain, sprinkle powdered turmeric into your stew or soup.

Its active ingredient is curcumin, which provides the spice’s yellow color and may help decrease symptoms of arthritis, tendonitis and other inflammatory conditions.

“Some studies show that the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric are just as good as conventional NSAIDs [nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Advil], without the side effects of gastric distress,” says Elina Kaminsky, R.Ph., C.N.C., a pharmacist and nutrition consultant at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City.

Daily dose: 1/2 teaspoon may be enough to alleviate some joint inflammation, says Reardon.

Kitchen tip: Turmeric has a musky, ginger-like taste. It’s delicious when paired with savory dishes such as lentils, steamed vegetables and scrambled eggs. Try it in this Moroccan Vegetable Soup.

GingerSpice source: The tough, bumpy underground stem of the ginger plant has been used for its flavor, scent and therapeutic properties in Asian cultures for centuries.

Reason to season: Dried or fresh, ginger is a powerful remedy for stomach ailments.

“It can [prevent] nausea and gastrointestinal upset resulting from pregnancy, chemotherapy and motion sickness,” Reardon says.Also, some studies suggest ginger can relieve inflammation and reduce joint and muscle pain from rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians.

Daily dose: 1/4-inch slice fresh ginger; 1/3 teaspoon powdered. On store shelves, you’ll also find it candied and pickled, but fresh ginger is best, says Reardon.

Kitchen tip: The juicy root has a tingly, pungent sweetness that adds a peppery warmth to fruits, rice, meats such as poultry or ham, marinades and chutneys, and salads.

For a soothing tea, slice or grate fresh ginger and add to boiling water sweetened with honey. (Store in the fridge.)

Try it in this Edamame-Ginger Dip.

GarlicSpice source: Often called the stinking rose, garlic is an edible bulb from the lily family.

Reason to season: Chopping or crushing raw garlic releases its active medicinal component, allicin, which can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure and slow development of atherosclerosis (artery hardening).

“Garlic can also act as a mild blood thinner and prevent blood clots,” Reardon says.

Consuming garlic might also decrease the risk of stomach and colorectal cancers by inhibiting tumor growth, according to the National Cancer Institute.

Daily dose: One raw clove. Although high heat may destroy some of garlic’s medicinally active compounds, cooked garlic still confers health benefits, says Kaminsky. Kitchen tip: Chop a few fresh cloves and add to extra virgin olive oil, then drizzle over greens, salads and pasta dishes. In the refrigerator, this seasoned oil remains fresh for about a week.

Or use whole, cooked cloves to season meats, potatoes and rice dishes.

Try it in this Lemon-Garlic Marinated Shrimp.

Cayenne PepperSpice source: This fiery powder comes from dried, ground red chili peppers.

Reason to season: Cayenne’s active ingredient is capsaicin, the compound that gives peppers heat and pharmaceutical potential.

Cayenne powder is used to stimulate digestion and protect the heart, says Kaminsky.

“It’s also used to treat colds and congestion, and as a carminative [flatulence reducer].”

Daily dose: 1/4 teaspoon daily, says Reardon.

Kitchen tip: Try cayenne instead of black pepper with veggies, salads, soups and stews. Add a fiery zing to fruit by sprinkling a pinch (a little goes a long way) on fresh mangos, papayas, cantaloupe and coconuts. Try it in this Southwest Black Bean Soup.

For an even higher dose of capsaicin, use chopped chili peppers, such as jalapeno, in chili and other bean dishes, soups, salsas and chutneys. Try it in this Roasted Chicken Tenders with Peppers and Onions.

Spice source:
This aromatic, sweet spice is made from the brown bark of the cinnamon tree.
Reason to season: A spoonful of spice may help the sugar go down. Cinnamon consumption can reduce glucose, triglyceride and LDL “bad” cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes, according to a 2003 Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center study.

If you're not diabetic, “during cold and flu season, drink hot milk with honey and cinnamon to warm you up,” Kaminsky suggests.

Daily dose: 1/2-1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon is all you need, says Reardon.

Kitchen tip: Available on store shelves as a ground powder or dried, tubular stick, cinnamon enhances the flavor of sweet potatoes, sugar-topped buttered toast, soy milk, oatmeal, baked apples and many desserts. Grating cinnamon stick into your coffee or tea adds a fragrant sweetness.

