Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dissolving Kidney Stones Quickly

Purchase four to six medium to large sized fresh lemons and consume them in a period of 14 hours by spacing them equally in that time frame. You can mix with distilled water if you wish. Drink all of the distilled water that you wish during this time frame.

You are to fast during this time. You must not eat anything period; not one peanut or red hot, nor chew a stick of gum even. This is very important if you are to succeed. Do not use concentrated lemon juice either; it won’t work.

This program works for everyone every time, as long as they follow the simple directions perfectly. This procedure will dissolve your kidney stones, like pouring water over rock salt. Pass this along to your friends and loved ones. They will thank you a hundred times over. This will also save those that do it a lot of money and needless pain.

You may wish to follow up for the next few days by taking an herb called Uva Ursi. This will help to cleanse and sooth the urinary tract. I would recommend that you take two capsules twice daily until you feel that all is well. As with any herb; be sure to take with a full eight ounce glass of water to avoid indigestion. A good place to purchase these herbs would be at a company called “Nature’s Sunshine.” A lot of health food stores should also carry this product.

Yours in health,
Paul Burnham

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