A new born baby with its ear pressed against the wall of its mothers womb, if it could, might assume it can rely on its mother and she the nation to make certain he or she enters into a world where truth, liberty and freedom abounds, a fundamental God given right all children of God have been promised by the Creator.
Your mother overjoyed with her gift from heaven, fills out the governments requirement to issue her new born child a BIRTH CERTIFICATE.
The registration form is sent to the Registrar of Birth, Death and Marriages then within 49 days of the child's birth, presented to the supreme court for the judge to make a ruling on the new human beings legality.
They key point is the lawyer is acting for the Registrar (the government,) not for the child, when presenting the documentation to the Supreme Court.
The Judge asks if the baby is present by calling the babies name. The baby is not present and there is no reply to the judge.
The Judge declares the baby intestate i.e. dead.
But what does that term 'intestate mean? Simply this Right click on the blue underlined and open the link.. These are adds by lawyers on the internet however they do give the definitions.
click to go to:- Intestate -----> http://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/intestate.asp
What Does Intestate Mean?; The act of dying without a legal will. Determining the distribution of the deceased's assets then becomes the responsibility of a probate court.
click to go to:- Intestate ----> http://www.eugenics-watch.com/
Any person who dies without executing (making) a valid last will is known as dying INTESTATE and in that event the deceased's estate is distributed according to the Law on Intestacy.
click to go to:- intestate Definition ----> http://www.eugenics-watch.com/
intestate - definition of intestate - Dying without a legal will. Distribution is overseen by a probate court. also called in intestacy. opposite of testate. ... intestate in the news...
Having made no legal will: an intestate parent.
Not disposed of by a legal will: intestate lands.
n. One who dies without a legal will.
The baby is declared dead, without a legal will.
The babies name is then recorded in capitol letters, example JANE DOE.
When a person dies and is finally buried, the headstone on the grave is in upper case not lower case.
The government then borrows one million dollars US from the banks in London, the million is then invested in the Stock Market Commerce and traded over the lifetime of the child, which is now a STRAWMAN. The debt is guaranteed by the taxes the child will pay over its life, which includes tax on purchases or other illegal manipulations the governments impose.
What is a STRAWMAN?
In law, the term straw man can refer to a third party that acts as a "front" in a transaction (i.e., who is an click to go to:- agent for another) for the purpose of taking title to click to go to:- real property, breaking a click to go to:- joint tenancy, or engaging in some other kind of transaction where the principal remains hidden or to do something else which is not allowed.
A straw man is also "a person of no means," or one who deliberately accepts a liability or other monetary responsibility without the resources to fulfil it, usually to shield another party.
All of your debts can discharged
To shield another party... who, what?
Deception is the key, secrecy, you have been declared legally dead, made a corporation, have had money borrowed against your taxation you will pay over your liftime, taxation you all are are duped into paying by the governments as taxation is illegal, the world's third greatest secret.
How does the government pay welfare? Let us say a woman has three children and is divorced, she applies for welfare, the government removes the payments from her STRAWMAN account in Washington.
Wars are a great way of making money, governments pay out huge sums of money to weapon manufacturers, after all a person is worth more dead than alive. Nations invent conflicts to seduce the population to fight for some cause usually freedom. AIDS part of the Eugenics Society 1878 inventing diseases to reduce the population.
The AIDS virus was invented and patented in the USA Health Department, Google 4647773 in fact all viruses are either taken from animal viruses are manufactured in the laboratories, yet easily killed by colloidal Silver, Ozone or electric currents.
Youngsters are sent off to war, the death toll grows and each STRAWMAN account is closed in Washington.
The accumulated monies over the 17 or so years lifetime of the child is paid back to the government. a million dollars could be several million, but more so since all nations currencies 'float' on the international FOR-EX markets. A For-ex account allows the reaping of fluctuations of currencies. A For-ex account gives the account holder the control of 100 to 1 ratio. In other words 1 dollar controls 100 dollars therefore 1 million dollars controls 100 million. Let us assume the government invests 1 million, it announces a nation wide interest rate hike, this pushes the currencies value up by 1 cent in the dollar and therefore 1 cent is 1 percent and the account holder is controlling the 100 million, the 1% jump means 1 million profit for a 1 million investment as the account holder controls 100 to 1 invested.
1,000,000 invested controls 100,000,000 international money markets, the currency move upwards and 1% earns 1,000,000.
As there are conflicts and Solomon Brothers on Wall Street in New York, lists a nations 'CREDIT RATING' a nations rating affects the value of the currencies against other nations. There are 189 currencies any any given moment that fluctuate moment by moment 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
The slave has been terminated and the grieving parents are non the wiser.
Behind this apparent socially accepted concept shared by the aristocracy, the reaping of the STRAWMAN account left intestate by the STRAWMAN when killed in a war or genocide program, could be as much as 140 million for an old man or woman or several million for a young soldier killed in battle or manufactured diseases.
A government has established themselves as managers of your sovereign rights and as a STRAWMAN or STRAWOMAN with the birthing laws of ships in dry-dock.
At birth a parent fills out a Birth Registration Form issued by the hospital in most cases. It is then sent to the Registrar for Births Deaths and Marriages.
The solicitor for the Registrar takes all registration forms sent in by parents to the Supreme Court where the court calls the babies name, then when the baby does not respond as it is not there and without a will it is declared intestate therefore must be dead.
From there the birthing certificate is raised in all capitol letters of the babies name JANE DOE.
That birth certificate has now become an instrument in the control of the government.
The original birthing certificates has on the back of it a stamp ‘Belongs to Bank’
That Birthing Certificate is now the bond that ties the STRAWMAN fiction to the pledge over the Freeman Sovereign as the baby has become a slave, pledged unwittingly by its parents, that all taxes the child will ever pay during its lifetime will guarantee the loan of a million dollars the government borrows from the International Bankers in the babies name, henceforth known as the STRAWMAN corporation JOE DOE which has a corporate ID number.
This number is the tax file number issued at the presentation of the birthing certificate upon the opening of his corporation, which the child only become aware of when when entering the work force as an adult reaching 18 years of age, he or she applies to the tax office ATO for that tax file number.
So that he can enter the work force and begin paying taxes as a good Joe Doe citizen of the good citizenship with the emphasis on the word ‘Ship’
A loan of 1 million dollars from the International bankers, is to prepay the lifetime of the STRAWMAN, established to prepay his life, therefore if JOE DOE does not work at all, his life is already paid for, that is everything he will ever require is paid for already. Therefore he is the creditor, the principle and can therefore take control of his STRAWMAN corporation. In short legally he or she does not have to pay for anything, food, housing, credit, its simply a matter of being aware of it, take control and take back the theft of your sovereignty as your life has been paid for.
The monetary crises is all smoke and mirrors, fortunes are made on the FOR-EX trading of currencies. So when China rattles the financial sword, the reality is there is no sword to rattle as even China has bought into the system of Birth Certificates for its people.
As such China the child is declared intestate. what are we talking about? a billion people? China is in too deep to withdraw, the amount of money China has borrowed against the future earnings of its billion population staggers the mind, therefore like the west, THE Chinese STRAWMAN accounts number in the billion, via the same system of birth certificates declaring the entire population intestate, i.e dead, has amassed incalculable amounts of money invested in the US Stock Market.
India is the same, the only hold out is Iran.
a Special Thanks to http://www.strawmanburneth.com/
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
ENOUGH! NO more! Stuff from my www.Freedomizerradio.com NoteBook as of 6-4-2012
ENOUGH! NO more! If we dont stop this now i cant see there being a future certainly not one i will be living in anyway! We are clearly dealing with criminally insane, schizophrenic, meglomanic dictators who must be stopped before everyone is either dead or a zombie.
This has gone way tooo far already I want these programs charged with terrorism, murder and mutilation of public health.... a comment left by Steve .... Thanks Steve!
Freedomize someone today!
(BBBB CLUB) = Brass - Bread - Beans - Bible
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Great coverage .... A "youtube censor fighter" too!
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I Hope Things Are Good Where You Are!
NYC Approves Mosque At Ground Zero
Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports EXPOSED
Ez Towel 50 Piece Bag
Israel stations nuclear missile subs off Iran
"OIL" DEJA VU ..... 1979
Oil Spill in Alaska 2010 & 1979 Rachel Maddow
Did you guys see this yet ----> Reporting From
Déjà Vu Land.flv
LIVE OIL CAM .... AUTO Loads in your media player --->
Check out this Link guys
WTF movie 'Knowing' Predicted Oil Rig Explosion in the Gulf of Mexico 20 April 2010
Exclusive: Satellite Zoom of Oil Spill on May 17
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VuMvee5KBc ...
Older imagge but Cool and BIGGER NOW????
Deepwater Horizon survivors allege they were kept in seclusion
after rig explosion, coerced into signing legal waivers
STIRLING ENGINE FRESNEL Lens on a Steek Solar powered Stirling Engine
Oil closes in on Fla. as BP tries risky cap move
Watch BP Gulf Oil Spill Go
Should the American Flag Be Banned -- in America?
Exclusive Eyewitness Report Oil cleanup from Grand Isle, LA
Freedomizer Radio 6/9/10 Pt. 1
Hog Jaw - Gitsum
Raw: Oil Spill Flyover ... This is Humongous
guys.... Have a look later
Gulf Oil Spill Fly Over - May 05, 2010
1/6 HAWK! TR3B Dog Fights over the Water Off Bangor Maine? June 10 2010
Watch 12 Cameras Live: Gulf Oil Leak
12 cams - Gulf Oil Leak
LIVE: Gulf Oil Leak ... Opens in Windows media player.
Wife Call Cops On Hubby Gearing Up 4 Martial Law
6-14-10 -------->B (.)(.) B S
UN chief Ban Ki-moon alarmed by Kyrgyzstan clashes
6-15-10 -------->B (.)(.) B S
Greenpoint Food Market Shutters in the Face of Looming Health Department Visitation
North Korea rejects torpedo findings, threatens war
---->>>> The BOOK Of ELI <<<----
Crisis By Design (1/12) The Global Financial Coup - John Truman Wolfe 6/14/2010
U.S. marks 3rd-largest, single-day debt increase
Exploring Large Masonic Marker in Appalachian Mtns.
U.S. Tomahawk Missiles Deployed Near China Send Message
Toxic Gulf: Citizen Journos Do What Corporate Media Will Not
A special message from Congresswoman Bachmann about RightOnline
The Unavoidable Identity of the Antichrist by David Asscherick (part 1 of 6)
Check Out This Book By A.J. Jacobs
The Year of Living Biblically... my quest to live the ultimate biblical life.
Can You Hate Someone and Be a True Christian? - Tim Conway
Toxic Dispersants Near Gulf Harm Humans and Wildlife
Crabs trying to escape from oil and disperrsment infested waters.Fresh water diversion also.
Official: Seep found near BP's blown out oil well ... 7-16-2010
The UN Deception – Freedom or Fascism
Gulf OIL SPILL Flowing from bed rock and fears TSUNAMI AND POISON GAS ALERT
NATIONAL SECURITY ACT - Evidence >> Supplemental Presentations
Millions to be KILLED under Agenda 21!
New World Order Organizational Chart and the Pyramid Of Power
http://bit.ly/bKelGZ < --- google search shortened
Just Found This -----> U.S. Law Allows Testing
of Chemicals and Biological Agents on "Civilian
Population" PDF
Native American Blood
Extreme Weather Conditions World Wide - Democracy NOW! with Jeff Masters from the online
weather service www.WeatherUnderground.com
Medical Journal Article: 14,000 U.S. Deaths Tied to Fukushima Reactor Disaster Fallout - http://www.sacbee.com/2011/12/19/4132989/medical-journal-article-14000.html Get ready for some earth changes http://www.volcanodiscovery.com/erupting_volcanoes.html
The 2012 American Insurrection: Doing What Our Elected Corrupted Politicians Refused To Do ~ UpHold The United States Constitution - http://politicalvelcraft.org/2012/01/03/the-2012-american-insurrection-doing-what-our-elected- corrupted-politicians-refused-to-do-uphold-the-united-states-constitution/
Earthplay’s website: http://earthplay101.webs.com Ionosphere -http://www.ips.gov.au/Images/HF%20Systems/Global%20HF/Ionospheric%20Map/WorldIMap.gif
Gamma Ray Bursts - http://grb.sonoma.edu/ asfunction:_parent.group.openLink,http://www.jungleapocalypse.com/featured/the-end-of-days-with-scott-owen- episode-39-the-jungle-apocalypse-podcast/
List of Dead Scientists - http://stevequayle.com/dead_scientists/UpdatedDeadScientists.html Alex Jones show describes these drills live on radio last Friday and what he and others are doing and saying in the army - http://podcast.gcnlive.com/podcast/alex/1230114.mp3
MARTIAL LAW - http://sidlinger.tripod.com/ml.html
A Brief History of the PATRIOT Act - http://www.rbs0.com/patriot.pdf
Chile Quake 8.8 - 2/27/10, 188 days > 8.8 Chile Earthquake - Unseen Raw Hotel Footage - New Zealand Quake 7.2 - 9/3/10, 188 days > Eerie CCTV footage of the Christchurch Earthquake Sep 2010 - http://youtu.be/qicEGJjqyFM Japan Quake 9.0 - 3/11/11, 188 days > Japan Earthquake Pictures, Video. Disaster in the Pacific 3/11/2011 - http://youtu.be/9nTlgtf7TME
Fiji Quake 7.3 - 9/15/11, 188 days > BREAKING~ 7.3 EARTHQUAKE FIJI - http://youtu.be/24wZkbvtrE8 March 22, 2012 (Days to watch are 3/20 – 3/25 2012) Dr Sandra Rose Michael from http://www.eesystems.com/
“The National Lawyers Guild Communist Party” and can be found recorded in theUnited States Code at: 28 U. S. C. 3002, section 15a. An excerpt from the movie --->> @ 1:10:39 --- Science? ... But we've been conditioned to believe that science is everything! .... Not true science Bernard just technology that serve the public order. Increased consumption, prevent dissatifaction.... haha You know, I was a pretty fair chemist when I was young and I developed an interest in pure research.... Well, hahaha ... I was very newly re-engineered for it ... I was alot like you Bernard, I had a choice to make, I loved science... but I chose to sacrifice that to serve the public happiness and not my own. So truth is another price you pay? Truth! ehh, There was plenty of talk about truth and beauty before the wars while men were devising and saying new ways to destroy each other, it was horrible ... but then ahhh most historical facts are unpleasant, are'nt they.. huh? and right after this part the movie talks about pre-war "microwave transmission towers" ... hmmmmm????? ---->>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8kCOsfM15c http://www.freedomizerradio.com/images/banners/LibertyStickers-Banner-ad-419x58.gif
1 -11 -2012 links fom 32* Of Insanity
Gulf states brace for unwanted US-Iran war http://www.spacewar.com/reports/Gulf_states_brace_for_unwanted_US-Iran_war_999.html
Occupy’ protesters stage ‘die-in’ against National Defense Authorization Act http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/01/03/occupy-protesters-stage-die-in-against-national-defense-authorization-act/
http://www.shtfplan.com/ http://www.thedailysheeple.com/
United States Government Paid For Research Which Lead to Weaponized H5N1 Super Flu Virus http://theintelhub.com/2012/01/08/united-states-government-paid-for-research-which-lead-to-weaponized-h5n1-super-flu-virus/ Ready for Doomsday: Buying asteroid-proof bunkers, killing their pets and planning mass suicide, the families convinced this ancient calendar predicts the world will end in 2012 Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2084476/Doomsday-2012-Meet-families-convinced-Mayan-calendar-predicts-end-world.html#ixzz1jDhBpcg7
Earth 'to get second sun' as supernova turns night into day http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1349383/Betelgeuse-second-sun-Earth-supernova-turns-night-day.html#ixzz1jDhW17ek
Tense world on the brink: Doomsday clock may move closer to midnight http://theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com/2012/01/10/tense-world-on-the-brink-doomsday-clock-may-move-closer-to-midnight/
5 Things You Should Know About the FBI's Massive New Biometric Database http://www.alternet.org/rights/153664/5_things_you_should_know_about_the_fbi%7Cs_massive_new_biometric_database/?page=entire
Heavy Storms in Houston Cut Power, Delay Airline Flights http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-01-10/heavy-storms-in-houston-cut-power-delay-airline-flights.html
Ancient Secret of Nibiru & Vatican Telescope http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kj2HmfDdh_0&feature=player_embedded
ENVIRONMENTALISM PATH TO GLOBAL DICTATORSHIP http://www.newswithviews.com/McGuire/paul112.htm
Schools are prisons (All parents should watch this) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8RulhBVzbk&feature=player_embedded
Residents in Florida City Call for a Form of Martial Law http://theintelhub.com/2012/01/09/residents-in-belle-glade-florida-call-for-martial-law-after-months-of-increasing-violence/
Nibiru In Popular Science Magazine (Read Between the Lines) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQa7CHfkcrs&feature=player_embedded
Vatican Prepares for the truth about our Annunaki heritage! http://reinep.wordpress.com/2010/11/06/vatican-prepares-for-the-truth-about-our-annunaki-heritage/
SOLAR STORMS AND MARTIAL LAW: Rex-84 http://www.solar-storm-warning.com/solar_storm_and_marshall_law.html
30 Signs That The United States Of America Is Being Turned Into A Giant Prison http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/30-signs-that-the-united-states-of-america-is-being-turned-into-a-giant-prison
List Of FEMA Camps In The U.S. And Canada http://www.firetown.com/blog/2010/11/07/list-of-fema-camps-in-the-u-s-and-canada/
The Old World Order Wants To Surrender But To The People, Not To The New World Order •• http://occupywallst.org/forum/the-old-world-order-wants-to-surrender-but-to-the-/
The Secret of Oz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWIFlNSjw8g
FEMA RED / BLUE LIST – Marked For TERMINATION http://dprogram.net/2008/05/31/fema-red-blue-list-marked-for-termination/
Coast to Coast AM - April 03 2012 - The Food Conspiracy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgGEeR3Bf0w
Secret panel can put Americans on ‘kill list’ without any oversight http://www.prisonplanet.com/secret-panel-can-put-americans-on-%E2%80%98kill-list%E2%80%99-without-any- oversight.html
UFOTV Presents...: The Enemy Within - A Global Conspiracy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNFOv_mbbLQ&feature=player_embedded#!