Try it in this Spiced Corn & Rice Pilaf.

Seasoning secretsHow you store and cook spices affects their efficacy. Here are some tips:
  • Store spices and herbs in a cool, dry place (out of direct sunlight).

  • Remove seeds from peppers to turn down their heat.

  • Add ground spices near the end of cooking time, since they release their flavor immediately.

  • Whole spices should be added at the beginning of cooking so their full flavor can be extracted.

  • Crumbling whole herbs just before use releases their flavor.

  • Chop or smash garlic cloves to release allicin, the active health-promoting ingredient.
Seasoning glossaryNot sure what you’re sprinkling on your food? Read on to learn how herbs, spices and other seasonings differ from one another.

Herbs are the stems and leaves of shrubs and can be used fresh or dried.
Examples: parsley, chives, thyme, sage, oregano, mint, rosemary, tarragon, basil, dill, cilantro, coriander.

Spices are the seeds, buds, berries, bark, root or fruit of tropical plants and trees.
Examples: curry, turmeric, cumin, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, allspice, mustard seed.

Alliums are bulbous plants in the lily family.
Examples: garlic, green onions, onions, shallots, leeks, chives.

Peppers are the edible fruits of the Capsicum species.
Examples: jalapeno, Anaheim, habanero, serrano.

Adapted from an article originally published in Viv magazine.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Patio Farming: Growing Great Edible Gardens in Small Spaces

container-garden-at-summerwinds  Finding space to grow food can be challenging in urban environments, especially for renters and apartment dwellers. Container gardens are a wonderful way to grow beautiful and productive edibles in small spaces. Fun and easy for aspiring and seasoned gardeners alike, container gardens offer flexibility and manageability that in-ground gardens lack. In fact, the endless possibilities can make container gardening addictive.
Start by selecting some functional containers. In order to choose the best containers for your plants, the following questions need to be considered:
1. What do you want to grow? In general, the pot ought to be slightly wider and slightly taller than the mature size of the plant you want to grow. Tiny succulents can grow well in coffee cups or shallow bowls, but a tomato plant will need a lot more space.
2. Drainage: The pot needs adequate holes in the bottom to allow for water to drain out of the pot.
3. Toxicity: Avoid growing edible plants in containers that are made of or once held toxic chemicals. Don’t use treated wood or pallets for edible gardens, as they contain preservatives and other chemicals that may be toxic to plants and harmful to humans, as well.
As long as it meets these three criteria, anything that can hold soil can be a plant’s home. Feel free to be creative and select containers that are both fun and functional.

Potting Mixes

Once you have selected your containers, you will need to fill them with potting mix. A great potting mix is the foundation for a successful container garden. To make an effective potting mix, start with organic potting soil or compost.
wetting-the-potting-mix    To the potting soil, add some perlite and vermiculite. Perlite resists water and helps to maintain good drainage in your containers. Vermiculite holds water, and releases it back into the soil when conditions are dry. Mix one part potting soil, one part perlite and one part vermiculite to create your own all-purpose potting mix that is free of synthetic chemicals, provides good drainage, and contains organic matter to provide your plants with nutrients.
Wet the potting mix ingredients and mix them well. It is important to begin wetting the ingredients prior to mixing, as dust from the potting soil and perlite are not healthy to breathe. You will notice that it takes a lot of water to wet the potting mix thoroughly. The goal is to get the mix as wet as a wrung-out sponge.


Gather your transplants and fill containers to within one inch of the top with potting mix. Make a hole in the soil for the plant that is slightly wider and as deep as the root ball.
Gently turn the plant upside down and ease the root ball out of the nursery pot, being very careful not to damage the stem. Tease roots apart, snip off any circling roots, and place the plant in the hole. Make sure that the root ball makes very good contact with the potting mix, leaving no air gaps or pockets.
Return displaced dirt to the hole to fill in empty areas. Do not press or force the dirt into the hole. Gently water. The soil may settle, revealing low spots. If low spots appear, add a little bit more soil, as necessary, and water in again.


