Blogging is big business these days, with some bloggers reporting six-figure
or even million-dollar incomes. There are a number of ways that these bloggers
earn such large paychecks, and the best know how to do it in a way that won't
scare off readers. Check out 101 ways that you can earn money from your blog and
learn strategies for using these tools and methods in a way that's
If you're a well-loved blogger, there's a good chance that your readers would
like to show their support. Give them what they want and make money by taking
advantage of merchandising opportunities.
- This perennial favorite makes it easy for
you to put your blog's logo on shirts, bags, coasters and other items.
- Self-Published Books: If your readers like your content,
they may want to have something they can own offline or even share with
friends. Create a book with self-publishing services like Lulu, and you'll
earn profits even without a huge book deal.
- Design and sell custom products with
- Hard-Copy Content: Create a CD-ROM "book" with cleanly
organized content that can be accessed offline. You can take things a step
further and sell subscriptions for future updates to the system.
- GoodStorm: Like and,
GoodStorm is a nice way to create and sell your own merchandising
Paid Content
Paid content is a good monetization method for bloggers that regularly offer
useful information — especially if this information helps others make money. As
with all monetization methods, it's all in the approach. Don't create misleading
previews of content that requires a membership to read in full. Rather, devote
special sections of premium content to readers who are willing to pay for the
- E-Books: Whether it's a compilation of your best tips or
a new idea altogether, an e-book is a good, reader-friendly way to package
- White Papers: Like e-books, white papers are a smaller,
more technical version of your content.
- Phone Calls: Sell one-on-one phone calls for advice and
other consulting through Ether.
- Miniguides: If you've just run a particularly helpful
series, package it up into a miniguide.
- Tutorials: Gather your knowledge and compile it into a
tutorial that relies upon your expert advice.
- Members-Only Sections: Whether you're providing access to
published items or just ad-free content, make sure you're delivering a product
that your readers are willing to pay for.
- TextMarks Inc.: Charge readers to get text-message alerts
about your content through TextMarks.
- X-Events: Project physical events online and create
revenue by charging admission, attracting sponsors and selling subscriptions
to future events.
- Podcasts: Podcasts may be a novelty to your readers, and
many of them are probably willing to pay to be able to hear your entries on
the go.
- Videos: Like podcasts, videos are value-added extras that
readers may be willing to pay for.
It never hurts to be straightforward about earning money from your blog. Ask
your readers for donations — in a polite way, of course — and the ones that
truly value your work will likely be more than willing to help support your
ongoing success.
- PayPal: PayPal's system allows you to place a donation
button on your blog.
- Amazon Honor System: Like PayPal, the Amazon Honor System
allows you to accept online donations.
- Mailed Checks: Of course, good old U.S. mail works just
as well. Provide readers with a P.O. box that they can mail donations to.
- Buy me a beer/coffee: Asking for donations in the form of
a beer, coffee or other special item allows readers to reward you with
something tangible.
- Amazon Wish List: Although it's not cash, asking readers
to buy you items from your Amazon Wish List will save you from having to buy
things yourself. Again, they'll feel more rewarded knowing they've given you
something tangible.
Becoming a successful blogger means becoming an expert in your field. You can
use this status to earn money through opportunities, while increasing the value
you provide to your readers.
- Writing Gigs: By showcasing your writing talents on your
blog, you've provided a living resume to any blog network or news site that
might be interested in hiring you.
- Seminars and Workshops: As an expert, you can invite
readers to visit with you in person for seminars and workshops.
- Bloggers for Hire: Get yourself hired to blog for a
corporate Web site.
- Blogger Jobs: Like Bloggers for Hire, Blogger Jobs can
connect you with sites in need of a blogger.
- Go Offline: Take your blogging skills offline as a
columnist in a newspaper or magazine.
- Guest Blogging: Fill in for fellow bloggers as a guest
writer for a nominal fee or just future reciprocation.
- Job Board: If you're an industry leader, set up a job
board that your readers can use to hire or be hired for positions in your
- Create a Radio Station: With a radio station, you can
feature podcasts, sell showcase spots to budding artists and even sell audio
- Consulting: If you've found success as a blogger, you
probably have a lot of knowledge to share about mastering both the Internet
and your field. Freelance as a consultant and get paid for sharing what you
- Speaking: Your blog can get your noticed by industry
leaders and can land you speaking engagements at conferences and
- Book: A number of popular bloggers have landed lucrative
book deals.
- Interviews: Share your knowledge on a new medium and go
on radio or TV interviews.