TerralO3 Saying Live that he is "Adam and God" 1-7-2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiwYVIL4KtE&feature=player_embedded
Full-Blown Civil War Erupts On Wall Street – Financial Elite Start Turning On Each Other http://www.fourwinds10.net/siterun_data/government/banking_and_taxation_irs_and_insurance/news.php? q=1326387978
Global banking crisis? What global banking crisis? Thousands of quadrillions of hidden monies revealed to be held in multiple off-ledger black screen accounts. The Committee of 300's shadow government banking scam has its royal knickers ripped off. How rich is White Spiritual Boy now, Your Majesty? http://www.fourwinds10.net/siterun_data/government/new_world_order/news.php?q=1326310398
Ahmadinejad wants new nuclear talks www.ind.pn/yZWZqI
camu camu goji berries turmeric curcumin
http://www.rawguru.com/raw-food-recipes/mediterranean-dolma-with-green-tahini-sauce.html.html http://www.therawfoodworld.com/ http://www.mayanmajix.com/
http://www.youtube.com/v/z3xOU2tLl7g http://patriotupdate.com/17256/breaking-sc-tea-party-leader-endorses-ron-paul
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/8370151/Mystery-over-millions-of-dead-fish-in-California- harbour.html
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/01/16/remaining-republican-presidential-candidates-spar-at-south-carolina- debate/
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/01/16/remaining-republican-presidential-candidates-spar-at-south-carolina- debate/
http://thechaniproject.com/forum/index.php/topic,2530.msg20241/topicseen.html? PHPSESSID=d12506eaad6672920235ec59fe4f376c#new http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2012/01/new-event-horizon-telescope-to-zoom-in-for-1st-ever-photo-of-milky -ways-supermassive-black-hole.html
The Politicians are B(*)(*)BS!
My Electromagnetic Pulse gun.....by http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Zci1dUu6Hs http://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/ny-schools-monitor-fat-kids-even-at-home/
I heard once that it would rather hear about memories than ememies. Rather hear what was or what will be than what is. Rather hear it how you got it over how much it cost you. Rather hear about finding yourself than how you lost you, rather you make this an open letter about family and struggle and it taking forever, about hearts that you've broken, and ties that you severed. No doubt in my mind, that would make them feel better.
1 World Bank CEO Zoellick resigns [link to business.time.com]
2 Anz Bank CFO Australia resigns [link to http://www.marketwatch.com/]
3 Nicaraqua Central Bank Pres Rosales resigns [link to http://www.businessweek.com/]
4 Credit Suisse Chief Joseph Tan resigns [link to http://www.businessweek.com/]
5 GERMAN PRESIDENT Christian Ruff resigns [link to http://www.dailymail.co.uk/]
6 Royal Bank of Scotland Austrailin CEO Stephen Williams resigns [link to blogs.wsj.com]
7 Kuwait Central Bank CEO resigns [link to http://www.washingtonpost.com/]
8 Slovenia TWO largest Banks CEO's (2) resign [link to http://www.bloomberg.com/]
9 Bank of India CEO Chaturvedi resigns [link to http://www.livemint.com/]
10 Tamilnad Mercantile Bank CEO resigns [link to http://www.business-standard.com/]
11 GOLDMAN SACHS CEO Blankenfein to resign (Nothing printed on this yet UNLESS this JUST happened. Last article said he is not stepping down in 2011). [link to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/]
http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/News/105461-2012-02-17-the-fbi-has-uncovered-another-fbi-created-terrorist-plot- in.htm?From=News
http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/many-of-you-will-not-believe-some-of-the-things-americans-are-doing- just-to-survive
WORLD ORDER is using TO KILL YOU ? - Democide Mass-Murder and the New World Order ~ http://www.activistpost.com/2012/02/democide-mass-murder-and-new-world.html
Cold snap in Eastern Europe kills more than 650 - http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46401580/ns/weather/
Future Navy Map of USA ~ http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?17203-Future-Navy-Map-of-USA
25 million tons of tsunami debris floating toward US shores ~ http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/02/15/25-million- tons-tsunami-debris-floating-toward-us-shores/#ixzz1mZpYuFph
Homeland Security Committee Hearing on DHS Monitoring of Social Media (Live Blog) ~ http://dissenter.firedoglake.com/2012/02/16/homeland-security-committee-hearing-on-dhs-monitoring-of-social-media -live-blog/
666 Are You Ready For The Mark Of The Beast? ~ http://beforeitsnews.com/story/1766/542/666_Are_You_Ready_For_The_Mark_Of_The_Beast.html http://www.examiner.com/finance-examiner-in-national/terror-threats-rising-as-fema-orders-1-billion-dehydrated-food
Energy Justice Map - http://www.energyjustice.net/map/nationalmap Beirut River mysteriously turns blood red ~ http://theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com/2012/02/16/beirut-river- mysteriously-turns-blood-red/
Navy Seals Say False Flag to be Blamed on Iran May Happen at Anytime ~ http://dprogram.net/2012/02/14/navy-seals- say-false-flag-to-be-blamed-on-iran-may-happen-at-anytime-ed-asner/
Catastrophic flood could sink Sydney suburbs ~ http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-02-15/planning-shows- catastrophic-flood-would-sink-sydney-suburbs/3832496 Inuit People On Sun Wrong ,Stars Wrong ,Earth Tilting On Axis - http://www.thetruthbehindthescenes.org/2011/08/08/inuit-people-on-sun-wrong-stars-wrong-earth-tilting-on-axis/ K Report Blames The Internet For Terrorism, Says ISPs Should Take Down Content http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=38296 Exclusive: 2nd N.C. Mother Says Daughter’s School Lunch Replaced for Not Being Healthy Enough ~ http://www.theblaze.com/stories/exclusive-2nd-n-c-mother-says-daughters-school-lunch-replaced-for-not-being- healthy-enough/ Feds destroy entire raw milk business of Amish farmer .. plus other news ~ http://www.naturalnews.com/
The Real Middle East Update Report ~ Follow the link, click on February 16, 2012 3rd hour ~ http://www.gcnlive.com/programs/nutrimedical/archives.php Probe continues into the hundreds of dead dolphins washed up on Peruvian beaches ~ http://theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com/2012/02/17/probe-continues-into-the-hundreds-of-dead-dolphins-washed -up-on-peruvian-beaches/
FEMA Looking to Track Nationwide News Coverage of their Activities Around the Clock ~ http://theintelhub.com/2012/02/17/fema-looking-to-track-nationwide-news-coverage-of-their-activities-around-the-clock/
The Men With Black Hats ~ http://theintelhub.com/2012/02/16/the-men-with-black-hats/
Extreme Summer Temperatures Occur More Frequently in U.S. Now, Analysis Shows ~ http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/02/120215143116.htm
Texas Drought Sparks Water Well Drilling Frenzy ~ http://www.texastribune.org/texas-environmental-news/water- supply/texas-drought-sparks-water-well-drilling-frenzy/ http://www.marcoponce.com/
American Politics in One Easy Lesson ~ http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/02/american_politics_in_one_easy_lesson.html
Preparing for the Collapse of the Petrodollar System ~ http://ftmdaily.com/preparing-for-the-collapse-of-the- petrodollar-system/ http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/freedomizerradio.com# this is the site showing our numbers up 80% Domestic production eyed as gas prices head toward record-breaking height ~
20 Signs You Might Be A Typical American Worker ~ http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/20-signs-you-might-be-a-typical-american-worker Cleveland
Volcano's lava dome is growing, could blow soon ~ http://www.adn.com/2012/02/17/2323499/cleveland- volcanos-lava-dome-is.html#storylink=cpy
https://www.facebook.com/Orpheadream There are two major geocosmic signatures arising in the next ten days which could be consequential. The first is the Sun entering a T-square formation with the Jupiter-Saturn opposition (January 19-22). The second is Mars turning retrograde in Virgo (January 24 through April 14). The Jupiter-Saturn opposition (add T-square from the Sun) is unusual because it is not quite exact. It is one degree away from exactness, and it happens as Saturn is in the last degree of Libra and Jupiter the first degree of Taurus, so they aren’t even in opposite signs. This is known as an “out-of-sign” opposition. At the same time, the Sun is moving from 29 degrees of Capricorn to 0 degrees of Aquarius. When the planets are in last and first degrees of signs, it usually means “changing conditions.” Something is changing related to Jupiter (growth, optimism, and expansion) and Saturn (contraction and fear). Together these two planes pertain to a “judgment.” Could it be that some country gets a credit downgrade and fears of a global meltdown arise again? Or does it have something to do with the more mundane field of law? One side wants to expand, the other wants to contract, and with the Sun right in the middle, the result may be paralysis (i.e., gridlock). This is not new, but yet something is different about this case because something will probably happen. Something gets done, or changed.
4-4-12 ☮☮
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/03/28/nsa-dismisses-claims-utah-data-center-watches-average-americans/ http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/01/us/police-tracking-of-cellphones-raises-privacy-fears.html?_r=2
http://fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/north-american-union-will-attempt-to-disarm-the-people-of-the-united- states/10764
http://www.hoax-slayer.com/lemon-cancer-cells.shtml *** essiac tea good for ☮☮
North Korea has warned that any attempts to jeopardize its plans to launch a rocket-powered satellite scheduled for later this month would constitute “an act of war.” Whoever "intercepts the satellite or collects its debris will meet immediate, resolute and merciless punishment" from the North, the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea in Pyongyang announced in a statement on Thursday. The statement also warned South Korea against any provocation, saying the DPRK "will mete out the unimaginable and the most miserable punishment to its rival if it dares fire into the sky above the (North), Pyongyang, in particular." www.presstv.ir Mitsuhei Murata Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland and Senegal Executive Director, the Japan Society for Global System and Ethics akiomatsumura.com enenews.com
I think the UN is gonna use China ,R ussia and Iran ... to get the NWO Agenda done!... Heck they've used us up!!!! Plus I dont think our US Troops will turn on us in the US!! I guy said IF you think about it ... We are only 100 yrs old taught in School (Indoctrination camp)
plethora [pleth-er-uh] Example Sentences Origin pleth·o·ra Show Spelled [pleth-er-uh] noun 1. overabundance; excess: a plethor a of advice and a paucity of assistance. 2. Pathology Archaic . a morbid condition due to excess of red corpuscles in the blood or increase in the quantity of blood.
TYPE " Q33NY " IN A WORDPAD DOCUMENT THEN CHANGE THE FONT SIZE TO 48 & CHOOSE WEBDINGS FOR FONT ************************************************************************************** Intelligent Design - Unlocking The Mysteries Of Life 1:07:05 - 5 years ago http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=-5585125669588896670 A thoughtful and well presented argument for a turn away from the dry/rationalist argument that the miracle of life is a "nothing but" - scientifically explained foregone conclusion. Their is "intelligence" behind the design. did you see these? --->>>Wood-Burning-Rocket-Stove http://www.ebay.com/itm/Wood-Burning-Rocket-Stove- Camping-Hunting-Cooking-Stove-/200368017505?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ea6dd5061 these are cool ---->>>> Compact CAMP STOVE/ HEATER seen these yet ... compact military camp stove tent heater hunting fishing http://www.ebay.com/itm/compact-military-camp-stove-tent-heater-hunting-fishing -/310396029352?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item48450b89a8 @ that site healthnutvitamin.com ..... Cooking Naturally! http://www.healthnutvitamin.com/common/recipes/recipes_home.asp? storeID=30E3254F8732472EB47E53D02D31F721
Prepper List : Ten MORE Things To Do Now http://www.thesurvivalistblog.net/survival-gear-list/ Here are fourteen free PDF downloads that you might find useful http://www.thesurvivalistblog.net/top-14-survival- downloads/ here is some Sun & Niburu pics I took -->>> http://outdoors.webshots.com/album/582693952tnAUFC zoom in and check out the black things on pics #'s 148 & 155 ... WTHeck is that??