In warm weather and dry seasons, containers tend to dry out quickly, particularly small pots and clay pots. Mulch the top of the soil with wood chips or pebbles to decrease evaporation. Water your plants until liquid runs out of the bottom of the pot to prevent mineral build-up in your soil. To facilitate draining, place the pot on small legs or in a shallow dish filled with gravel.
Allow the soil to nearly dry out before watering again. Roots need air, so a water-logged plant will die just as quickly as a dehydrated plant. Too much water also encourages the growth of mildews and molds.


container-garden-in-pink-pots   Commercial potting soils generally have enough nutrients to last a couple of months. Following this initial period, add a balanced, water soluble organic fertilizer. For patio plants that are watered often, nutrients are flushed away rapidly. It may be helpful to refer to the directions on the fertilizer package, adjusting to fertilize twice as often at half the recommended strength. This provides a regular nutrient drip for plants that are contained and thus reliant upon the gardener to meet their nutritional needs.


Just about any container that can hold soil and water can become a plant pot – including buckets, boots, reusable grocery bags, and wine barrels. Have fun creating your unique patio garden, and enjoy the benefit of having your own fresh produce, right outside your door!

Thanks to Kari Spencer of TheMicroFarmProject.com for participating in the [Grow] Network Writing Contest.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Alot Of Good Reasons To Carry A Gun


Pick the ones you like 
 Please take time to read this and pay particular attention   to 
   "A Little Gun History" about half way down staggering numbers!
Why Carry a Gun? 

My old Grandpa said to me, 'Son, there comes a time in every man's life when he stops bustin' knuckles and starts bustin' caps and usually it's when he becomes too old to   take a whoopin'.'
I don't carry a gun to kill people; I carry a gun to keep   from being killed.
I don't carry a gun because I'm evil; I carry a gun because   I have lived long enough to see the evil in the World.
I don't carry a gun because I hate the government; I carry a gun because I understand the limitations of government.
I don't carry a gun because I'm angry; I carry a gun so that I don't have to spend the rest of my life hating myself for failing to be prepared.
I don't carry a gun because I want to shoot someone; I   carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old age in my bed and not on a sidewalk somewhere tomorrow afternoon.
I don't carry a gun to make me feel like a man; I carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves   and the ones they love.
I don't carry a gun because I feel inadequate; I carry a gun because unarmed and facing three armed thugs, I am inadequate.
I don't carry a gun because I love it; I carry a gun because   I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me.
Police protection is an oxymoron: Free citizens must   protect themselves because police do not protect you   from crime; they just investigate the crime after it happens and then call someone in to clean up the mess.
Personally, I carry a gun because I'm too young to die and too old to take a whoopin'!

             In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control:
             From 1929 to 1953,  about 20 million dissidents,   unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
In 1911, Turkey established gun control:
             From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Germany established gun control in 1938:
From 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were   unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
China established gun control in 1935: From 1948 to
       1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Guatemala established gun control in 1964:
     From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend    themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Uganda  established gun control in 1970:
             From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Cambodia established gun control in 1956:
             From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.    
56 million defenseless people were rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control.

You won't see this data on the US evening news, or hear politicians disseminating this information.
   Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens.
With guns, we are 'citizens'; without them, we are 'subjects'.
During WW II, the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most 
Americans were ARMED!
    Gun owners in the USA are the largest armed forces in   the World!
    If you value your freedom, please spread this anti-gun   control message to all of your friends.
   The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible   victory in defense.
   The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either.  
I'm a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment! If you are too, please forward this. If you're not a believer, please reconsider the true facts. This is history; not what's being shown on TV, sanctioned by our illustrious delusional leaders in Washington.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

5 Secrets About White Flour That will Shock You


The standard American diet is a diet of chronic disease and death. Our food supply has been killing us slowly.  White flour has been killing you!  

In 1910, the Federal District Court of Missouri declared bleached white flour unfit as human food . But, unfortunately,  according to H.W. Wiley, first chief of the Food and Drug Administration, the enforcement of this law was “halted through the political influence of the flour millers” and “no notice of violations has since been made by the FDA.” Mr. Wiley’s book “The History of a Crime Against the Pure Food Law” discusses this case. (Reference here)  Nowadays,  flour is made from wheat that is being treated with fungicides, pesticides, and insecticides from seedling to storage. Since then approximately 60 different chemicals have been approved to bleach flour.