The benefits, monetary and otherwise, of writing a blog extend well beyond
the Internet, particularly if you operate an offline business. Take advantage of
these benefits using the following methods.
- Market Your Services: Your blog is a great forum for
marketing your business. Post about current promotions, new interests and
other business-building information.
- Create a Voice Behind Your Business: A blog is a great
way to grow your business through personal dialogue. By presenting yourself as
a friendly authority, your business becomes more approachable.
- Deepen Customer Relationships: Beyond providing a
friendly voice, a blog can help you connect with customers. Link to their
blogs, write about their interests and give them special attention in your
Ads are generally the bread and butter of bloggers. However, they're also the
most likely to irritate readers. To keep a happy balance, focus on relevance and
make sure that you're not overloading your blog with too many ads. It should go
without saying that you should absolutely not use every single one of these ad
programs, either. Rather, pick a handful and rotate them until you find what
that works the best for your blog.
- Yahoo! Publisher Network: Display contextual ads on your
site via the Yahoo! Publisher Network.
- ValueClick Inc.: You'll get quality advertisers, support
and advanced technology from ValueClick.
- Tribal Fusion: Tribal Fusion's impression-based ad
service focuses on targeting and optimization.
- eXelate Targeting eXchange: This program relies on
delayed ad cookies.
- Clicksor Inc.: Clicksor focuses on contextual ads that
can be presented in a number of different ways, such as text, graphics and
in-line links.
- Indeed: Post job listings from Indeed and get paid.
- Chitika eMiniMalls: Promote products through interactive
merchandise kiosks and provide both relevant content and comparative shopping
to readers. You'll get paid per click.
- AdSonar: Attract advertisers and build relationships with
them individually through this platform.
- ExpoActive: Get freedom, from specific ads to style, with
- AdVolcano LLC: Using AdVolcano's platform, you can design
your ads, set your own prices and screen your advertisers.
- eXelate Targeted Links: Pick and choose the advertisers
you want on your site with this program.
- Set your price and choose which advertisers
to accept with
- Adify: Get editorial control and high-value advertising
on your site with Adify. You can even set your own prices.
- AdBriteInc.: Using AdBrite, you have the option to
approve and reject ads that will appear on your blog, and you can even use it
to sell directly to your own users.
- These ads are highly customizable, and
you have the option to block any ad you don't want displayed on your
- Blogads: Get invited to this exclusive network of
bloggers, and you'll have high-quality, relevant advertising on your
- Casale Media Inc.: Get high-quality advertisers and
control with Casale Media.
- DoubleClick Inc.: DoubleClick offers differentiation and
lots of solutions for publishers.
- BlueLithium: Get great ad targeting, selective
partnerships and better ad performance with BlueLithium.
A more specialized advertising method, RSS ads give bloggers a way to
monetize feeds. Most readers generally react to RSS ads the same way they do
with regular ones, so if you stay relevant and limited, it should work out just
- Pheedo Inc.: This RSS advertising platform offers
interactive triggers and video options.
- Feedvertising: A part of Text Link Ads, Feedvertising
embeds ads in your RSS feed.
- CrispAds: This blog-focused ad network allows you to
place ads directly into entries so they'll show up both on your site and in
- FeedBurner Inc.: FeedBurner's ads are embedded in RSS
feeds,and feature high-quality advertisers like Discover Band, Best Buy and
- FeedM8: FeedM8's service makes your blog ready for mobile
content and embeds mobile-appropriate advertising.
Text Ads
Text ads are one of the the most reader-friendly type of ads you can serve.
Their small size and text-based nature makes them less offensive and
in-your-face than graphic ads. Try out these services to put this type of subtle
ad on your blog.
- Vibrant Media: Vibrant Media's ads are in-text and
completely user driven.
- Google AdSense: Ads from Google are the most popular and
often the most profitable source of income for many bloggers. They're relevant
to your content, and many blog readers expect it, so you're not likely to run
into lots of negative feedback.
- LinkAds: These text ads come with lots of control.
- Sell links on your site and retain
editorial control over what's posted with this service.
- One Monkey Inc.: You can host highly targeted, text-based
ads and earn a great percentage of revenue with One Monkey.
- Kontera ContentLink: ContentLink turns relevant keywords
within your content into a hyperlink ad.
- Text Link Ads: Text Link Ads' simple, nonintrusive ads
are a good choice for many bloggers.
- TAGword: Select your ads and set your prices with
- LinkAdage Auctions: Sell text links through private
online auctions with LinkAdage.