Links from PathOSages show on 4-27-12 ☮☮
Dumitru Duduman's Vision of America's Sudden Destruction http://www.greaterthings.com/Visions/Dumitri_Duduman/ US to remove 9,000 Marines from Okinawa http://azdailysun.com/news/national/us-to-remove-marines-from-okinawa/article_d2e81d48-7f63-57e7-9e3a- cce4cf3a8b84.html#ixzz1tELTkW8k
Obama's Throne of Satan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OThtit6hsRU 2012 - Book of Enoch Fallen Angels http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6BlvgOgb5Y
NIBIRU OR ? ON STEREO BEHIND COR2 SATELLITE 2012-04-23 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCsbLdJDtWk
How to Make an Orgonite Orgone CloudBuster 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqw7z2JJ-w4 Who the "They" are - PORTRAITS OF BILDERBERG PARTICIPANTS www.danielestulin.com/wp-content/uploads/portraits_bilderberg.pdf
MARLIN SEMI-AUTO 22 LONG RIFLE http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/AMM2230-1.htmll
The Nag Hammadi Library Codex Index http://www.thenazareneway.com/nag_hammadi_library.htm Add your bday (full year)- each digit separately and then reduce it unless it equals 11, 22, or 33 ( so under a 9 u come back again? ) so "they" say!
Freedomizerradio's "CRAP FREE" Storable Foods! http://www.patriotpantry.gofoodsglobal.com/
In a move that could help the government trim its burgeoning health care costs, the Food and Drug Administration may soon permit Americans to obtain some drugs used to treat conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes without obtaining a prescription. The FDA says over-the-counter distribution would let patients get drugs for many common conditions without the time and expense of visiting a doctor, but medical providers call the change medically unsound and note that it also may mean that insurance no longer will pay for the drugs. ... Under the changes that the agency is considering, patients could diagnose their ailments by answering questions online or at a pharmacy kiosk in order to buy current prescription-only drugs for conditions such as high cholesterol, certain infections, migraine headaches, asthma or allergies. By removing the prescription requirement from popular drugs, the Obama administration could ease financial pressures on the overburdened Medicare system by paying for fewer doctor visits and possibly opening the door to make seniors pay a larger share of the cost of their medications. The change could have mixed results for non-Medicare patients. Although they may not have to visit a doctor as often, they could have to dish out more money for medications because most insurance companies don’t cover over-the- counter drugs. www.washingtontimes.com Everything in the Obama administration is about race. This scandal inside the Secret Service regarding agents using prostitutes during Obama’s trip to Columbia is contrived and suspect. If the press had been told to ignore it, no one would have known anything about it. We have always believed there was more to this story and it had nothing to do with prostitutes. When you can have scandals like Fast and Furious swept under the rug as thousands of people are killed because Obama’s Attorney General may have authorized thousands of guns to be sold to drug dealers, you know that this Secret Service issue could have been squelched in a flash. When there are grave questions about the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate and his selective service documents, and the press ignores it, you know the press can ignore anything if it is told to do so. Early on during Obama’s rise to power he was accused of having homosexual relationships and an accuser came forth alleging he had a homosexual affair with Obama. The press ignored that too. All of the sudden, we are to believe that this relatively minor prostitution scandal is now the biggest story in America. Washington, DC operates on a steady diet of prostitutes and everyone is partaking in the partying both Democrats and Republicans. These DC insiders want us to believe that they are now so outraged that they need to sanitize the Secret Service? by Gil Guignat When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be frightened; those things must take place; but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will also be famines. These things are merely the beginning of birth pangs. But be on your guard; for they will deliver you to the courts, and you will be flogged in the synagogues, and you will stand before governors and kings for My sake, as a testimony to them. The gospel must first be preached to all the nations. When they arrest you and hand you over, do not worry beforehand about what you are to say, but say whatever is given you in that hour; for it is not you who speak, but it is the Holy Spirit. Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and have them put to death. You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. But when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION standing where it should not be (let the reader understand), then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains. The one who is on the housetop must not go down, or go in to get anything out of his house; and the one who is in the field must not turn back to get his coat. Infectious disease researcher, 25, dies from rare bacteria in San Francisco This is some freaky shit right here... www.cbsnews.com] I wonder how contagious this is and how many people he sneezed at on the way home ? SF is a big public transport city as well. Oh yes and of COURSE he worked in a govt lab , they always have the best microbes California officials: Rare bacteria may have caused death California health officials are investigating the death of a researcher at a Veteran's Affairs infectious diseases lab that may have been caused by a rare strain of bacteria. The 25-year-old man, who has not been named, died over the weekend shortly after asking friends to take him to a hospital, the San Jose Mercury News reported http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_DEADLY_INFECTION? SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2012-05-03-06-28-47
UNEASE in Tel Aviv, as mysterious smell "is enveloping the city" and Central Israel Mysterious smell envelops central Israel; Tel Aviv municipality investigating source Residents of Tel Aviv complain of a harsh chlorine-like substance that could be felt in the air. Residents of Tel Aviv, Gush Dan and central Israel complained Thursday morning of a harsh chemical substance that could be felt in the air. Many people described the smell as similar to the smell of chlorine. Initially, the Home Front Command believed the source of the smell could be gas drilling near Nitzanim in southern Israel. However, the claims were proven wrong. No special instructions were given to the residents, as the Ministry of the Environment stated that no dangerous substances were detected. www.haaretz.com ********************************************************************************************************* ALERT! North Korean Submarines Have Disappeared Off Radar! After Pyongyang threatened to wage “special action” against Seoul, a number of North Korean submarines have disappeared, a South Korean government official told the JoongAng Ilbo. “Eight or nine submarines of the North’s East Sea Fleet are missing from our radar,” the high-ranking South Korean official said on Monday. “We are figuring out whether the submarines are conducting a military drill or an actual mission. [link to koreajoongangdaily.joinsmsn.com ********************************************************************************************************* BREAKING: Fukoshima ELE threat hits mainstream media! its the top news in germany's most respected news magazine: sorry only google translation available http://translate.google.com/translate? sl=de&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF- 8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/technik/0,1518,831078,00.html ********************************************************************************************************* BREAKING Petaluma, CA: Homeland Security Officers Shot during 'Unknown Operation' Details just coming in http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=news/local/north_bay&id=8646494#&cmp=twi-kgo- article-8646494 ********************************************************************************************************* http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2012/04/24/dangerous-trend-teens-drinking-hand-sanitizer-to-get-drunk/ NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Talk about a recipe for disaster. It appears that teenagers have found a way to extract and drink the alcohol in hand sanitizers, giving parents something else to worry about when dropping their kids off at school, CBS 2′s Dana Tyler reported. Health officials at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles issued a warning Tuesday, saying hand sanitizer certainly can be dangerous. In the past few weeks, eight teenagers have visited local emergency rooms after distilling or drinking the gel, and 2,600 cases of hand sanitizer overdoses have been reported in California since 2010, Tyler reported. “We should treat these hand sanitizers like we treat any medication in the home,” said Dr. Cyrus Rangan, director of the toxicology bureau for the county public health department and a medical toxicology consultant for Children’s Hospital Los Ang ********************************************************************************************************* Teens using vodka tampons to get drunk http://www.kpho.com/story/15981315/teens-using-vodka-tampons-to-get-drunk ********************************************************************************************************* http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2012/04/24/dangerous-trend-teens-drinking-hand-sanitizer-to-get-drunk/ NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Talk about a recipe for disaster. It appears that teenagers have found a way to extract and drink the alcohol in hand sanitizers, giving parents something else to worry about when dropping their kids off at school, CBS 2′s Dana Tyler reported. Health officials at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles issued a warning Tuesday, saying hand sanitizer certainly can be dangerous. In the past few weeks, eight teenagers have visited local emergency rooms after distilling or drinking the gel, and 2,600 cases of hand sanitizer overdoses have been reported in California since 2010, Tyler reported. “We should treat these hand sanitizers like we treat any medication in the home,” said Dr. Cyrus Rangan, director of the toxicology bureau for the county public health department and a medical toxicology consultant for Children’s Hospital L A ********************************************************************************************************* Obama signs the US into International Law www.whitehouse.gov] By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to promote international regulatory cooperation, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Policy. Executive Order 13563 of January 18, 2011 (Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review), states that our regulatory system must protect public health, welfare, safety, and our environment while promoting economic growth, innovation, competitiveness, and job creation. In an increasingly global economy, international regulatory cooperation, consistent with domestic law and prerogatives and U.S. trade policy, can be an important means of promoting the goals of Executive Order 13563 The regulatory approaches taken by foreign governments may differ from those taken by U.S. regulatory agencies to address similar issues. In some cases, the differences between the regulatory approaches of U.S. agencies and those of their foreign counterparts might not be necessary and might impair the ability of American businesses to export and compete internationally. In meeting shared challenges involving health, safety, labor, security, environmental, and other issues, international regulatory cooperation can identify approaches that are at least as protective as those that are or would be adopted in the absence of such cooperation. International regulatory cooperation can also reduce, eliminate, or prevent unnecessary differences in regulatory requirements http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/05/01/executive-order-promoting-international-regulatory- cooperation Sec. 2. Coordination of International Regulatory Cooperation. (a) The Regulatory Working Group (Working Group) established by Executive Order 12866 of September 30, 1993 (Regulatory Planning and Review), which was reaffirmed by Executive Order 13563, shall, as appropriate: (i) serve as a forum to discuss, coordinate, and develop a common understanding among agencies of U.S. Government positions and priorities with respect to: (A) international regulatory cooperation activities that are reasonably anticipated to lead to significant regulatory actions; (B) efforts across the Federal Government to support significant, cross-cutting international regulatory cooperation activities, such as the work of regulatory cooperation councils; and (C) the promotion of good regulatory practices internationally, as well as the promotion of U.S. regulatory approaches, as appropriate; and (ii) examine, among other things were now the the dirt below the boot of the un ********************************************************************************************************* http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/05/01/executive-order-promoting-international-regulatory- cooperation Obama signs the US into International Law www.whitehouse.gov] By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to promote international regulatory cooperation, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Policy. Executive Order 13563 of January 18, 2011 (Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review), states that our regulatory system must protect public health, welfare, safety, and our environment while promoting economic growth, innovation, competitiveness, and job creation. In an increasingly global economy, international regulatory cooperation, consistent with domestic law and prerogatives and U.S. trade policy, can be an important means of promoting the goals of Executive Order 13563 ********************************************************************************************************* http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/05/01/executive-order-promoting-international-regulatory- cooperation Obama signs the US into International Law www.whitehouse.gov] By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to promote international regulatory cooperation, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Policy. Executive Order 13563 of January 18, 2011 (Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review), states that our regulatory system must protect public health, welfare, safety, and our environment while promoting economic growth, innovation, competitiveness, and job creation. In an increasingly global economy, international regulatory cooperation, consistent with domestic law and prerogatives and U.S. trade policy, can be an important means of promoting the goals of Executive Order 13563 ********************************************************************************************************* ALERT! North Korean Submarines Have Disappeared Off Radar! After Pyongyang threatened to wage “special action” against Seoul, a number of North Korean submarines have disappeared, a South Korean government official told the JoongAng Ilbo. “Eight or nine submarines of the North’s East Sea Fleet are missing from our radar,” the high-ranking South Korean official said on Monday. “We are figuring out whether the submarines are conducting a military drill or an actual mission. [link to koreajoongangdaily.joinsmsn.com ********************************************************************************************************* OH WAIT,,,, LOL do we have people here that STILL think there is even going to BE an Election,,, not that the Elections really exist anyway,,,since whoever is put in office was decided on LONG before a single vote is EVER cast. The Elections are NOTHING more than a pacifier for the Masses to give them the ILLUSION they have a choice and get to participate Elections are NOTHING more than a pacifier for the Masses to give them the ILLUSION they have a choice and get to participate <<-- forgot where I got that from http://www.youtube.com/user/XtwilightkingdomX they painted all the WAL-FARTS military colors ... hmmmm ... They could be Indoctrination camp processing centers .. In a heartbeat! "We are gonna tell them the Truth .. whether it tickles or not!" .... hahaha ... Brother Gregory of www.HisHolyChurch.net "We are gonna tell them the Truth .. whether it tickles or not!" .... hahaha ... as Brother Gregory of www.HisHolyChurch.net says :) He is so Awesome! listen to Pastor Paul Begley livestream and paulbegleyprophecy.com ********************************************************************************************************* ‘Israel threatened to take down world in nuclear Armageddon’: video available video clip link: www.presstv.ir] Israel is the only regime that has threatened to obliterate all world countries in a “nuclear Armageddon,” if its existence is put in jeopardy, a political analyst tells Press TV. In a Friday interview, Mark Glenn, from The Crescent and Cross Solidarity movement, lashed out at Israel for its nuclear stockpile, sayingTel Aviv is the only regime that “has threatened to take the entire world down in a nuclear Armageddon in the instance that her precious experiments in Jewish self-rule in the Middle East ceases to materialize.” “There is no other country in existence today that has basically told the entire world that if we are going to go down we are going to take the rest of the world down with us,” he added. Even Israel’s most prominent military professor, Martin Van Creveld, has once alluded to such nuclear ambitions by Israel and confirmed that Tel Aviv has several hundred atomic warheads and rockets targeted at all directions -- mostly at European capitals -- and that Tel Aviv is ready to take the entire world down before the regime itself ceases to exist, Glenn pointed out. ********************************************************************************************************* Israel is widely believed to be the sole possessor of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. Tel Aviv began building its first plutonium and uranium processing facility, Dimona, in the Negev desert in 1958. Former US President Jimmy Carter has stated that Israel has a nuclear arsenal that includes between 200 and 300 warheads. Decades of recurrent reporting and aerial footage have also established the possession of atomic arms by Israel. Under its official policy of nuclear ambiguity, Tel Aviv neither confirms nor denies the possession of nukes and ********************************************************************************************************* A massive explosion on the sun's surface has triggered the largest solar radiation storm since 2005, hurling charged particles at Earth IMAGE www.trbimg.com] A massive explosion on the sun's surface has triggered the largest solar radiation storm since 2005, hurling charged particles at Earth. (NASA / May 4, 2012) www.latimes.com] Space weather expert has ominous forecast A stream of highly charged particles from the sun is headed straight toward Earth, threatening to plunge cities around the world into darkness and bring the global economy screeching to a halt. Massive solar storms have happened before — and another one is likely to occur soon, according to Mike Hapgood, a space weather scientist at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near Oxford, England. Solar flares mainly emit X-rays — we also get radio waves from these things, and white light in the brightest of flares. They all travel at the same speed as light, so it takes eight minutes to arrive. There are some effects from flares, such as radio interference from the radio bursts. But that's a pretty small-beer thing. The big thing is the geomagnetic storms [on Earth] that affect the power grid, and that's caused by the coronal mass ejections [from the sun]. Coronal mass ejections are caused when the magnetic field in the sun's atmosphere gets disrupted and then the plasma, the sun's hot ionized gas, erupts and send charged particles into space. Think of it like a hurricane — refuses to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) or allow inspections of its nuclear facilities.