5 Secrets About White Flour That will Shock You

 1. Bleached Flour has no nutrients.
The manufacturers of white flour first remove the wheat seed’s bran, it’s 6 outer layers, and the germ which contains 76% of the vitamins and minerals. 97% of the dietary fiber is also lost.” It removes all Vitamin E, 50% of calcium, 70% phosphorus, iron, magnesium and B vitamins.

2.  Added Potassium Bromate
After removing all the layers, and nutrients, flour is bleached, preserved, and aged with chlorine dioxide. It is further whitened by adding chalk, alum, and ammonium carbonate to make it look and feel more appealing to the consumer. An anti-salting agent called sorbitan mono-saturate is added in the final stage.  Potassium bromate is also added to white flour.  It is very powerful oxidizer that damages cells. Bromate is considered a category 2B carcinogen (= possibly carcinogenic to humans) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).  Potassium bromate has been banned in most of developed countries in 1994 including all countries in European Union (chlorine, bromates, and peroxides in food is banned in the EU), UK, Canada

3.  White flour is a natural insecticide
Did you know that if an insect gets into the bag of white flour and starts eating it, that insect will die from consuming it? White flour is a natural insecticide because it kills any insect that attempts to live off of it. 

4.  Contains L-cysteine
This non essential amino acid is added to most conventional baked goods  to speed industrial processing. L-cysteine is found in the majority of pizza doughs, cookies, pastas, pastries and fast food buns.
It can be synthesized in a laboratory but  cheaper production methods include duck feathers and human hair.  Besides human hair, other sources of L-cysteine include chicken feathers, cow horns and petroleum byproducts.Most of the L-cysteine comes from China where there’s a history of poor regulation. It is disgusting and scary.

5. White flour contains diabetes-causing contaminant alloxan
White flour contains alloxan. It is what makes your bread look fresh and clean.  Studies show that alloxan destroys the beta cells of the pancreas. Alloxan’s harmful effects on the pancreas are so severe that the Textbook of Natural Medicine calls the chemical “a potent beta-cell toxin.” Unfortunately, knowing that alloxan is so toxic for your body, the FDA   still allows companies to use it when processing foods we ingest. Fortunately, studies have found that the effects of alloxan can be reversed with   vitamin E. According to Dr. Gary Null’s Clinicians Handbook of Natural Healing, vitamin E effectively protected lab rats from the harmful effects of administered alloxan.

★ Brought to you today by Mark Weaver
http://detoxwithDE.com = Affordable health protection from our T☢xic enviroment! ====✈
http://heavenandearthpowder.info -- Way more Diatomaceous Earth info.
Diatomaceous Earth for Your Health(DE) aka Fossil Shell Flour ... Some of the 1500 everyday uses for DE -->> L•¿•K  at these Keywords -->> Adult Health, More Energy, Bone Health, Bursitis, Arthritis, Lower Cholesterol, Brain/ Mood, Candida, Cardiovascular, Detoxification, Regular Bowel Movements, Lowering Of Blood Pressure, Complexion, Sinus, Cough, Eliminate Parasites, Diabetes, Hemorrhoids, Digestive Health, Hair/ Nails, Skin Care, Hay Fever, Immune Health, Joint Health, Muscle Growth/Regeneration, Skin, Sleep/ Relaxation, Stress, Weight Loss, Parasites, Colon Cleanse, Colon, Women's Health, Men's Health, Bug Control, Fleas, Bed Bugs, Ants, Spiders, Roaches, Flies, Lice, According to a top cancer researcher, it is also the best natural chelating product available(and affordable) - for pulling heavy metals and toxins (like lead, arsenic, bromide, perchlorate, barium, aluminum, mercury, and fluoride)from the bloodstream. Many believe that the increase in the number of cases of Heavy metal poisoning has occurred in part due to mercury in vaccines, fluoridated water, deodorants with aluminum, some seafood, foil wrap, cooking in aluminum cookware, and a number of other ways. .... and now even found to help with effects from... YES" chemtrail/geo-engineering and radiation fallout,also in recent studies may remove food additive toxins too along with fluoride"

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Whole Grains You Haven’t Tried Yet—Some Are Gluten-Free

Published  April 28, 2011 (Updated August 13, 2015)

You know that you’re supposed to eat whole grains, but many people just don’t like whole-wheat pasta, whole-wheat bread or whole-wheat anything. To make sure you’re eating enough whole grains, offer your taste buds more variety.