- LinkWords: LinkWords offers pay-per-click revenue
embedded in your content, highlighting keywords that are relevant for
- Get unobtrusive, small link ads, as
well as a steady monthly payout that doesn't depend on traffic from
Sell Your Own Ads
Self-advertising is a method that trumps all others in terms of reader
friendliness. By selling your own ads, you'll get complete control and will be
able to determine the method of ad serving that your readers respond to the
- Individual Advertisers: Your advertisers should be ones
that your readers will genuinely be interested in. Solicit ads from major,
respected players in your industry for the best results.
- Actively Sell Individual Advertising: To attract
advertisers, let it be known that you're looking for them. Put links on your
site, contact potential advertisers directly and post on industry message
- Create a Media Kit: Make it easy for advertisers to buy
from you. Create a kit that includes your rates, ad policies, demographics,
traffic, testimonials and contact information.
- Offer Free Ads: To get things started, seek out
competitive companies in your niche and give them free ads for a specific
amount of time. This will get other companies interested in advertising with
Affiliate Programs
Most bloggers end up dropping product names at one point or another. Whether
it's software, books or trinkets, you're probably linking to them for free.
Affiliate programs offer a way to profit from your name-dropping, often without
changing much more than the URLs you point to. Keep affiliate programs
reader-friendly by sharing only products that are truly relevant to your
discussion and not going overboard with the quantity.
- Amazon Associates: Amazon Associates earn up to 10
percent in referral fees for revenue made through blog links.
- Chitika ShopCloud$: With ShopCloud$, you can list popular
products in a tag cloud format.
- WidgetBucks: These shopping widgets offer popular
products, lots of relevance and plenty of customization.
- LinkShare Corp.: LinkShare's affiliate program will hook
you up with programs for companies like Apple Inc., Dell and Disney.
- zanox: Set up a zanox online shop, choose your products
and earn a percentage of every sale.
- uSuggest LLC: Suggest relevant products to your readers
and get paid for doing it.
- Chitika RPU: If you've discussed a product in a post,
make money by putting a link to the product at the end of your text.
- Auction Ads LLC: Place relevant eBay auction ads on your
site to earn money.
- Recommendations: If you're a fan of a particular product
or service, why not ask them directly to pay you for linking to their
- Commission Junction Inc.: You can promote a wide variety
of products through Commission Junction, so you'll be able to find something
that's relevant to your readers.
- Chitika Linx: Chitika's Linx identifies keywords in your
blog's content and links them to paid product listings.
- Sign up with this network and choose
which merchants you'd like to promote.
- ClickBank: Through ClickBank's program, you choose the
products you want to promote.
- iTunes Affiliates: Keep your readers up-to-date on new
releases and earn a commission on revenue with the iTunes Affilliates
Sponsored Posts
Sponsored posts often rub readers the wrong way, usually because they're
blatant cash grabs, but it doesn't have to be that way. Use these methods and
programs that allow you to carefully pick and choose what you'll write about.
That way, you can stick to products and services that are relevant to your
readers and that you truly support.
- ReviewMe: Pick and choose your ReviewMe posts and earn up
to $200 for each.
- PayPerPost Inc.: Use PayPerPost to earn money from
writing about the sites, products and services that you support.
- Sign up with this program, and you'll get
above-average pay, as well as a steady stream of work.
- Self-Sold Paid Reviews: With paid reviews, the key is to
be selective. You shouldn't accept every offer that comes to you, and if you
have nothing nice to say about the product or service, don't bother. Be sure
to offer an opposing view as well so your readers know that you're not just
blindly supporting the highest bidder.
- Review items in your own tone and
as critically as you'd like with
- Blogsvertise: When you get an assignment for
Blogsvertise, you'll just put three links in a blog entry. This is a great way
to make advertising look natural and unobtrusive.
- Smorty: Choose your subjects and get paid weekly with
- Solicit Book Reviews: Another way to get something from
your blog through reviews is to take on books. You'll get them for free while
providing a valuable service to your readers.
These are just a few more ways you can monetize your blog in a
reader-friendly way.
- Sell Your Blog: If you've put a bunch of work into your
blog and it has great stats, get a lump-sum payday from a buyer.
- Host your photos with this service, and
you'll get paid for the number of views they get. That means that you can
publish them on your blog and get paid every time someone reads a post with
one of your photos on it.
- Scoopt Words: Sell your content to mainstream media with
- Use Your Blog to Create a Mailing List: If you sell
products, you can use your blog to generate a mailing list of people who are
interested in buying from you.
- Vizu Corp. Answers: Host polls on your site. Visitors
will enjoy sharing their opinion, and you'll earn some extra cash.
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