— is it headed toward us or not headed toward us? If we're lucky, it misses us ********************************************************************************************************* Israel threatened to take down world in nuclear Armageddon In a Friday interview, Mark Glenn, from The Crescent and Cross Solidarity movement, lashed out at Israel for its nuclear stockpile, sayingTel Aviv is the only regime that “has threatened to take the entire world down in a nuclear Armageddon in the instance that her precious experiments in Jewish self-rule in the Middle East ceases to materialize.” “There is no other country in existence today that has basically told the entire world that if we are going to go down we are going to take the rest of the world down with us,” he added. www.pakalertpress.com ************************************************************************************************************************ Canada Prepares For major Disaster May 6 - 12 Is Your Family Prepared? The "Get Prepared" campaign encourages Canadians to be prepared to cope on their own for at least the first 72 hours of an emergency, enabling first responders to focus on those in urgent need. www.getprepared.gc.ca ********************************************************************************************************************** DOJ Deputy Wants Warrantless Surveillance of Cellular Phone Signals The Obama administration is attempting to force Congressional law to rewrite cellular phone privacy rights. In 2012, the US Supreme Court ruled that law enforcement required a warrant to gain access to cellular phone records, use GPS to track a suspect, have probable cause to probe a suspect’s privacy through corporate intelligence gathered on customers. www.activistpost.com ************************************************************************************************************** Obama Now Allowing China to Takeover US Banks The United States on Wednesday opened its banking market to ICBC, China's biggest bank, for the first time clearing a takeover of a US bank by a Chinese state-controlled company. Just days after high-level US-China economic talks in Beijing, the Federal Reserve approved an application from Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to buy a majority stake in the US subsidiary of Bank of East Asia. The transaction will make ICBC the first Chinese state-controlled bank to acquire retail bank branches in the United States. ICBC has been the most aggressive of China's "big four" banks in expanding overseas. According to the Fed the bank has total assets of roughly $2.5 trillion It will buy up to 80 percent of the US unit of the Hong Kong-based Bank of East Asia, which operates 13 branches in New York and California. As part of the deal ICBC and two state-backed financial firms -- China's sovereign wealth fund the China Investment Corporation (CIC), and Central Huijin Investment -- will be recognized as bank holding companies, regulated as commercial US banks. The broad expansion of China's footprint in the US market comes amid a series of financial reforms in China that could begin to open the lucrative market to US firms. After the May 3-4 meeting, the US Treasury noted China had made "encouraging progress" on a number of issues sought by the Obama administration, including taking steps toward a more open and market-oriented financial system http://ca.news.yahoo.com/3-big-chinese-banks-enter-us-banking-market-185200086.html ********************************************************************************************************************************************** listen to me there will be 3 world nations this stuff hes saying wont matter then # super nations of world was said by the leaders of 3 nations and the covert agency the super nations will not be afected by the tade war as north and south union will have 80% worlds tradable goods here as in food and water and such with out them asia union and eu nation union will not be able support there nations with out the us union this is fact and they know it all the people know this they will remove all currency and this will happen soon and when it does the world will have to follow the north and south Am union without them the life of the future will be unable to benfit there nations trust in this the super nations to come will happen and gold and silver will do nothing buying food water tools and such is only way to make trade during this time after that things will be stable enf for gold and silver trade but if you already had food and water and such then you can trade for gold and silver and have heads up the new world order to come will be 3 super nations and there already planed for this marck my words the world will know soon enf this known i said this i probly be killed for saying this but this is what has to happen to bring about a nwo to bring order to choas ******************************************************************************************************************************** BTR show with them sayin all the soil and everything is contaminated ..... only good food left will be the storable type already made ...ex. like Mountain House , GoFoods ect. Hagmann & Hagmann Report with Steve Quayle & Greg Evenson http://www.blogtalkradio.com/cfp-radio/2012/05/10/the-hagmann-hagmann-report-with-steve-quayle-and-hawk ************************************************************************************************* Guest: Today Steve Quayle •• http://www.trunews.com/listen_now.htm also check out Watchmen Gathering interviews April 18-20 archive show **************************************************************************************************************** no digging, no tilling ,very little hard work ... It just works!!! http://www.backtoedenfilm.com/
SHTF smiley dude -->> http://www.godlikeproductions.com/sm/srjceahd.gif COOOOL smiley dude -->> http://www.easyfreesmileys.com/smileys/free-sign-smileys-978.gif
Ted Nugent free-fighting-smiley http://www.easyfreesmileys.com/smileys/free-fighting-smileys-574.gif TSAAmerica -- http://truthalliance.net/Portals/0/Archive/Gallery/24/TSAAmerica.jpg
Cult Leader Thinks He's Jesus (Documentary Exclusive) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2Cv5hZfOmk
At least god doesnt think hes Obama http://www.libertystickers.com/static/images/at-least-god-doesn%27t-think-he%27s-Obama.gif
I am spying on you http://www.libertystickers.com/static/images/productimage-picture-i-am-spying-on-you-436.gif
Obedience is not patriotism http://www.libertystickers.com/static/images/Obedience-is-not-patriotism.gif
Things havent become more expensive http://www.libertystickers.com/static/images/Things-havent-become-more-ex-SH.gif
Vote them all out http://www.libertystickers.com/static/images/productimage-picture-vote-them-all-out-899.gif
Im having trouble keeping up with all the things im supposed to be afraid of http://www.libertystickers.com/static/images/productimage-picture-im-having-trouble-keeping-up-with-478.gif
The-2nd-amendment-was-not-about-hunting http://www.libertystickers.com/static/images/The-2nd-amendment-was-not-about-hunting.gif 86 the incumbents http://www.libertystickers.com/static/images/productimage-picture-86_the_incumbants-192.gif
A patriot must always be ready http://www.libertystickers.com/static/images/a-patriot-must-always-be-ready.gif Dear officer what part of the constitution (no pic)
Free newsletter -->> BE AWARE... BE PREPARED... and HAVE A PLAN! http://www.itsadisaster.net/uploads/enews-
May2012.pdf End Times Chart ... A Survey of Daniel's Prophecies -->> http://www.wake-up.org/Charts/DandR_v3.pdf
I came right out of OZ! .. just sayin... Ive never like AUTHORITARIANISM!!! anyways Niburu is coming ????? Tried to block with CloudsOfCrap! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cHhsQkwpYFc#! https://www.box.net/shared/ccebee62562553cc6251 <<---
Steve Quayle sayin all the Crapola Clouds are or have already poisoned all the soil ... gotta copy&paste the link in Saturated Fats Make People Dumber http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/05/ditching-saturated-fats-could -improve-memory-and-cognition/257386/
save buff nickels .. and 1982 & under pennies too ... supposed to go to 8 times ... or more value each I heard! (not cut coin) best places to buy precious metals .... is gainsvillecoin.com or providentmetals.com cheapest places online http://charts.insidestocks.com/custom/stocks/3965.gif 10 & 8 day channel averages ... buy above red for 2 or more days and sell below green down for 2 or more days .. works good for me ... just sayin works pretty good .. youll see ( Hope it shows up for yas)
an oldie by PaydayMonsanto -->>> https://www.box.com/shared/eb1a06332b03a91f2eaf WAKE UP MORONS REBROADCAST!!!! got to copy&paste it in Tesla Government Personnel & Freedom Slaves http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNVQ-Ns0huE&list=PL72847E8E7955B922&index=3&feature=plpp_video Secrets - One Republic w/Lyrics youtube.com/watch?v=QCub4Vi- 1KI&list=PL72847E8E7955B922&index=1&feature=plpp_video
They are -->> www.danielestulin.com/wp-content/uploads/portraits_bilderberg.pdf
Here is a cool place to get music -->>> www.gomusicnow.com/album.html?id=52058 ""hope it works!"" ... Great prices too .... You just gotta have a $15 account I think is what it is ... This place has it all ; ) Enjoy!
www.Freedomizerradio.com 's famous aabbcc Not on www.Freedomizerradio.com .... A most Awesome show!! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ggt183/2012/05/15/defining-prejudice-discrimination-stereotype-and-racism
If I Were the Devil - (BEST VERSION) by PAUL HARVEY audio restored Paul Harvey created the original of this homily around 1965. It is not predicting the future ... It is OBSERVING THE PRESENT! ; \ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3Az0okaHig&feature=youtu.be
Stan Deyo thinks we wont even have an election this year ... hmmmm -->> Coast To Coast AM - 5-12-2012 - Stan Deyo & Steve Quayle - Earth Changes -->> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Odz37GnAMDg MSM saying Cult Leader Thinks He's Jesus (Documentary Exclusive) but I didnt hear the guy say anthing about that ... But it looks like paradise there ... just sayin -->> You will see ...
I think the world needs alot more places like this
evil little scientists at work DANGER!!! DANGER!!! Will Rogers!
ahhhh heck .... just read SEE and burn some more ... I dont drink (much) BUT This Shit is in the Lords hands mostly I think ... but Im not one to just up and die without a fight to survive ... I know that!
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August 1956 THE BILDERBERG GROUP by DR J. H. RETINGER http://wlstorage.net/file/bilderberg-history-1956.pdf
* Democrats don't understand THE DEBT CEILING * Republicans don't understand THE DEBT CEILING * Liberals don't understand THE DEBT CEILING * Conservatives don't understand THE DEBT CEILING * NO ONE understands THE DEBT CEILING ....................... SO - Allow me to explain... Let's say you come home from work and find there has been a sewer backup in your neighborhood. Your home has sewage all the way up to your ceilings. What do you think you should do? Raise the ceilings or pump out the crap? Your choice is coming this November. Don't miss the opportunity! UBUNTU and more -->>> Live or Install -->> http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-UBUNTU-LINUX-12-04-CD-64-32-BIT- LIVE-INSTALL-DESKTOP-LAPTOP-OS-BONUS-CD-/200752026334?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ebdc0d2de ... If the auction is sill going ... but you can always do a ebay search for others
breaking :WORLD BANK BOSS: We're Headed For "Impending Catastrophe" The head of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick, is about to step down after a 5-year term. That means he can say what he really thinks. Here, via the Daily Mail, is what he really thinks about what's going on in Europe and the global financial markets: financial markets face a rerun of the Great Panic of 2008. It's ‘far from clear that eurozone leaders have steeled themselves’ for the looming catastrophe amid fears of a Greek exit from the single currency and meltdown in Spain. ‘Events in Greece could trigger financial fright in Spain, Italy and across the eurozone. The summer of 2012 offers an eerie echo of 2008.... ‘If Greece leaves the eurozone, the contagion is impossible to predict, just as Lehman had unexpected consequences.’ 'There will not be time for meetings of finance ministers to discuss the outlook and debate the politics.... 'In panicked markets, investors flee to safe assets, sparking other flames http://www.businessinsider.com/world-bank-boss- impending-catastrophe-a-rerun-of-great-panic-of-2008-2012-6#ixzz1wGlCcT70:5a: Iran threatens to target US bases if attacked [link to english.ahram.org.eg] Iran says the US bases in the region are vulnerable to the Islamic Republic's missiles if Washington used military force to stop what it suspects is Tehran's goal to develop a nuclear weapon capability Iran has warned the United States not to resort to military action a gainst it, saying U.S. bases in the region were vulnerable to the Islamic Republic's missiles, state media reported on Saturday. The comments by a senior Iranian military commander were an apparent response to U.S. officials who have said Washington was ready to use military force to stop what it suspects is Iran's goal to develop a nuclear weapons capability...... http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/2/8/43530/World/Region/Iran-threatens-to-target-US-bases-if-attacked.aspx
the Dragon is Rising: Citgroup offering YUAN BANK ACCOUNTS in London > first time ever. Say hello to the Dragon Empire! LONDON (Dow Jones)--Citigroup (C) said Wednesday that it is launching yuan-denominated bank accounts in the U.K., providing further evidence that banks are stepping up their efforts to help London gain traction as a key offshore yuan-trading center. Citigroup said its new product offering will make it possible for clients to make and collect payments in yuan--or renminbi--in the U.K. and to receive trade financing, foreign-exchange services and hedging solutions geared toward the Chinese currency http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20120530-712502.html "It said a Nut that falls to the ground and takes hold will someday be a Oak Tree"
BREAKING: Hezbollah Preparing To Move Scuds From Syria Which Israel Promised To Destroy Two radical developments arising from the Syrian conflict are revealed by debkafile: In an astonishing about face, Turkey has just turned away from its 14-month support for the anti-Assad revolt alongside the West and made common cause with Russia, i.e. Bashar Assad. Further exacerbating fears of a “tard war” involving Israel, Iran and Syria, the Lebanese Hizballah is getting ready to bring its Scud D missiles, which can reach any point in Israel, and other advanced weapons, including anti-air missiles, out of secret storage in Syria and transfer them across the border to Lebanon. Two years ago, Israel issued an ultimatum through Washington that the Scuds would be destroyed if they were moved over to Hizballah’s launching pads in Lebanon. The Lebanese Shiite group has since kept its most advanced hardware stashed at the Syrian Al Hame and Al Zabadani military bases near Damascus. Now that Syrian rebel attacks are closing in on Syrian military targets, Tehran and Hizballah leaders are working on plans to get them across into Lebanon without exposing them to Israeli attack http://debka.com/
Netanyahu to remove West Bank outpost ahead of court deadline Official: Israeli PM to remove West Bank outpost By IAN DEITCH, Associated Press – 3 hours ago JERUSALEM (AP) — An Israeli official says Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has decided to remove a West Bank outpost ahead of a court deadline, and is mulling whether to demolish the buildings or relocate them http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jJYdFIYIyAZ_iL66Zy7YWtf38t_Q? docId=eb011902137345bea54abc795e0132a6
It is this city dump that is being referred to in Matthew 18:8-9 "everlasting fire" and "hell fire" and in Mark 9:43. The word "hell" is "Gehenna" or the "city dump".