Here’s what some recent studies found…
• People who ate three or more servings of whole grains and less than one serving of refined grains (white bread, cookies, etc.) daily averaged 10% less belly fat—linked to cardiovascular disease and diabetes—compared with people who ate the fewest whole grains and the most refined grains.
• People who consumed the most fiber, primarily from whole grains, were 22% less likely to die during a nine-year study than those who ate the least fiber. Fiber’s protective effect was particularly pronounced in women.
• Two recent analyses from John Hopkins showed that those eating the most dietary fiber had a lower risk for death from any cause than those eating the least. For every additional 10 grams of dietary fiber, there was a 10% reduction in risk for death from any cause.
• In a Harvard study, compared with people who rarely ate whole grains, those who ate the equivalent of one bowl of oatmeal daily had a 9% reduced risk for early death…and for each additional daily ounce of whole grains, that risk was reduced by another 5%.
Problem is, fewer than 5% of Americans consume the USDA-recommended minimum of about three ounces of whole grains per day. What’s the big deal? Whole grain contains the entire edible part of a grain (a.k.a., “seed”)—including the germ (technically the sprout of a new plant)… endosperm (the seed’s energy storehouse)… and nutrient-rich bran (the seed’s outer layer). Refined grains, on the other hand, are stripped of their bran and germ layers during milling.

Julie Miller Jones, PhD, CNS, LN, professor emerita of nutrition at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, points out that enriched refined grains can have a place in a healthy diet—minerals contained in the grains can be better absorbed from an enriched product than one with a lot of fiber and bran. And if a whole-grain pasta or bread that is partly enriched refined grains is more appealing, at least it gets you to eat some whole grains. But, she adds, the greater the variety of whole grains you eat, the better. “Each whole grain brings different nutrients, fibers and phytonutrients to the table, so it is worth exploring and enjoying various types,” she explained.

Lesser known but delicious whole grains can be found in supermarkets, health-food stores and online. Check out these…

Amaranth provides protein, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and many other nutrients. It’s also free of gluten, a protein in wheat, rye and barley that can cause digestive upset in some people. When cooked, amaranth is pleasantly sticky and mild tasting. To cook: Boil one cup of amaranth grains in two-and-a-half cups of water or broth for 20 minutes or until tender. If desired, season with herbs, pepper and a bit of olive oil. Or use milk as part of the cooking liquid and add sweet spices, such as cinnamon and cardamom, Dr. Jones suggested. Also try amaranth flakes as a breakfast cereal… amaranth crackers… and amaranth flour, swapping it for one-third of a recipe’s white flour.

Buckwheat, a gluten-free grain, offers plenty of protein… the heart-healthy flavonoid rutin… plus bone-building magnesium and other minerals. It is strongly flavored, so Dr. Jones suggested serving it as a side dish paired with robust entrées, such as those made with red wine or balsamic vinegar. Cook the hulled, crushed kernels by simmering one cup of buckwheat in two cups of water for about 10 to 15 minutes (avoid overcooking so it doesn’t become mushy)… then flavor with onions, mushrooms and whatever else you like.

Kamut, the brand name for an ancient relative of wheat, provides protein, fiber, vitamin A, iron and zinc (it does contain gluten). With their nutty, buttery taste, kamut kernels make a great substitute for rice in recipes. Note that the cooking time is around 90 minutes… or you can soak the kernels overnight to reduce cooking time to about 30 minutes. Kamut flour can be used to bake bread, tortillas, cookies and more. Recipes: Kamut.com.

Quinoa is a tiny gluten-free grain rich in essential amino acids (protein building blocks that our bodies must get from dietary sources) as well as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and protein. To cook: Simmer one cup of quinoa and two cups of water or broth for 15 minutes or until water is absorbed. Add cooked quinoa to omelets or soups… or combine with vegetables, nuts and spices for a tasty side dish.