God didnt want us to controlled ... HE only gave us 10 Rules! and they would not be that hard if we were not so indoctrinated..... http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/
SEC Preparing For Another Massive Market Crash? Back in October 19, 1988, in response to Black Monday from a year earlier (the SEC is not known for fast turnaround times) a little known SEC rule came into effect, known as Rule 80B, and somewhat better known as "Trading Halts Due to Extraordinary Market Volatility" which set trigger thresholds for market wide circuit breakers - think a wholesale temporary market shutdown. According to Rule 80B (as revised in 1998), the trigger levels for a market-wide trading halt were set at 10%, 20% and 30% of the DJIA. Needless to say, a 30% drop in the market in our day and age when the bulk of US wealth is concentrated in the stock market, would be a shot straight to the heart of the entire capitalist system. Which is why the smallest gating threshold is and has always been the key.However, despite the revision, as anyone who traded stocks on that fateful day in May knows, the market-wide circuit breakers were completely ineffective and unused during the HFT-induced and ETF-facilitated flash crash of May 6, 2010. In turn, the SEC's flash crash response was to implement individual stock-level circuit breakers which however, instead of restoring confidence in the market, have become the butt of daily jokes involving freaked out algos. This was merely the most recent indication of how horribly the SEC's attempts to "regulate" a market it no longer has any grasp or understanding of, backfire on it. However, even that may pale in comparison to just how badly the SEC may have blundered yesterday afternoon, when it proposed yet another revision to its market-wide halt rule. And once again, instead of making traders and investors more comfortable that the SEC is capable and in control, the questions have already come pouring in: is the SEC preparing for another massive market crash http://www.zerohedge.com/news/did-sec-hint-7-market-plunge Politik .... by Cold Play @http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHlYLt7Vt2c TAGS: EU, Crisis, Europe, Currencies, Finance, Greece Traders around the world have been staring at their Bloomberg screens, hardly believing their eyes. The electronic information platform has been showing details for possible Greek Drachma trading. The Bloomberg helpdesk described it as "an internal function which is set up to test." http://rt.com/business/news/greek-drachma-bloomberg-trades-769/ my radio station and website is fightiing the new world order right now!!!!!! (not political crap) - herb -1- station - [KDIX Radio Network] - www.kdixradio.net http://herb1.radiostream123.com or play in winamp/vlc etc : (you may need to visit streams webpage briefly to enable winamp/vlc link to work - still testing this)
the Dragon is Rising: Citgroup offering YUAN BANK ACCOUNTS in London > first time ever. Say hello to the Dragon Empire! LONDON (Dow Jones)--Citigroup (C) said Wednesday that it is launching yuan-denominated bank accounts in the U.K., providing further evidence that banks are stepping up their efforts to help London gain traction as a key offshore yuan-trading center. Citigroup said its new product offering will make it possible for clients to make and collect payments in yuan--or renminbi--in the U.K. and to receive trade financing, foreign-exchange services and hedging solutions geared toward the Chinese currency http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20120530-712502.html Massive sinkhole .. hundreds evacuate .. Need a better picture or video .. wonder where the building is? "The Huffington Post reports that the sinkhole, which is about 1.5 meters (5 feet) deep and 2.5 meters (8 feet) wide, has already caused one building to collapse, It has also caused six buildings to tilt and one to crack, although no injuries have been reported. The Xinhua News Agency, the official news, reported that the sinkhole occurred on Saturday near a middle school in Nanning city’s Xixiangtang district after the school dug a well in hopes of easing a water shortage in the area. According to The Washington Post, more than 800 villagers had to be evacuate in China’s Guangxi province. Sinkholes have been fairly commong in china in recent years, which is known for its karst topography. The sinkholes and land cracks have been common because of intense construction and mining activities in the past years, along with insufficient geological regulation http://www.inquisitr.com/246469/china-sinkhole-forces-844-to- evacuate/#sALPduVDWPcQjjxB.99
Australian markets open sharply lower The Australian share market has opened sharply lower, down one-and-three-quarter per cent and falling below the 4,000-mark. It is the first time since November that the S&P/ASX200 has been below 4,000. It reached 3,984.3 on November 25 http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-business/aust-shares-open-sharply-down-20120604-1zqvn.html
ENOUGH! NO more! If we dont stop this now i cant see there being a future certainly not one i will be living in anyway! We are clearly dealing with criminally insane, schizophrenic, meglomanic dictators who must be stopped before everyone is either dead or a zombie.
This has gone way tooo far already I want these programs charged with terrorism, murder and mutilation of public health.... a comment left by Steve .... Thanks Steve!
Freedomize someone today!
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NYC Approves Mosque At Ground Zero
Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports EXPOSED
Ez Towel 50 Piece Bag
Israel stations nuclear missile subs off Iran
"OIL" DEJA VU ..... 1979
Oil Spill in Alaska 2010 & 1979 Rachel Maddow
Did you guys see this yet ----> Reporting From
Déjà Vu Land.flv
LIVE OIL CAM .... AUTO Loads in your media player --->
Check out this Link guys
WTF movie 'Knowing' Predicted Oil Rig Explosion in the Gulf of Mexico 20 April 2010
Exclusive: Satellite Zoom of Oil Spill on May 17
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VuMvee5KBc ...
Older imagge but Cool and BIGGER NOW????
Deepwater Horizon survivors allege they were kept in seclusion
after rig explosion, coerced into signing legal waivers
STIRLING ENGINE FRESNEL Lens on a Steek Solar powered Stirling Engine
Oil closes in on Fla. as BP tries risky cap move
Watch BP Gulf Oil Spill Go
Should the American Flag Be Banned -- in America?
Exclusive Eyewitness Report Oil cleanup from Grand Isle, LA
Freedomizer Radio 6/9/10 Pt. 1
Hog Jaw - Gitsum
Raw: Oil Spill Flyover ... This is Humongous
guys.... Have a look later
Gulf Oil Spill Fly Over - May 05, 2010
1/6 HAWK! TR3B Dog Fights over the Water Off Bangor Maine? June 10 2010
Watch 12 Cameras Live: Gulf Oil Leak
12 cams - Gulf Oil Leak
LIVE: Gulf Oil Leak ... Opens in Windows media player.
Wife Call Cops On Hubby Gearing Up 4 Martial Law
6-14-10 -------->B (.)(.) B S
UN chief Ban Ki-moon alarmed by Kyrgyzstan clashes
6-15-10 -------->B (.)(.) B S
Greenpoint Food Market Shutters in the Face of Looming Health Department Visitation
North Korea rejects torpedo findings, threatens war
---->>>> The BOOK Of ELI <<<----
Crisis By Design (1/12) The Global Financial Coup - John Truman Wolfe 6/14/2010
U.S. marks 3rd-largest, single-day debt increase
Exploring Large Masonic Marker in Appalachian Mtns.
U.S. Tomahawk Missiles Deployed Near China Send Message
Toxic Gulf: Citizen Journos Do What Corporate Media Will Not
A special message from Congresswoman Bachmann about RightOnline
The Unavoidable Identity of the Antichrist by David Asscherick (part 1 of 6)
Check Out This Book By A.J. Jacobs
The Year of Living Biblically... my quest to live the ultimate biblical life.
Can You Hate Someone and Be a True Christian? - Tim Conway
Toxic Dispersants Near Gulf Harm Humans and Wildlife
Crabs trying to escape from oil and disperrsment infested waters.Fresh water diversion also.
Official: Seep found near BP's blown out oil well ... 7-16-2010
The UN Deception – Freedom or Fascism
Gulf OIL SPILL Flowing from bed rock and fears TSUNAMI AND POISON GAS ALERT
NATIONAL SECURITY ACT - Evidence >> Supplemental Presentations
Millions to be KILLED under Agenda 21!
New World Order Organizational Chart and the Pyramid Of Power
http://bit.ly/bKelGZ < --- google search shortened
Just Found This -----> U.S. Law Allows Testing
of Chemicals and Biological Agents on "Civilian
Population" PDF
Native American Blood
Extreme Weather Conditions World Wide - Democracy NOW! with Jeff Masters from the online
weather service www.WeatherUnderground.com
Medical Journal Article: 14,000 U.S. Deaths Tied to Fukushima Reactor Disaster Fallout - http://www.sacbee.com/2011/12/19/4132989/medical-journal-article-14000.html Get ready for some earth changes http://www.volcanodiscovery.com/erupting_volcanoes.html
The 2012 American Insurrection: Doing What Our Elected Corrupted Politicians Refused To Do ~ UpHold The United States Constitution - http://politicalvelcraft.org/2012/01/03/the-2012-american-insurrection-doing-what-our-elected- corrupted-politicians-refused-to-do-uphold-the-united-states-constitution/
Earthplay’s website: http://earthplay101.webs.com Ionosphere -http://www.ips.gov.au/Images/HF%20Systems/Global%20HF/Ionospheric%20Map/WorldIMap.gif
Gamma Ray Bursts - http://grb.sonoma.edu/ asfunction:_parent.group.openLink,http://www.jungleapocalypse.com/featured/the-end-of-days-with-scott-owen- episode-39-the-jungle-apocalypse-podcast/
List of Dead Scientists - http://stevequayle.com/dead_scientists/UpdatedDeadScientists.html Alex Jones show describes these drills live on radio last Friday and what he and others are doing and saying in the army - http://podcast.gcnlive.com/podcast/alex/1230114.mp3
MARTIAL LAW - http://sidlinger.tripod.com/ml.html
A Brief History of the PATRIOT Act - http://www.rbs0.com/patriot.pdf
Chile Quake 8.8 - 2/27/10, 188 days > 8.8 Chile Earthquake - Unseen Raw Hotel Footage - New Zealand Quake 7.2 - 9/3/10, 188 days > Eerie CCTV footage of the Christchurch Earthquake Sep 2010 - http://youtu.be/qicEGJjqyFM Japan Quake 9.0 - 3/11/11, 188 days > Japan Earthquake Pictures, Video. Disaster in the Pacific 3/11/2011 - http://youtu.be/9nTlgtf7TME
Fiji Quake 7.3 - 9/15/11, 188 days > BREAKING~ 7.3 EARTHQUAKE FIJI - http://youtu.be/24wZkbvtrE8 March 22, 2012 (Days to watch are 3/20 – 3/25 2012) Dr Sandra Rose Michael from http://www.eesystems.com/
“The National Lawyers Guild Communist Party” and can be found recorded in theUnited States Code at: 28 U. S. C. 3002, section 15a. An excerpt from the movie --->> @ 1:10:39 --- Science? ... But we've been conditioned to believe that science is everything! .... Not true science Bernard just technology that serve the public order. Increased consumption, prevent dissatifaction.... haha You know, I was a pretty fair chemist when I was young and I developed an interest in pure research.... Well, hahaha ... I was very newly re-engineered for it ... I was alot like you Bernard, I had a choice to make, I loved science... but I chose to sacrifice that to serve the public happiness and not my own. So truth is another price you pay? Truth! ehh, There was plenty of talk about truth and beauty before the wars while men were devising and saying new ways to destroy each other, it was horrible ... but then ahhh most historical facts are unpleasant, are'nt they.. huh? and right after this part the movie talks about pre-war "microwave transmission towers" ... hmmmmm????? ---->>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8kCOsfM15c http://www.freedomizerradio.com/images/banners/LibertyStickers-Banner-ad-419x58.gif
1 -11 -2012 links fom 32* Of Insanity
Gulf states brace for unwanted US-Iran war http://www.spacewar.com/reports/Gulf_states_brace_for_unwanted_US-Iran_war_999.html
Occupy’ protesters stage ‘die-in’ against National Defense Authorization Act http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/01/03/occupy-protesters-stage-die-in-against-national-defense-authorization-act/
http://www.shtfplan.com/ http://www.thedailysheeple.com/
United States Government Paid For Research Which Lead to Weaponized H5N1 Super Flu Virus http://theintelhub.com/2012/01/08/united-states-government-paid-for-research-which-lead-to-weaponized-h5n1-super-flu-virus/ Ready for Doomsday: Buying asteroid-proof bunkers, killing their pets and planning mass suicide, the families convinced this ancient calendar predicts the world will end in 2012 Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2084476/Doomsday-2012-Meet-families-convinced-Mayan-calendar-predicts-end-world.html#ixzz1jDhBpcg7
Earth 'to get second sun' as supernova turns night into day http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1349383/Betelgeuse-second-sun-Earth-supernova-turns-night-day.html#ixzz1jDhW17ek
Tense world on the brink: Doomsday clock may move closer to midnight http://theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com/2012/01/10/tense-world-on-the-brink-doomsday-clock-may-move-closer-to-midnight/
5 Things You Should Know About the FBI's Massive New Biometric Database http://www.alternet.org/rights/153664/5_things_you_should_know_about_the_fbi%7Cs_massive_new_biometric_database/?page=entire
Heavy Storms in Houston Cut Power, Delay Airline Flights http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-01-10/heavy-storms-in-houston-cut-power-delay-airline-flights.html
Ancient Secret of Nibiru & Vatican Telescope http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kj2HmfDdh_0&feature=player_embedded
ENVIRONMENTALISM PATH TO GLOBAL DICTATORSHIP http://www.newswithviews.com/McGuire/paul112.htm
Schools are prisons (All parents should watch this) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8RulhBVzbk&feature=player_embedded
Residents in Florida City Call for a Form of Martial Law http://theintelhub.com/2012/01/09/residents-in-belle-glade-florida-call-for-martial-law-after-months-of-increasing-violence/
Nibiru In Popular Science Magazine (Read Between the Lines) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQa7CHfkcrs&feature=player_embedded
Vatican Prepares for the truth about our Annunaki heritage! http://reinep.wordpress.com/2010/11/06/vatican-prepares-for-the-truth-about-our-annunaki-heritage/
SOLAR STORMS AND MARTIAL LAW: Rex-84 http://www.solar-storm-warning.com/solar_storm_and_marshall_law.html
30 Signs That The United States Of America Is Being Turned Into A Giant Prison http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/30-signs-that-the-united-states-of-america-is-being-turned-into-a-giant-prison
List Of FEMA Camps In The U.S. And Canada http://www.firetown.com/blog/2010/11/07/list-of-fema-camps-in-the-u-s-and-canada/
The Old World Order Wants To Surrender But To The People, Not To The New World Order •• http://occupywallst.org/forum/the-old-world-order-wants-to-surrender-but-to-the-/
The Secret of Oz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWIFlNSjw8g
FEMA RED / BLUE LIST – Marked For TERMINATION http://dprogram.net/2008/05/31/fema-red-blue-list-marked-for-termination/
Coast to Coast AM - April 03 2012 - The Food Conspiracy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgGEeR3Bf0w
Secret panel can put Americans on ‘kill list’ without any oversight http://www.prisonplanet.com/secret-panel-can-put-americans-on-%E2%80%98kill-list%E2%80%99-without-any- oversight.html
UFOTV Presents...: The Enemy Within - A Global Conspiracy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNFOv_mbbLQ&feature=player_embedded#!
TerralO3 Saying Live that he is "Adam and God" 1-7-2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiwYVIL4KtE&feature=player_embedded
Full-Blown Civil War Erupts On Wall Street – Financial Elite Start Turning On Each Other http://www.fourwinds10.net/siterun_data/government/banking_and_taxation_irs_and_insurance/news.php? q=1326387978
Global banking crisis? What global banking crisis? Thousands of quadrillions of hidden monies revealed to be held in multiple off-ledger black screen accounts. The Committee of 300's shadow government banking scam has its royal knickers ripped off. How rich is White Spiritual Boy now, Your Majesty? http://www.fourwinds10.net/siterun_data/government/new_world_order/news.php?q=1326310398
Ahmadinejad wants new nuclear talks www.ind.pn/yZWZqI
camu camu goji berries turmeric curcumin
http://www.rawguru.com/raw-food-recipes/mediterranean-dolma-with-green-tahini-sauce.html.html http://www.therawfoodworld.com/ http://www.mayanmajix.com/
http://www.youtube.com/v/z3xOU2tLl7g http://patriotupdate.com/17256/breaking-sc-tea-party-leader-endorses-ron-paul
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/8370151/Mystery-over-millions-of-dead-fish-in-California- harbour.html
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/01/16/remaining-republican-presidential-candidates-spar-at-south-carolina- debate/
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/01/16/remaining-republican-presidential-candidates-spar-at-south-carolina- debate/
http://thechaniproject.com/forum/index.php/topic,2530.msg20241/topicseen.html? PHPSESSID=d12506eaad6672920235ec59fe4f376c#new http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2012/01/new-event-horizon-telescope-to-zoom-in-for-1st-ever-photo-of-milky -ways-supermassive-black-hole.html
The Politicians are B(*)(*)BS!
My Electromagnetic Pulse gun.....by http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Zci1dUu6Hs http://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/ny-schools-monitor-fat-kids-even-at-home/
I heard once that it would rather hear about memories than ememies. Rather hear what was or what will be than what is. Rather hear it how you got it over how much it cost you. Rather hear about finding yourself than how you lost you, rather you make this an open letter about family and struggle and it taking forever, about hearts that you've broken, and ties that you severed. No doubt in my mind, that would make them feel better.
1 World Bank CEO Zoellick resigns [link to business.time.com]
2 Anz Bank CFO Australia resigns [link to http://www.marketwatch.com/]
3 Nicaraqua Central Bank Pres Rosales resigns [link to http://www.businessweek.com/]
4 Credit Suisse Chief Joseph Tan resigns [link to http://www.businessweek.com/]
5 GERMAN PRESIDENT Christian Ruff resigns [link to http://www.dailymail.co.uk/]
6 Royal Bank of Scotland Austrailin CEO Stephen Williams resigns [link to blogs.wsj.com]
7 Kuwait Central Bank CEO resigns [link to http://www.washingtonpost.com/]
8 Slovenia TWO largest Banks CEO's (2) resign [link to http://www.bloomberg.com/]
9 Bank of India CEO Chaturvedi resigns [link to http://www.livemint.com/]
10 Tamilnad Mercantile Bank CEO resigns [link to http://www.business-standard.com/]
11 GOLDMAN SACHS CEO Blankenfein to resign (Nothing printed on this yet UNLESS this JUST happened. Last article said he is not stepping down in 2011). [link to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/]
http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/News/105461-2012-02-17-the-fbi-has-uncovered-another-fbi-created-terrorist-plot- in.htm?From=News
http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/many-of-you-will-not-believe-some-of-the-things-americans-are-doing- just-to-survive
WORLD ORDER is using TO KILL YOU ? - Democide Mass-Murder and the New World Order ~ http://www.activistpost.com/2012/02/democide-mass-murder-and-new-world.html
Cold snap in Eastern Europe kills more than 650 - http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46401580/ns/weather/
Future Navy Map of USA ~ http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?17203-Future-Navy-Map-of-USA
25 million tons of tsunami debris floating toward US shores ~ http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/02/15/25-million- tons-tsunami-debris-floating-toward-us-shores/#ixzz1mZpYuFph
Homeland Security Committee Hearing on DHS Monitoring of Social Media (Live Blog) ~ http://dissenter.firedoglake.com/2012/02/16/homeland-security-committee-hearing-on-dhs-monitoring-of-social-media -live-blog/
666 Are You Ready For The Mark Of The Beast? ~ http://beforeitsnews.com/story/1766/542/666_Are_You_Ready_For_The_Mark_Of_The_Beast.html http://www.examiner.com/finance-examiner-in-national/terror-threats-rising-as-fema-orders-1-billion-dehydrated-food
Energy Justice Map - http://www.energyjustice.net/map/nationalmap Beirut River mysteriously turns blood red ~ http://theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com/2012/02/16/beirut-river- mysteriously-turns-blood-red/
Navy Seals Say False Flag to be Blamed on Iran May Happen at Anytime ~ http://dprogram.net/2012/02/14/navy-seals- say-false-flag-to-be-blamed-on-iran-may-happen-at-anytime-ed-asner/
Catastrophic flood could sink Sydney suburbs ~ http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-02-15/planning-shows- catastrophic-flood-would-sink-sydney-suburbs/3832496 Inuit People On Sun Wrong ,Stars Wrong ,Earth Tilting On Axis - http://www.thetruthbehindthescenes.org/2011/08/08/inuit-people-on-sun-wrong-stars-wrong-earth-tilting-on-axis/ K Report Blames The Internet For Terrorism, Says ISPs Should Take Down Content http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=38296 Exclusive: 2nd N.C. Mother Says Daughter’s School Lunch Replaced for Not Being Healthy Enough ~ http://www.theblaze.com/stories/exclusive-2nd-n-c-mother-says-daughters-school-lunch-replaced-for-not-being- healthy-enough/ Feds destroy entire raw milk business of Amish farmer .. plus other news ~ http://www.naturalnews.com/
The Real Middle East Update Report ~ Follow the link, click on February 16, 2012 3rd hour ~ http://www.gcnlive.com/programs/nutrimedical/archives.php Probe continues into the hundreds of dead dolphins washed up on Peruvian beaches ~ http://theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com/2012/02/17/probe-continues-into-the-hundreds-of-dead-dolphins-washed -up-on-peruvian-beaches/
FEMA Looking to Track Nationwide News Coverage of their Activities Around the Clock ~ http://theintelhub.com/2012/02/17/fema-looking-to-track-nationwide-news-coverage-of-their-activities-around-the-clock/
The Men With Black Hats ~ http://theintelhub.com/2012/02/16/the-men-with-black-hats/
Extreme Summer Temperatures Occur More Frequently in U.S. Now, Analysis Shows ~ http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/02/120215143116.htm
Texas Drought Sparks Water Well Drilling Frenzy ~ http://www.texastribune.org/texas-environmental-news/water- supply/texas-drought-sparks-water-well-drilling-frenzy/ http://www.marcoponce.com/
American Politics in One Easy Lesson ~ http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/02/american_politics_in_one_easy_lesson.html
Preparing for the Collapse of the Petrodollar System ~ http://ftmdaily.com/preparing-for-the-collapse-of-the- petrodollar-system/ http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/freedomizerradio.com# this is the site showing our numbers up 80% Domestic production eyed as gas prices head toward record-breaking height ~
20 Signs You Might Be A Typical American Worker ~ http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/20-signs-you-might-be-a-typical-american-worker Cleveland
Volcano's lava dome is growing, could blow soon ~ http://www.adn.com/2012/02/17/2323499/cleveland- volcanos-lava-dome-is.html#storylink=cpy
https://www.facebook.com/Orpheadream There are two major geocosmic signatures arising in the next ten days which could be consequential. The first is the Sun entering a T-square formation with the Jupiter-Saturn opposition (January 19-22). The second is Mars turning retrograde in Virgo (January 24 through April 14). The Jupiter-Saturn opposition (add T-square from the Sun) is unusual because it is not quite exact. It is one degree away from exactness, and it happens as Saturn is in the last degree of Libra and Jupiter the first degree of Taurus, so they aren’t even in opposite signs. This is known as an “out-of-sign” opposition. At the same time, the Sun is moving from 29 degrees of Capricorn to 0 degrees of Aquarius. When the planets are in last and first degrees of signs, it usually means “changing conditions.” Something is changing related to Jupiter (growth, optimism, and expansion) and Saturn (contraction and fear). Together these two planes pertain to a “judgment.” Could it be that some country gets a credit downgrade and fears of a global meltdown arise again? Or does it have something to do with the more mundane field of law? One side wants to expand, the other wants to contract, and with the Sun right in the middle, the result may be paralysis (i.e., gridlock). This is not new, but yet something is different about this case because something will probably happen. Something gets done, or changed.
4-4-12 ☮☮
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/03/28/nsa-dismisses-claims-utah-data-center-watches-average-americans/ http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/01/us/police-tracking-of-cellphones-raises-privacy-fears.html?_r=2
http://fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/north-american-union-will-attempt-to-disarm-the-people-of-the-united- states/10764
http://www.hoax-slayer.com/lemon-cancer-cells.shtml *** essiac tea good for ☮☮
North Korea has warned that any attempts to jeopardize its plans to launch a rocket-powered satellite scheduled for later this month would constitute “an act of war.” Whoever "intercepts the satellite or collects its debris will meet immediate, resolute and merciless punishment" from the North, the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea in Pyongyang announced in a statement on Thursday. The statement also warned South Korea against any provocation, saying the DPRK "will mete out the unimaginable and the most miserable punishment to its rival if it dares fire into the sky above the (North), Pyongyang, in particular." www.presstv.ir Mitsuhei Murata Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland and Senegal Executive Director, the Japan Society for Global System and Ethics akiomatsumura.com enenews.com
I think the UN is gonna use China ,R ussia and Iran ... to get the NWO Agenda done!... Heck they've used us up!!!! Plus I dont think our US Troops will turn on us in the US!! I guy said IF you think about it ... We are only 100 yrs old taught in School (Indoctrination camp)
plethora [pleth-er-uh] Example Sentences Origin pleth·o·ra Show Spelled [pleth-er-uh] noun 1. overabundance; excess: a plethor a of advice and a paucity of assistance. 2. Pathology Archaic . a morbid condition due to excess of red corpuscles in the blood or increase in the quantity of blood.
TYPE " Q33NY " IN A WORDPAD DOCUMENT THEN CHANGE THE FONT SIZE TO 48 & CHOOSE WEBDINGS FOR FONT ************************************************************************************** Intelligent Design - Unlocking The Mysteries Of Life 1:07:05 - 5 years ago http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=-5585125669588896670 A thoughtful and well presented argument for a turn away from the dry/rationalist argument that the miracle of life is a "nothing but" - scientifically explained foregone conclusion. Their is "intelligence" behind the design. did you see these? --->>>Wood-Burning-Rocket-Stove http://www.ebay.com/itm/Wood-Burning-Rocket-Stove- Camping-Hunting-Cooking-Stove-/200368017505?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ea6dd5061 these are cool ---->>>> Compact CAMP STOVE/ HEATER seen these yet ... compact military camp stove tent heater hunting fishing http://www.ebay.com/itm/compact-military-camp-stove-tent-heater-hunting-fishing -/310396029352?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item48450b89a8 @ that site healthnutvitamin.com ..... Cooking Naturally! http://www.healthnutvitamin.com/common/recipes/recipes_home.asp? storeID=30E3254F8732472EB47E53D02D31F721
Prepper List : Ten MORE Things To Do Now http://www.thesurvivalistblog.net/survival-gear-list/ Here are fourteen free PDF downloads that you might find useful http://www.thesurvivalistblog.net/top-14-survival- downloads/ here is some Sun & Niburu pics I took -->>> http://outdoors.webshots.com/album/582693952tnAUFC zoom in and check out the black things on pics #'s 148 & 155 ... WTHeck is that??
Links from PathOSages show on 4-27-12 ☮☮
Dumitru Duduman's Vision of America's Sudden Destruction http://www.greaterthings.com/Visions/Dumitri_Duduman/ US to remove 9,000 Marines from Okinawa http://azdailysun.com/news/national/us-to-remove-marines-from-okinawa/article_d2e81d48-7f63-57e7-9e3a- cce4cf3a8b84.html#ixzz1tELTkW8k
Obama's Throne of Satan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OThtit6hsRU 2012 - Book of Enoch Fallen Angels http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6BlvgOgb5Y
NIBIRU OR ? ON STEREO BEHIND COR2 SATELLITE 2012-04-23 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCsbLdJDtWk
How to Make an Orgonite Orgone CloudBuster 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqw7z2JJ-w4 Who the "They" are - PORTRAITS OF BILDERBERG PARTICIPANTS www.danielestulin.com/wp-content/uploads/portraits_bilderberg.pdf
MARLIN SEMI-AUTO 22 LONG RIFLE http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/AMM2230-1.htmll
The Nag Hammadi Library Codex Index http://www.thenazareneway.com/nag_hammadi_library.htm Add your bday (full year)- each digit separately and then reduce it unless it equals 11, 22, or 33 ( so under a 9 u come back again? ) so "they" say!