White whole wheat is an unrefined variety of wheat with a light-colored kernel. It has a lower gluten content than the red wheat used to make regular whole-wheat flour, so it produces foods with a softer texture and sweeter flavor, Dr. Jones explained. It provides nutrient and fiber content similar to that of regular whole wheat, though it is lower in some antioxidants (which accounts for its lighter color). In recipes: Substitute white whole-wheat flour for half of the refined flour or for all of the regular whole-wheat flour.

Julie Miller Jones, PhD, CNS, LN a certified nutrition specialist and licensed nutritionist, is a distinguished scholar and professor emerita of food and nutrition at St. Catherine University in St. Paul. She regularly writes and lectures about whole grains and dietary fiber.
★ Brought to you today by Mark Weaver
http://detoxwithDE.com = Affordable health protection from our T☢xic enviroment! ====✈
http://heavenandearthpowder.info -- Way more Diatomaceous Earth info.
Diatomaceous Earth for Your Health(DE) aka Fossil Shell Flour ... Some of the 1500 everyday uses for DE -->> L•¿•K  at these Keywords -->> Adult Health, More Energy, Bone Health, Bursitis, Arthritis, Lower Cholesterol, Brain/ Mood, Candida, Cardiovascular, Detoxification, Regular Bowel Movements, Lowering Of Blood Pressure, Complexion, Sinus, Cough, Eliminate Parasites, Diabetes, Hemorrhoids, Digestive Health, Hair/ Nails, Skin Care, Hay Fever, Immune Health, Joint Health, Muscle Growth/Regeneration, Skin, Sleep/ Relaxation, Stress, Weight Loss, Parasites, Colon Cleanse, Colon, Women's Health, Men's Health, Bug Control, Fleas, Bed Bugs, Ants, Spiders, Roaches, Flies, Lice, According to a top cancer researcher, it is also the best natural chelating product available(and affordable) - for pulling heavy metals and toxins (like lead, arsenic, bromide, perchlorate, barium, aluminum, mercury, and fluoride)from the bloodstream. Many believe that the increase in the number of cases of Heavy metal poisoning has occurred in part due to mercury in vaccines, fluoridated water, deodorants with aluminum, some seafood, foil wrap, cooking in aluminum cookware, and a number of other ways. .... and now even found to help with effects from... YES" chemtrail/geo-engineering and radiation fallout,also in recent studies may remove food additive toxins too along with fluoride"

Friday, July 31, 2015

10 Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods…and 10 Foods to Avoid


Inflammatory Food Index Proves Dining Drives Inflammatory Response

A few years ago, we reported on a newly created index to rank how particular foods encourage or discourage inflammation—a well-known contributor to chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer and dementia. Since the index is complicated and primarily for use by scientists, we also asked contributing medical editor and nutrition expert Andrew L. Rubman, ND, to give us his easy-to-follow list of foods that reduce inflammation—making us healthier—along with the most inflammatory foods that should be avoided. But first, here’s a recap of how the index works…

How Do Foods Spark Inflammation?

Researchers at the University of South Carolina, including James Hébert, ScD, creator of the index, and Philip Cavicchia, PhD, who helped him design it, scored 41 foods and food components thought to positively or negatively affect levels of inflammation, based on a review of all the English language, peer-reviewed studies relating to diet and inflammation that were published between 1950 and 2007. Since then, new research is bringing the index closer to “prime time”—ready to be used in epidemiological and clinical studies.

Carbohydrates, fat and cholesterol were among the food components most likely to encourage inflammation, while magnesium, beta-carotene, vitamins A, B-6, C, D and E, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, flavonoids, turmeric and tea were the strongest anti-inflammatories.

Next, using data from the Seasonal Variation of Cholesterol Levels Study (SEASONS), they examined the records of 494 men and women (average age 48), looking specifically at the relationship between the inflammatory index (what they ate) and their blood levels of C-reactive protein (typically called CRP). Manufactured by the liver, CRP predicts vulnerability to inflammation and is also elevated in people with obesity, allergies and immune disorders—a lower CRP is thought to translate to reduced risk for heart disease, cancer and other inflammation-related chronic health conditions.