Freedomizerradio's "CRAP FREE" Storable Foods! http://www.patriotpantry.gofoodsglobal.com/
In a move that could help the government trim its burgeoning health care costs, the Food and Drug Administration may soon permit Americans to obtain some drugs used to treat conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes without obtaining a prescription. The FDA says over-the-counter distribution would let patients get drugs for many common conditions without the time and expense of visiting a doctor, but medical providers call the change medically unsound and note that it also may mean that insurance no longer will pay for the drugs. ... Under the changes that the agency is considering, patients could diagnose their ailments by answering questions online or at a pharmacy kiosk in order to buy current prescription-only drugs for conditions such as high cholesterol, certain infections, migraine headaches, asthma or allergies. By removing the prescription requirement from popular drugs, the Obama administration could ease financial pressures on the overburdened Medicare system by paying for fewer doctor visits and possibly opening the door to make seniors pay a larger share of the cost of their medications. The change could have mixed results for non-Medicare patients. Although they may not have to visit a doctor as often, they could have to dish out more money for medications because most insurance companies don’t cover over-the- counter drugs. www.washingtontimes.com Everything in the Obama administration is about race. This scandal inside the Secret Service regarding agents using prostitutes during Obama’s trip to Columbia is contrived and suspect. If the press had been told to ignore it, no one would have known anything about it. We have always believed there was more to this story and it had nothing to do with prostitutes. When you can have scandals like Fast and Furious swept under the rug as thousands of people are killed because Obama’s Attorney General may have authorized thousands of guns to be sold to drug dealers, you know that this Secret Service issue could have been squelched in a flash. When there are grave questions about the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate and his selective service documents, and the press ignores it, you know the press can ignore anything if it is told to do so. Early on during Obama’s rise to power he was accused of having homosexual relationships and an accuser came forth alleging he had a homosexual affair with Obama. The press ignored that too. All of the sudden, we are to believe that this relatively minor prostitution scandal is now the biggest story in America. Washington, DC operates on a steady diet of prostitutes and everyone is partaking in the partying both Democrats and Republicans. These DC insiders want us to believe that they are now so outraged that they need to sanitize the Secret Service? by Gil Guignat When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be frightened; those things must take place; but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will also be famines. These things are merely the beginning of birth pangs. But be on your guard; for they will deliver you to the courts, and you will be flogged in the synagogues, and you will stand before governors and kings for My sake, as a testimony to them. The gospel must first be preached to all the nations. When they arrest you and hand you over, do not worry beforehand about what you are to say, but say whatever is given you in that hour; for it is not you who speak, but it is the Holy Spirit. Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and have them put to death. You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. But when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION standing where it should not be (let the reader understand), then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains. The one who is on the housetop must not go down, or go in to get anything out of his house; and the one who is in the field must not turn back to get his coat. Infectious disease researcher, 25, dies from rare bacteria in San Francisco This is some freaky shit right here... www.cbsnews.com] I wonder how contagious this is and how many people he sneezed at on the way home ? SF is a big public transport city as well. Oh yes and of COURSE he worked in a govt lab , they always have the best microbes California officials: Rare bacteria may have caused death California health officials are investigating the death of a researcher at a Veteran's Affairs infectious diseases lab that may have been caused by a rare strain of bacteria. The 25-year-old man, who has not been named, died over the weekend shortly after asking friends to take him to a hospital, the San Jose Mercury News reported http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_DEADLY_INFECTION? SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2012-05-03-06-28-47
UNEASE in Tel Aviv, as mysterious smell "is enveloping the city" and Central Israel Mysterious smell envelops central Israel; Tel Aviv municipality investigating source Residents of Tel Aviv complain of a harsh chlorine-like substance that could be felt in the air. Residents of Tel Aviv, Gush Dan and central Israel complained Thursday morning of a harsh chemical substance that could be felt in the air. Many people described the smell as similar to the smell of chlorine. Initially, the Home Front Command believed the source of the smell could be gas drilling near Nitzanim in southern Israel. However, the claims were proven wrong. No special instructions were given to the residents, as the Ministry of the Environment stated that no dangerous substances were detected. www.haaretz.com ********************************************************************************************************* ALERT! North Korean Submarines Have Disappeared Off Radar! After Pyongyang threatened to wage “special action” against Seoul, a number of North Korean submarines have disappeared, a South Korean government official told the JoongAng Ilbo. “Eight or nine submarines of the North’s East Sea Fleet are missing from our radar,” the high-ranking South Korean official said on Monday. “We are figuring out whether the submarines are conducting a military drill or an actual mission. [link to koreajoongangdaily.joinsmsn.com ********************************************************************************************************* BREAKING: Fukoshima ELE threat hits mainstream media! its the top news in germany's most respected news magazine: sorry only google translation available http://translate.google.com/translate? sl=de&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF- 8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/technik/0,1518,831078,00.html ********************************************************************************************************* BREAKING Petaluma, CA: Homeland Security Officers Shot during 'Unknown Operation' Details just coming in http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=news/local/north_bay&id=8646494#&cmp=twi-kgo- article-8646494 ********************************************************************************************************* http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2012/04/24/dangerous-trend-teens-drinking-hand-sanitizer-to-get-drunk/ NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Talk about a recipe for disaster. It appears that teenagers have found a way to extract and drink the alcohol in hand sanitizers, giving parents something else to worry about when dropping their kids off at school, CBS 2′s Dana Tyler reported. Health officials at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles issued a warning Tuesday, saying hand sanitizer certainly can be dangerous. In the past few weeks, eight teenagers have visited local emergency rooms after distilling or drinking the gel, and 2,600 cases of hand sanitizer overdoses have been reported in California since 2010, Tyler reported. “We should treat these hand sanitizers like we treat any medication in the home,” said Dr. Cyrus Rangan, director of the toxicology bureau for the county public health department and a medical toxicology consultant for Children’s Hospital Los Ang ********************************************************************************************************* Teens using vodka tampons to get drunk http://www.kpho.com/story/15981315/teens-using-vodka-tampons-to-get-drunk ********************************************************************************************************* http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2012/04/24/dangerous-trend-teens-drinking-hand-sanitizer-to-get-drunk/ NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Talk about a recipe for disaster. It appears that teenagers have found a way to extract and drink the alcohol in hand sanitizers, giving parents something else to worry about when dropping their kids off at school, CBS 2′s Dana Tyler reported. Health officials at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles issued a warning Tuesday, saying hand sanitizer certainly can be dangerous. In the past few weeks, eight teenagers have visited local emergency rooms after distilling or drinking the gel, and 2,600 cases of hand sanitizer overdoses have been reported in California since 2010, Tyler reported. “We should treat these hand sanitizers like we treat any medication in the home,” said Dr. Cyrus Rangan, director of the toxicology bureau for the county public health department and a medical toxicology consultant for Children’s Hospital L A ********************************************************************************************************* Obama signs the US into International Law www.whitehouse.gov] By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to promote international regulatory cooperation, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Policy. Executive Order 13563 of January 18, 2011 (Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review), states that our regulatory system must protect public health, welfare, safety, and our environment while promoting economic growth, innovation, competitiveness, and job creation. In an increasingly global economy, international regulatory cooperation, consistent with domestic law and prerogatives and U.S. trade policy, can be an important means of promoting the goals of Executive Order 13563 The regulatory approaches taken by foreign governments may differ from those taken by U.S. regulatory agencies to address similar issues. In some cases, the differences between the regulatory approaches of U.S. agencies and those of their foreign counterparts might not be necessary and might impair the ability of American businesses to export and compete internationally. In meeting shared challenges involving health, safety, labor, security, environmental, and other issues, international regulatory cooperation can identify approaches that are at least as protective as those that are or would be adopted in the absence of such cooperation. International regulatory cooperation can also reduce, eliminate, or prevent unnecessary differences in regulatory requirements http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/05/01/executive-order-promoting-international-regulatory- cooperation Sec. 2. Coordination of International Regulatory Cooperation. (a) The Regulatory Working Group (Working Group) established by Executive Order 12866 of September 30, 1993 (Regulatory Planning and Review), which was reaffirmed by Executive Order 13563, shall, as appropriate: (i) serve as a forum to discuss, coordinate, and develop a common understanding among agencies of U.S. Government positions and priorities with respect to: (A) international regulatory cooperation activities that are reasonably anticipated to lead to significant regulatory actions; (B) efforts across the Federal Government to support significant, cross-cutting international regulatory cooperation activities, such as the work of regulatory cooperation councils; and (C) the promotion of good regulatory practices internationally, as well as the promotion of U.S. regulatory approaches, as appropriate; and (ii) examine, among other things were now the the dirt below the boot of the un ********************************************************************************************************* http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/05/01/executive-order-promoting-international-regulatory- cooperation Obama signs the US into International Law www.whitehouse.gov] By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to promote international regulatory cooperation, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Policy. Executive Order 13563 of January 18, 2011 (Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review), states that our regulatory system must protect public health, welfare, safety, and our environment while promoting economic growth, innovation, competitiveness, and job creation. In an increasingly global economy, international regulatory cooperation, consistent with domestic law and prerogatives and U.S. trade policy, can be an important means of promoting the goals of Executive Order 13563 ********************************************************************************************************* http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/05/01/executive-order-promoting-international-regulatory- cooperation Obama signs the US into International Law www.whitehouse.gov] By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to promote international regulatory cooperation, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Policy. Executive Order 13563 of January 18, 2011 (Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review), states that our regulatory system must protect public health, welfare, safety, and our environment while promoting economic growth, innovation, competitiveness, and job creation. In an increasingly global economy, international regulatory cooperation, consistent with domestic law and prerogatives and U.S. trade policy, can be an important means of promoting the goals of Executive Order 13563 ********************************************************************************************************* ALERT! North Korean Submarines Have Disappeared Off Radar! After Pyongyang threatened to wage “special action” against Seoul, a number of North Korean submarines have disappeared, a South Korean government official told the JoongAng Ilbo. “Eight or nine submarines of the North’s East Sea Fleet are missing from our radar,” the high-ranking South Korean official said on Monday. “We are figuring out whether the submarines are conducting a military drill or an actual mission. [link to koreajoongangdaily.joinsmsn.com ********************************************************************************************************* OH WAIT,,,, LOL do we have people here that STILL think there is even going to BE an Election,,, not that the Elections really exist anyway,,,since whoever is put in office was decided on LONG before a single vote is EVER cast. The Elections are NOTHING more than a pacifier for the Masses to give them the ILLUSION they have a choice and get to participate Elections are NOTHING more than a pacifier for the Masses to give them the ILLUSION they have a choice and get to participate <<-- forgot where I got that from http://www.youtube.com/user/XtwilightkingdomX they painted all the WAL-FARTS military colors ... hmmmm ... They could be Indoctrination camp processing centers .. In a heartbeat! "We are gonna tell them the Truth .. whether it tickles or not!" .... hahaha ... Brother Gregory of www.HisHolyChurch.net "We are gonna tell them the Truth .. whether it tickles or not!" .... hahaha ... as Brother Gregory of www.HisHolyChurch.net says :) He is so Awesome! listen to Pastor Paul Begley livestream and paulbegleyprophecy.com ********************************************************************************************************* ‘Israel threatened to take down world in nuclear Armageddon’: video available video clip link: www.presstv.ir] Israel is the only regime that has threatened to obliterate all world countries in a “nuclear Armageddon,” if its existence is put in jeopardy, a political analyst tells Press TV. In a Friday interview, Mark Glenn, from The Crescent and Cross Solidarity movement, lashed out at Israel for its nuclear stockpile, sayingTel Aviv is the only regime that “has threatened to take the entire world down in a nuclear Armageddon in the instance that her precious experiments in Jewish self-rule in the Middle East ceases to materialize.” “There is no other country in existence today that has basically told the entire world that if we are going to go down we are going to take the rest of the world down with us,” he added. Even Israel’s most prominent military professor, Martin Van Creveld, has once alluded to such nuclear ambitions by Israel and confirmed that Tel Aviv has several hundred atomic warheads and rockets targeted at all directions -- mostly at European capitals -- and that Tel Aviv is ready to take the entire world down before the regime itself ceases to exist, Glenn pointed out. ********************************************************************************************************* Israel is widely believed to be the sole possessor of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. Tel Aviv began building its first plutonium and uranium processing facility, Dimona, in the Negev desert in 1958. Former US President Jimmy Carter has stated that Israel has a nuclear arsenal that includes between 200 and 300 warheads. Decades of recurrent reporting and aerial footage have also established the possession of atomic arms by Israel. Under its official policy of nuclear ambiguity, Tel Aviv neither confirms nor denies the possession of nukes and ********************************************************************************************************* A massive explosion on the sun's surface has triggered the largest solar radiation storm since 2005, hurling charged particles at Earth IMAGE www.trbimg.com] A massive explosion on the sun's surface has triggered the largest solar radiation storm since 2005, hurling charged particles at Earth. (NASA / May 4, 2012) www.latimes.com] Space weather expert has ominous forecast A stream of highly charged particles from the sun is headed straight toward Earth, threatening to plunge cities around the world into darkness and bring the global economy screeching to a halt. Massive solar storms have happened before — and another one is likely to occur soon, according to Mike Hapgood, a space weather scientist at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near Oxford, England. Solar flares mainly emit X-rays — we also get radio waves from these things, and white light in the brightest of flares. They all travel at the same speed as light, so it takes eight minutes to arrive. There are some effects from flares, such as radio interference from the radio bursts. But that's a pretty small-beer thing. The big thing is the geomagnetic storms [on Earth] that affect the power grid, and that's caused by the coronal mass ejections [from the sun]. Coronal mass ejections are caused when the magnetic field in the sun's atmosphere gets disrupted and then the plasma, the sun's hot ionized gas, erupts and send charged particles into space. Think of it like a hurricane — refuses to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) or allow inspections of its nuclear facilities.— is it headed toward us or not headed toward us? If we're lucky, it misses us ********************************************************************************************************* Israel threatened to take down world in nuclear Armageddon In a Friday interview, Mark Glenn, from The Crescent and Cross Solidarity movement, lashed out at Israel for its nuclear stockpile, sayingTel Aviv is the only regime that “has threatened to take the entire world down in a nuclear Armageddon in the instance that her precious experiments in Jewish self-rule in the Middle East ceases to materialize.” “There is no other country in existence today that has basically told the entire world that if we are going to go down we are going to take the rest of the world down with us,” he added. www.pakalertpress.com ************************************************************************************************************************ Canada Prepares For major Disaster May 6 - 12 Is Your Family Prepared? The "Get Prepared" campaign encourages Canadians to be prepared to cope on their own for at least the first 72 hours of an emergency, enabling first responders to focus on those in urgent need. www.getprepared.gc.ca ********************************************************************************************************************** DOJ Deputy Wants Warrantless Surveillance of Cellular Phone Signals The Obama administration is attempting to force Congressional law to rewrite cellular phone privacy rights. In 2012, the US Supreme Court ruled that law enforcement required a warrant to gain access to cellular phone records, use GPS to track a suspect, have probable cause to probe a suspect’s privacy through corporate intelligence gathered on customers. www.activistpost.com ************************************************************************************************************** Obama Now Allowing China to Takeover US Banks The United States on Wednesday opened its banking market to ICBC, China's biggest bank, for the first time clearing a takeover of a US bank by a Chinese state-controlled company. Just days after high-level US-China economic talks in Beijing, the Federal Reserve approved an application from Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to buy a majority stake in the US subsidiary of Bank of East Asia. The transaction will make ICBC the first Chinese state-controlled bank to acquire retail bank branches in the United States. ICBC has been the most aggressive of China's "big four" banks in expanding overseas. According to the Fed the bank has total assets of roughly $2.5 trillion It will buy up to 80 percent of the US unit of the Hong Kong-based Bank of East Asia, which operates 13 branches in New York and California. As part of the deal ICBC and two state-backed financial firms -- China's sovereign wealth fund the China Investment Corporation (CIC), and Central Huijin Investment -- will be recognized as bank holding companies, regulated as commercial US banks. The broad expansion of China's footprint in the US market comes amid a series of financial reforms in China that could begin to open the lucrative market to US firms. After the May 3-4 meeting, the US Treasury noted China had made "encouraging progress" on a number of issues sought by the Obama administration, including taking steps toward a more open and market-oriented financial system http://ca.news.yahoo.com/3-big-chinese-banks-enter-us-banking-market-185200086.html ********************************************************************************************************************************************** listen to me there will be 3 world nations this stuff hes saying wont matter then # super nations of world was said by the leaders of 3 nations and the covert agency the super nations will not be afected by the tade war as north and south union will have 80% worlds tradable goods here as in food and water and such with out them asia union and eu nation union will not be able support there nations with out the us union this is fact and they know it all the people know this they will remove all currency and this will happen soon and when it does the world will have to follow the north and south Am union without them the life of the future will be unable to benfit there nations trust in this the super nations to come will happen and gold and silver will do nothing buying food water tools and such is only way to make trade during this time after that things will be stable enf for gold and silver trade but if you already had food and water and such then you can trade for gold and silver and have heads up the new world order to come will be 3 super nations and there already planed for this marck my words the world will know soon enf this known i said this i probly be killed for saying this but this is what has to happen to bring about a nwo to bring order to choas ******************************************************************************************************************************** BTR show with them sayin all the soil and everything is contaminated ..... only good food left will be the storable type already made ...ex. like Mountain House , GoFoods ect. Hagmann & Hagmann Report with Steve Quayle & Greg Evenson http://www.blogtalkradio.com/cfp-radio/2012/05/10/the-hagmann-hagmann-report-with-steve-quayle-and-hawk ************************************************************************************************* Guest: Today Steve Quayle •• http://www.trunews.com/listen_now.htm also check out Watchmen Gathering interviews April 18-20 archive show **************************************************************************************************************** no digging, no tilling ,very little hard work ... It just works!!! http://www.backtoedenfilm.com/
SHTF smiley dude -->> http://www.godlikeproductions.com/sm/srjceahd.gif COOOOL smiley dude -->> http://www.easyfreesmileys.com/smileys/free-sign-smileys-978.gif
Ted Nugent free-fighting-smiley http://www.easyfreesmileys.com/smileys/free-fighting-smileys-574.gif TSAAmerica -- http://truthalliance.net/Portals/0/Archive/Gallery/24/TSAAmerica.jpg
Cult Leader Thinks He's Jesus (Documentary Exclusive) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2Cv5hZfOmk
At least god doesnt think hes Obama http://www.libertystickers.com/static/images/at-least-god-doesn%27t-think-he%27s-Obama.gif
I am spying on you http://www.libertystickers.com/static/images/productimage-picture-i-am-spying-on-you-436.gif
Obedience is not patriotism http://www.libertystickers.com/static/images/Obedience-is-not-patriotism.gif
Things havent become more expensive http://www.libertystickers.com/static/images/Things-havent-become-more-ex-SH.gif
Vote them all out http://www.libertystickers.com/static/images/productimage-picture-vote-them-all-out-899.gif
Im having trouble keeping up with all the things im supposed to be afraid of http://www.libertystickers.com/static/images/productimage-picture-im-having-trouble-keeping-up-with-478.gif
The-2nd-amendment-was-not-about-hunting http://www.libertystickers.com/static/images/The-2nd-amendment-was-not-about-hunting.gif 86 the incumbents http://www.libertystickers.com/static/images/productimage-picture-86_the_incumbants-192.gif
A patriot must always be ready http://www.libertystickers.com/static/images/a-patriot-must-always-be-ready.gif Dear officer what part of the constitution (no pic)
Free newsletter -->> BE AWARE... BE PREPARED... and HAVE A PLAN! http://www.itsadisaster.net/uploads/enews-
May2012.pdf End Times Chart ... A Survey of Daniel's Prophecies -->> http://www.wake-up.org/Charts/DandR_v3.pdf
I came right out of OZ! .. just sayin... Ive never like AUTHORITARIANISM!!! anyways Niburu is coming ????? Tried to block with CloudsOfCrap! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cHhsQkwpYFc#! https://www.box.net/shared/ccebee62562553cc6251 <<---
Steve Quayle sayin all the Crapola Clouds are or have already poisoned all the soil ... gotta copy&paste the link in Saturated Fats Make People Dumber http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/05/ditching-saturated-fats-could -improve-memory-and-cognition/257386/
save buff nickels .. and 1982 & under pennies too ... supposed to go to 8 times ... or more value each I heard! (not cut coin) best places to buy precious metals .... is gainsvillecoin.com or providentmetals.com cheapest places online http://charts.insidestocks.com/custom/stocks/3965.gif 10 & 8 day channel averages ... buy above red for 2 or more days and sell below green down for 2 or more days .. works good for me ... just sayin works pretty good .. youll see ( Hope it shows up for yas)
an oldie by PaydayMonsanto -->>> https://www.box.com/shared/eb1a06332b03a91f2eaf WAKE UP MORONS REBROADCAST!!!! got to copy&paste it in Tesla Government Personnel & Freedom Slaves http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNVQ-Ns0huE&list=PL72847E8E7955B922&index=3&feature=plpp_video Secrets - One Republic w/Lyrics youtube.com/watch?v=QCub4Vi- 1KI&list=PL72847E8E7955B922&index=1&feature=plpp_video
They are -->> www.danielestulin.com/wp-content/uploads/portraits_bilderberg.pdf
Here is a cool place to get music -->>> www.gomusicnow.com/album.html?id=52058 ""hope it works!"" ... Great prices too .... You just gotta have a $15 account I think is what it is ... This place has it all ; ) Enjoy!
www.Freedomizerradio.com 's famous aabbcc Not on www.Freedomizerradio.com .... A most Awesome show!! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ggt183/2012/05/15/defining-prejudice-discrimination-stereotype-and-racism
If I Were the Devil - (BEST VERSION) by PAUL HARVEY audio restored Paul Harvey created the original of this homily around 1965. It is not predicting the future ... It is OBSERVING THE PRESENT! ; \ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3Az0okaHig&feature=youtu.be
Stan Deyo thinks we wont even have an election this year ... hmmmm -->> Coast To Coast AM - 5-12-2012 - Stan Deyo & Steve Quayle - Earth Changes -->> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Odz37GnAMDg MSM saying Cult Leader Thinks He's Jesus (Documentary Exclusive) but I didnt hear the guy say anthing about that ... But it looks like paradise there ... just sayin -->> You will see ...
I think the world needs alot more places like this
evil little scientists at work DANGER!!! DANGER!!! Will Rogers!
ahhhh heck .... just read SEE and burn some more ... I dont drink (much) BUT This Shit is in the Lords hands mostly I think ... but Im not one to just up and die without a fight to survive ... I know that!
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August 1956 THE BILDERBERG GROUP by DR J. H. RETINGER http://wlstorage.net/file/bilderberg-history-1956.pdf
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breaking :WORLD BANK BOSS: We're Headed For "Impending Catastrophe" The head of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick, is about to step down after a 5-year term. That means he can say what he really thinks. Here, via the Daily Mail, is what he really thinks about what's going on in Europe and the global financial markets: financial markets face a rerun of the Great Panic of 2008. It's ‘far from clear that eurozone leaders have steeled themselves’ for the looming catastrophe amid fears of a Greek exit from the single currency and meltdown in Spain. ‘Events in Greece could trigger financial fright in Spain, Italy and across the eurozone. The summer of 2012 offers an eerie echo of 2008.... ‘If Greece leaves the eurozone, the contagion is impossible to predict, just as Lehman had unexpected consequences.’ 'There will not be time for meetings of finance ministers to discuss the outlook and debate the politics.... 'In panicked markets, investors flee to safe assets, sparking other flames http://www.businessinsider.com/world-bank-boss- impending-catastrophe-a-rerun-of-great-panic-of-2008-2012-6#ixzz1wGlCcT70:5a: Iran threatens to target US bases if attacked [link to english.ahram.org.eg] Iran says the US bases in the region are vulnerable to the Islamic Republic's missiles if Washington used military force to stop what it suspects is Tehran's goal to develop a nuclear weapon capability Iran has warned the United States not to resort to military action a gainst it, saying U.S. bases in the region were vulnerable to the Islamic Republic's missiles, state media reported on Saturday. The comments by a senior Iranian military commander were an apparent response to U.S. officials who have said Washington was ready to use military force to stop what it suspects is Iran's goal to develop a nuclear weapons capability...... http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/2/8/43530/World/Region/Iran-threatens-to-target-US-bases-if-attacked.aspx
the Dragon is Rising: Citgroup offering YUAN BANK ACCOUNTS in London > first time ever. Say hello to the Dragon Empire! LONDON (Dow Jones)--Citigroup (C) said Wednesday that it is launching yuan-denominated bank accounts in the U.K., providing further evidence that banks are stepping up their efforts to help London gain traction as a key offshore yuan-trading center. Citigroup said its new product offering will make it possible for clients to make and collect payments in yuan--or renminbi--in the U.K. and to receive trade financing, foreign-exchange services and hedging solutions geared toward the Chinese currency http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20120530-712502.html "It said a Nut that falls to the ground and takes hold will someday be a Oak Tree"
BREAKING: Hezbollah Preparing To Move Scuds From Syria Which Israel Promised To Destroy Two radical developments arising from the Syrian conflict are revealed by debkafile: In an astonishing about face, Turkey has just turned away from its 14-month support for the anti-Assad revolt alongside the West and made common cause with Russia, i.e. Bashar Assad. Further exacerbating fears of a “tard war” involving Israel, Iran and Syria, the Lebanese Hizballah is getting ready to bring its Scud D missiles, which can reach any point in Israel, and other advanced weapons, including anti-air missiles, out of secret storage in Syria and transfer them across the border to Lebanon. Two years ago, Israel issued an ultimatum through Washington that the Scuds would be destroyed if they were moved over to Hizballah’s launching pads in Lebanon. The Lebanese Shiite group has since kept its most advanced hardware stashed at the Syrian Al Hame and Al Zabadani military bases near Damascus. Now that Syrian rebel attacks are closing in on Syrian military targets, Tehran and Hizballah leaders are working on plans to get them across into Lebanon without exposing them to Israeli attack http://debka.com/
Netanyahu to remove West Bank outpost ahead of court deadline Official: Israeli PM to remove West Bank outpost By IAN DEITCH, Associated Press – 3 hours ago JERUSALEM (AP) — An Israeli official says Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has decided to remove a West Bank outpost ahead of a court deadline, and is mulling whether to demolish the buildings or relocate them http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jJYdFIYIyAZ_iL66Zy7YWtf38t_Q? docId=eb011902137345bea54abc795e0132a6
It is this city dump that is being referred to in Matthew 18:8-9 "everlasting fire" and "hell fire" and in Mark 9:43. The word "hell" is "Gehenna" or the "city dump".
God didnt want us to controlled ... HE only gave us 10 Rules! and they would not be that hard if we were not so indoctrinated..... http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/
SEC Preparing For Another Massive Market Crash? Back in October 19, 1988, in response to Black Monday from a year earlier (the SEC is not known for fast turnaround times) a little known SEC rule came into effect, known as Rule 80B, and somewhat better known as "Trading Halts Due to Extraordinary Market Volatility" which set trigger thresholds for market wide circuit breakers - think a wholesale temporary market shutdown. According to Rule 80B (as revised in 1998), the trigger levels for a market-wide trading halt were set at 10%, 20% and 30% of the DJIA. Needless to say, a 30% drop in the market in our day and age when the bulk of US wealth is concentrated in the stock market, would be a shot straight to the heart of the entire capitalist system. Which is why the smallest gating threshold is and has always been the key.However, despite the revision, as anyone who traded stocks on that fateful day in May knows, the market-wide circuit breakers were completely ineffective and unused during the HFT-induced and ETF-facilitated flash crash of May 6, 2010. In turn, the SEC's flash crash response was to implement individual stock-level circuit breakers which however, instead of restoring confidence in the market, have become the butt of daily jokes involving freaked out algos. This was merely the most recent indication of how horribly the SEC's attempts to "regulate" a market it no longer has any grasp or understanding of, backfire on it. However, even that may pale in comparison to just how badly the SEC may have blundered yesterday afternoon, when it proposed yet another revision to its market-wide halt rule. And once again, instead of making traders and investors more comfortable that the SEC is capable and in control, the questions have already come pouring in: is the SEC preparing for another massive market crash http://www.zerohedge.com/news/did-sec-hint-7-market-plunge Politik .... by Cold Play @http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHlYLt7Vt2c TAGS: EU, Crisis, Europe, Currencies, Finance, Greece Traders around the world have been staring at their Bloomberg screens, hardly believing their eyes. The electronic information platform has been showing details for possible Greek Drachma trading. The Bloomberg helpdesk described it as "an internal function which is set up to test." http://rt.com/business/news/greek-drachma-bloomberg-trades-769/ my radio station and website is fightiing the new world order right now!!!!!! (not political crap) - herb -1- station - [KDIX Radio Network] - www.kdixradio.net http://herb1.radiostream123.com or play in winamp/vlc etc : (you may need to visit streams webpage briefly to enable winamp/vlc link to work - still testing this)
the Dragon is Rising: Citgroup offering YUAN BANK ACCOUNTS in London > first time ever. Say hello to the Dragon Empire! LONDON (Dow Jones)--Citigroup (C) said Wednesday that it is launching yuan-denominated bank accounts in the U.K., providing further evidence that banks are stepping up their efforts to help London gain traction as a key offshore yuan-trading center. Citigroup said its new product offering will make it possible for clients to make and collect payments in yuan--or renminbi--in the U.K. and to receive trade financing, foreign-exchange services and hedging solutions geared toward the Chinese currency http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20120530-712502.html Massive sinkhole .. hundreds evacuate .. Need a better picture or video .. wonder where the building is? "The Huffington Post reports that the sinkhole, which is about 1.5 meters (5 feet) deep and 2.5 meters (8 feet) wide, has already caused one building to collapse, It has also caused six buildings to tilt and one to crack, although no injuries have been reported. The Xinhua News Agency, the official news, reported that the sinkhole occurred on Saturday near a middle school in Nanning city’s Xixiangtang district after the school dug a well in hopes of easing a water shortage in the area. According to The Washington Post, more than 800 villagers had to be evacuate in China’s Guangxi province. Sinkholes have been fairly commong in china in recent years, which is known for its karst topography. The sinkholes and land cracks have been common because of intense construction and mining activities in the past years, along with insufficient geological regulation http://www.inquisitr.com/246469/china-sinkhole-forces-844-to- evacuate/#sALPduVDWPcQjjxB.99
Australian markets open sharply lower The Australian share market has opened sharply lower, down one-and-three-quarter per cent and falling below the 4,000-mark. It is the first time since November that the S&P/ASX200 has been below 4,000. It reached 3,984.3 on November 25 http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-business/aust-shares-open-sharply-down-20120604-1zqvn.html
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