After factoring in variables such as age, weight and smoking status, the researchers found that there is indeed a relationship between an anti-inflammatory diet based on the inflammatory index and a reduced level of CRP. A newer study confirms the accuracy of the index. Now, here are Dr. Rubman’s picks of the best and worst foods if you want to reduce inflammation in your body…


  • Wild salmon, mackerel and other omega-3-fatty-acid-rich fish.
  • Berries.
  • Green, leafy vegetables (e.g., spinach and kale).
  • Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, etc.).
  • Deeply pigmented produce, such as sweet potatoes, eggplant and pomegranate… along with carrots, plums, oranges, peppers, peas and red grapes.
  • Nuts.
  • Whole grains.
  • Tea—specifically black, green and white teas.
  • Cold-pressed fresh oils, including avocado, flaxseed and olive oils in particular.
  • Spices (specifically, garlic, ginger, turmeric, saffron).


  • Desserts made with lots of sugar (cookies, candy, ice cream and so on).
  • Sweetened cereals.
  • “White” carbohydrates (white bread, white rice, white potatoes, English muffins, etc.).
  • Nondiet soft drinks.
  • Anything containing high-fructose corn syrup.
  • Processed meats (bologna, salami, hotdogs, sausage and others made with preservatives and additives).
  • French fries, potato chips and other fried snack foods.
  • Fast foods, most specifically the ones that are high-fat, high-calorie, high simple carbohydrate—which describes most of the inexpensive offerings at quick-serve restaurants.
  • Margarine, because it contains processed sterols called stanols that have been implicated in both atherosclerosis and various fatty-deposit diseases. (But not naturally occurring fats, including cholesterol and saturated fat, which are beneficial in moderation.)
  • Organ meats such as liver, because these often contain undesirable products including antibiotics, fertilizer and other unwanted residues.

How to Feel Better Fast

While on the topic, Dr. Rubman urged me to add one more bit of information to this “highly inflammatory” list. “It should also include almost any food eaten quickly, especially if you drink a lot of liquid while eating,” he said, noting that this is all the more true for people who then end up soothing their predictable digestive distress by taking antiheartburn medication. His advice is to eat slowly…chew thoroughly…avoid liquids during a meal so that you don’t dilute the stomach acid and reduce its ability to help digest food…and include items from the “best” list in every meal, every day, while eliminating those from the “worst” list or at least reserving them for an occasional treat. “Within weeks, you will decrease your risk for disease, improve your digestion, enjoy more energy and feel better overall,” he promised.

Source: Philip P. Cavicchia, PhD, and James R. Hébert, ScD, director, epidemiology and biostatistics, The Cancer Prevention and Control Program, University of South Carolina, Columbia. Andrew Rubman, ND, medical director, Southbury Clinic for Traditional Medicines, Southbury, Connecticut. SouthburyClinic.com.
★ Brought to you today by Mark Weaver
http://detoxwithDE.com = Affordable health protection from our T☢xic enviroment! ====✈
Diatomaceous Earth for Your Health(DE) aka Fossil Shell Flour ... Some of the 1500 everyday uses for DE -->> L•¿•K  at these Keywords -->> Adult Health, More Energy, Bone Health, Bursitis, Arthritis, Lower Cholesterol, Brain/ Mood, Candida, Cardiovascular, Detoxification, Regular Bowel Movements, Lowering Of Blood Pressure, Complexion, Sinus, Cough, Eliminate Parasites, Diabetes, Hemorrhoids, Digestive Health, Hair/ Nails, Skin Care, Hay Fever, Immune Health, Joint Health, Muscle Growth/Regeneration, Skin, Sleep/ Relaxation, Stress, Weight Loss, Parasites, Colon Cleanse, Colon, Women's Health, Men's Health, Bug Control, Fleas, Bed Bugs, Ants, Spiders, Roaches, Flies, Lice, According to a top cancer researcher, it is also the best natural chelating product available(and affordable) - for pulling heavy metals and toxins (like lead, arsenic, bromide, perchlorate, barium, aluminum, mercury, and fluoride)from the bloodstream. Many believe that the increase in the number of cases of Heavy metal poisoning has occurred in part due to mercury in vaccines, fluoridated water, deodorants with aluminum, some seafood, foil wrap, cooking in aluminum cookware, and a number of other ways. .... and now even found to help with effects from... YES" chemtrail/geo-engineering and radiation fallout,also in recent studies may remove food additive toxins too along with fluoride"